HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 577, October 14, 1920• � � rrv.'it'i�� 1':•M�n'n p R. ,. � : c .tti d t�,YCi F tr,,i - s°'3" A' x'r '�1� \..ve r �. �ry'ra+r s -_ �w a r,�, j ,:�+?. � ." - ,.:.,.ale .`t-"� .:,r•—_..r,�r.... a..�..,.:s:�iu.:-�'= :rte . s �_... r.... .. � . : Commissioner's Proceedings, City o! Paducah �9I_' '' Commissioner Eaton offared.tha following motion: I move that oomnupioaLioa ' iY. Actuarial .the :Burn u oommunica- .from U. Aotuarial Bureau be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the tiiw -following vote: Yeae, Baton, Pully, Williams and Batterjohn,-4. i ` On motion theB�oaar& adjourned by 4 yea@. q Adopted _6 L-e_I9Z:±,r,)V"FBlD OCTOBER 14th, 1920. At a Oell Mooting of the Board of Oommiesioners, held in the Commissioners' h Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, H,entuoky, on Thursday October 14th..1980, at d j o'olook P. M. Upon oall of the roll the following answered to their name Commie- sioners Baton, Baker. Pully and Wllliame.-4. Mayor Pro ,tem, W. V. Eaton. Preeiding. i f� Mayor Pro tem. W. V. Baton. stated reasons for oall to -wit: To adopt an tf ordinanos assessing the abutting property on the South Bide of Husband Street, tram q the West property line of. Sixth Street;to the East property line of Seventh Street,` li and an both eldes.ot Seventh Street. from the South property line .of Husbands Street to a point 100 feet south Of Murray Avenue,, .. 1 Commiseiocar Baton offered the following.motiont I move that an ordinance en;- n-titled. titled."An Ordinanoe Assessing the Abutting Property on the South Side of Husbands Street, from the West Property line of Sixth Street to the East Property line of " i .. I Seventh Street,'an& on Both Sides of Seventh Street, from the South Property, line o! .�. ' South side of Husbands Street t0 a Point 100 HoeL South of Murray Avenue, to the City of Peduoah. Husbands Street . �. and South Sevan;h,- Bentuaky, the Bum of $2.68$ per Abutting Foot For The Cost of Oonstruotion 0onorete, of Street. assess - meat Ordinanoe. Sidewalks, Curbs, and.0utters, and all Heoeeeary Manholes, Iptakee,.Bewere and Catch . I ' 9 Basine.therefor. And Providing That The Coat For Driveways, Approaohea and Drain Pipes -;; Abutting on Said Property be ohargeable to and Assessed Against the Property Reoeiving, ;'•i ij the Benefit of same, as Shown by the Engineer's Estimate and on File in hie office,. I end Providing that: said Assessment maybe paid in ten equal installments, being one " eaoh year for a period of ten years," be Adopted. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Eaton, Eaker,'Tully and Williams, -4.. On motion. the Board adjourned by 4 yeas. da C Ade}ted /�19 °. AP-PR,pV-1-171") .r.r . I oC40BHR loth, 1980. ' At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall, Paduaeh, 8eptuoky, On Ootobor 18th, 1980. Upon call of the . roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners, Beton, Enker, Tully, ;•';,; 1{ Williams and Mayor satterjohn.-6. {! On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read upon oall of the roll by.the following vote: yeas. I9ston, Baker, Tully, Williams and Katt erjohn,-6. . R. Mayor Satterjohn offered the following motion: I move that a oommunioation from 18th at. Baptist', ; Churoh Oommunioa- the 12th Street Baptist Churob be.reoeived and filed. Adopted upon oall.of the roll " _ tions ' by the following.vote: Yeae, Eaton. Baker, Tully. Williams and Satterjohn.-6: H.A.lokermnn, Mayor Satterjohn offered the following motion: I move that H. A. Aokerman be tonus of abeenoe.IIi' anted a leave of absenos of tour days, oommeno BT y , ipg October 18th. 1920.. Adopted upon :' Ih' pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Baton, Eakor. Tully, Williams and ,,�•^ `�'