HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 577, October 14, 1920• � � rrv.'it'i�� 1':•M�n'n p R. ,. � : c .tti d t�,YCi F tr,,i - s°'3" A' x'r '�1� \..ve r �. �ry'ra+r s -_ �w a r,�, j ,:�+?. � ."
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City o! Paducah �9I_' ''
Commissioner Eaton offared.tha following motion: I move that oomnupioaLioa '
iY. Actuarial .the
:Burn u oommunica- .from U. Aotuarial Bureau be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the
-following vote: Yeae, Baton, Pully, Williams and Batterjohn,-4.
On motion theB�oaar& adjourned by 4 yea@.
Adopted _6 L-e_I9Z:±,r,)V"FBlD
OCTOBER 14th, 1920.
At a Oell Mooting of the Board of Oommiesioners, held in the Commissioners'
Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, H,entuoky, on Thursday October 14th..1980, at d
j o'olook P. M. Upon oall of the roll the following answered to their name Commie-
sioners Baton, Baker. Pully and Wllliame.-4.
Mayor Pro ,tem, W. V. Eaton. Preeiding.
Mayor Pro tem. W. V. Baton. stated reasons for oall to -wit: To adopt an
ordinanos assessing the abutting property on the South Bide of Husband Street,
q the West property line of. Sixth Street;to the East property line of Seventh Street,`
li and an both eldes.ot Seventh Street. from the South property line .of Husbands Street
to a point 100 feet south Of Murray Avenue,,
Commiseiocar Baton offered the following.motiont I move that an ordinance en;-
titled."An Ordinanoe Assessing the Abutting Property on the South Side of Husbands
Street, from the West Property line of Sixth Street to the East Property line of
I Seventh Street,'an& on Both Sides of Seventh Street, from the South Property, line o!
South side of Husbands Street t0 a Point 100 HoeL South of Murray Avenue, to the City of Peduoah.
Husbands Street
�. and South Sevan;h,- Bentuaky, the Bum of $2.68$ per Abutting Foot For The Cost of Oonstruotion 0onorete,
Street. assess -
meat Ordinanoe. Sidewalks, Curbs, and.0utters, and all Heoeeeary Manholes, Iptakee,.Bewere and Catch .
9 Basine.therefor. And Providing That The Coat For Driveways, Approaohea and Drain Pipes
Abutting on Said Property be ohargeable to and Assessed Against the Property Reoeiving,
ij the Benefit of same, as Shown by the Engineer's Estimate and on File in hie office,.
I end Providing that: said Assessment maybe paid in ten equal installments, being one "
eaoh year for a period of ten years," be Adopted. Adopted upon oall of the roll by
the following votes Yeae, Eaton, Eaker,'Tully and Williams, -4..
On motion. the Board adjourned by 4 yeas.
Ade}ted /�19 °. AP-PR,pV-1-171")
.r.r .
I oC40BHR loth, 1980.
At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'
Chamber in the City Hall, Paduaeh, 8eptuoky, On Ootobor 18th, 1980. Upon call of the .
roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners, Beton, Enker, Tully,
1{ Williams and Mayor satterjohn.-6.
{! On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were
adopted as read upon oall of the roll by.the following vote: yeas. I9ston, Baker,
Tully, Williams and Katt erjohn,-6. .
R. Mayor Satterjohn offered the following motion: I move that a oommunioation from
18th at. Baptist',
Churoh Oommunioa-
the 12th Street Baptist Churob be.reoeived and filed. Adopted upon oall.of the roll
_ tions
by the following.vote: Yeae, Eaton. Baker, Tully. Williams and Satterjohn.-6:
Mayor Satterjohn offered the following motion: I move that H. A. Aokerman be
tonus of abeenoe.IIi'
anted a leave of absenos of tour days, oommeno
BT y , ipg October 18th. 1920.. Adopted upon
Ih' pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Baton, Eakor. Tully, Williams and