HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 578, October 19, 1920F•� ..
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_
Satter john, -S.
commies Toner Tully offered the following•motion: That the request of 0. A.
Rueeell-.for wharfage for showbaat.be referred to the Commis eloner of Public Finance. :
wharfage for
with power to act. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton,'
.. t'. •.. '.'
Baker, Tally, Williams and Satterjohn,-6.
commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the- oommieeioner.o! Finance
• John UnAere
be authorized to maks correction in the assessment of John RanAart on. Tax Bill #3271.
r Tax Bill'#
3271 oorreo-
he having been aeseesed with a church building which was removed from the property in
;L. Lion.
1918. Lddptbd upon call of the roll by the following vote:.Yeas, Baton. Baker,,
Tully, Williams and Satterjohn,-6.
Commlesioner Williams,oifered the following motions I'move that Lhe deed flrom
! Cemetery
Fannie Dunn, widow of. J. Frank Dunn, transferring to O..C. Coleman the north one-hal!
,. Fannie Dunn,,
of lot #331 in Block #21 oak Grove Cemetery, be approved and 'entered Upon the Dead
widow of J.
tr Frank Dunn to.
Book of Oak Grove OemeterT. Adopted -upon ''call o!' the roll by the following vote:
c.0.0eleman. ti
yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tally, Williams and Satterjohn,-S.
on motion of Commissioner Tully the opinion of Roscoe Reed, City Solicitor, 1
relative to the communication from E.W.Bagby, President of the Board of Trustees of'.
.the Carnegie Public Library, in which he sake that the Comciesionere authorise the
lio,Library .
said Board to contract a loan sulfioient to cover the needed expense of running the
Board. _ tl
library, wae,reoeived and filed upon call of the roll by the lollowing.votes Yess,
Baton,.Baker, Tully, Williams and Satterjohn,-B.
on motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 8 yeas.'
AP'E-" j2d7V
OCTOBER 19th:"1920.
At a Call Meeting o! the Board of Oommissionere, held in the Commissionere�
Chamber in the City gall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Ootober 19th, 1920, at.10 o'clock A. M.
! .t
Upon call oi.tbe roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton,
Tn11y,.Will1nme and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. _
'Mayor Katterj'ohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpoes.of employing
,t attorneys to aeeiet the Law Dept. of -the City in handling the injunction suit brought
against the City by the Paducah Wallway and others, and such other business as may
come before the Board.
Mayor Ketterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommunication from
W.k.Barry and.
W. A., Barry said J. D. Mooquot regarding employment.to aeeiet the Law Department of the
" J.D.Moognot,.
employed LoCity
in handling the injunction suit brought against the City by the Paducah Railway I
aeeiet law
„ dept. of City
Company and others in the Court of the Honorable Walter Evans, be received and filed,
in injunction
suit filed by
! and that #600.00 be paid to said attorneys as a retainer in accordance with the terme.of.
Paducah Ry.Oo.:
:. V8.01ty.
maid communication, same to be appropriated and paid out of the General .Fun& and charged
S to the account of costa and suite, and that said attorneys be employed -under the.terms
of said letter to assist in said litigation. Adopted upon osll.of the roil by tIIe
` •,.:
tollawing vote: Yess,..Eaton, Tully,.Williame and Satterjohn,-4.
commissioner Tully offered the lollowi ng Lions That Yancey b Johnson be.nliowsd
-Yancey m John-
the -sum of #161.29; being the cost of intersections due from the City of Paducah for
eon allowed
$161.29, cost.
the sidewalk. improvement on South side of Huebande.Btreet and both sides of Seventh
of intereeotione
due from City
Street between Hunbande:Street and a point 100 ft. south of Marra* Avenue. Adopted
'•. for sidewalks,
etc. on'Hns-
°upon call of the roil by.ths following voW s Yeae, Baton, Tully, Williams and Matter-
•bends A 7th Ste.
john, -4.
r� 9.
eta •. - }
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,. No. d ? 9
Commissioner s Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_
i, Commissioner Telly offered the following motion, B. 0. $vans and Mrs. Lula Austin
':having signed bonds for 10 year payment plan for the sidewalk improvement on 16this%
8. 0. Evans and
Mrs.Lula Austin ;between Broadway and Jefferson Streets, I move that the City Solicitor be instructed
10 year payment
plan Bonds for to prepare Bonds to be issued by the City of Paduoah for the amount of said oetimates, .
sidewalk improve
Ment on 16th St. ;$4T0.96. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote, YeasSalton Roll
beto. B'way and G ' • y•
Jefferson St. L:Williams and Katterjohn,-4.
On motion the Board adjourned by 4 yeas.
Ad o p e d b+l'-2'` ��_-� 19 O > i l���y►/' EJ:G
lig• /V. &n,ti'�/l�._—.. 11TAYbli.
OCTOBER 80th. 19eO.
'At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiesionev's I
1 ( Chamber in the City Hail, Padnoah, Sentuoky, on Wednesday Obtober 80th 1980 at 10
o•olook A. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commie.
I� sionere Baker, Tully and Mayor Katterjohn,-S.
Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call, to -wit: To allow pay roll for the
3 first half of Ootober 1920, and any other' buelnee e'that might oome before the Board.
i� Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the a000unts
nt s Co�'r of
o�� for the first half of the month of Ootober, amounting to $17,067.70, ae per the
no accounts
-for first half of I report of the Com'r of Pinanoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the
g October, 1920.
. money appropriated from the General Pund to pay eame. Adopted upon oall of the roll
iby the following votes Yeas, Baker, Tully and Katterjohn,-3.
�On motiont�e Board adjourned by S yeas.
19 Al-'
.• i
it OOTOBIM 2670, 1920.
At a Regular Meeting of the Boer& of Commissioners, held In the Commissioners$
�( Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, anOotober 26th, 1920. Upon call of the,
I roll. the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Baker, Tully,.
• I
i Williams and Mayor Kattarjohn,-6.
On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were
&&opted as read upon call of the roll b the follow!
p y ng vote, Yeas, Baton, Bakes, Tully
Williams and Ketterjohn.-6.
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that D. Harry Jamieson
D. Harry Jamieson � be paid the sum of $130.63, balanoe due him on oontraot dated June 16th, 1920, for
i. $180'6$ bola°oe II complete plans end drawings for Nureee' Home of Riverside Hospital, said amount being
due him on con-
tract dated June in fall payment to dste, Dame to be oharged to the Contingent Pund, and the Commis -
16th, 1920, Purees
Home. ". stoner of Pinanoe is hereby authorised to pay said amount. Adopted upon call of the
L roll by the follows vote: Yeas Eaton -Baker, Tully, Williams and Kntter ohn 6.'..
• .. I� following . . r y. j r-
�� Mayor Katterjubn offered the following motion; I move that the history of
History of Pada-
oah.Dy Prod G. li Paducah ae embraoed in the "Story of Paducab" by Pred 0. 9euman, be endorsed by the.
Neuman. Board .of Commissioners as the oftiotal history of the City of Paducah, ,and that the
I; Commissioner of,Publio Finance be inetruoted to purchase from the author ten copies,
Ij of said book, to be used in the different departments of the City, said expenditure
i to be appropriated.from and paid out of the General Expenditure Pund. Adoptad upon
J : call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and
Katterjohn,-6. I.