HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 575, October 5, 1920I •
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah
OCTOBER 4th. 1920.
At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Oommiesionere, bold in the Oommieolonera�
Chamber in the City Hall; Paducah, Kentucky, on October 4th, 1980..'Vpon.oall of the
' roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Baton, Baker', Williams and
j,Msyor Eitterjohn,-4.
On motion of Oommieeioner Baton the minutes of the previous meetings were.
adopted as read and correotsd upon call of the roll by the following vote:,Yeae, Beton,
�• Beier, Williams and Kattarjohn,-4.
ti On motion of Mayor Katterjohn a oomomnioation from the first Baptist Ohuroh
Fire% Baptist I of Paducah protesting against the Exhibition of loving Pictures on Sunday was reosivsd
Church oommnnl- 1
cation protest- "and filed upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Baker, Williams and, .
Ing against
Moving Pictures ;Matterjohn,-4.
on Sunday. `
II Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion, I,move that the communication
Wm.Humblee and 'from Wm. Humbled and others be received and filed and referred to the Mayor and Commie -
others oommuni-' 1
cation in re stoner of Public Property with power to.sot. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the
Colored Hospital.
t following,vcte: Yeas, Baton;'Eakor, Williams and Kattarjohn,-4.
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the contract bo -
Contract beta.
City of Paducah ;tween the'City of Paducah and the Paducah Electric Company for lighting the new Island I•
& Paducah
f• Eleotrlo Co. for Creak Bridge. dated September 30th, 1920, be received and filed* Adopted upon call ,of
lighting Island
Crack Bridge. the roll by tha.following vote: Yeas, Baton, Baker, Williams and ratterjohn,-4.
Commiesioner Baton offered the following motion: I move that the report.of the"I;S';';
" Report Chief of Chief of Polioe,for.ths month of September 1920 be received and filed. Adopted upon
Police for Y:
September 1920. oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Baker, Williams and ratterjohn,-4.
Commissioner Eaton offerod the following motion: I move that the report of '
Report Chief of. the Chief of the Piro Depariment'for the month of September 1920 be received and filed. .
i lire Dept. for
September 1920. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote% Yeae, Baton, Baker, Williams sad
a. Katterjohn,-4.
Commissioner Baker offerod the following motion= I move that Richard Bell be
Y Riobard Bell extended 60 days time on his contract for grovelingCedar Streat.and Lincoln Avenue
extension of �-
contract Cedar as per requoet of the contractor. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote$
St. a Lincoln ; . .
_ Ave.. Yeas. . Eaton, Baker, Williams and ratterjoha,4.
! On motion of Commissioner, Baton the Board adjourned to meet 'tomorrow. morning
at 18 o'clock, Tuesday Ootober Bth, 1920, upon call of the roll by the following votoI.." w,
Yeas. Eaton, Bake;, Williams and Katterjohn,-4.
} i hdc; led _L'_ //___!? .Z o' ?�-L.l`��':/�V _I _I..)..
. j. OCTOBER 6th. 1920.
At an- adjourned meeting of the Board of Commiselonere, ha1Q in the Oommieoioaere►.
Chamber in la the City Hall, Ps,
duosh, Kentucky, on Tuesday October Bth,..1920, at 'le o'clock ;`•_1- ._`
s ....;.
jA. M. Opoa pall of the roil the following answered to their names
i Commissioners
Eaton, Tully. and Ma,yor.ra,tter.john,-3.
Comm' aloner Tally offered the following %otiont That the accounts for the last
-halt of September 1920, as per report of. the Commissioner. of Pinanoo filed herewith, '
Repo;t'Com'r. of.; y:
s Last o Accounts 'amounting to.,023,406.T2, be allowed and ordered paid, and the money appropriated from
t Sept.
1920, the Genera l Pend to pay aemo. Adopted upon call of the roll .by the following vote:
Yeas.. Baton. Tully and Katter ohn -3
;t t
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah
Commissioner Tully.offored the following motions that.the report of the o e-
Reporb Oom1r•
eloner of Pinanoe for the month of September 1920 be received and tiled and ordered
ofinano@ for
Sep . 1920..-p
published in the official Hewspapsr. Adopts&, upon call of the roll by the following
voter Yeas, Eaton. Tally and &ttterjoha;-3.
Commise loner Tally offered the following motions That Yancey & Johnson be allowed
Yancey b
Johnson n1lo-the euro of 81.38., being the cost of the intereootion.of the alley on the.wnet side off
set $04.52 p . . _ ))\ .1 .
16th SbreeL.between Broadway. and
Jefferson Streets. Adopted upon call of the refs by r ,
16th St.
B'way b_ Jeff.,
the following vote:.Yeae; Eaton, Tully and Satterjohn,-3.
Commissioner Tull offered the following
y ng motions the Mayor and Commis-
< Borrow money,
wioner of Pablio Finance be authorised to borrow from the Citizens savings Bank for
the use and benefit of the.0lty of Paducah the sum o! Biltsan Thousand Dollare same`
to bs repaid on October 30, 1920, and"pledging as security the taxes.to be collected for.+,._ ,
the second half of the"year 1920 and the good 'faith and credit of the City of Peduoshe
f „t
Adopted upon call of the roll by the lollowing.vote: Yess, Eaton, Tull_ y and Satter-.
t : ;1
john, -3.
Oommieeioner Williams entered the meeting.
w �t•
:: On motion the Board adjourned; upon call of the roll by the following. votes"Yeasi
Baton, Tully; Williams and Zatterjohn,-4.
t �� � ' � r
Ad"o?Icr1 ._=/R'•I_...� _19 �.° APsT�.RQV�+7ID ,"1;
OCTOBER 11th. 1920.'
a r
At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'
Chamber in the Oity Hail, Paducah* Kentucky, on October 11th, 1920. Open call of the
roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Beton, Tally, Williams and:'. "
It f
Mayor Satter John, -4.
On motion of Cammiseloner Eaton the minutes of the previdue meetings were
adopted ae read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Baton, Tully,
Williams and Satterjohn,-4.
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motlong.I move that the communication
from Carnegie Public Library Hoard .be received and flled'and referred to the. City
lic. Library
8olioitor for his opinion in writing thereon. Adopted upon call of the roll by the
Board oommu-
following vote: Yeas, Eaton,.Tully; Williams and Eatterjohn,-4.
Mayor SaLterjohn offered -the following. motion: I'move that the resignation of
Helen Donald -C
Mies Helen Donaldson, as Public Health Nnree for the 01ty'of Paducah, to take offset on
eon reeigna-,
tion accepted.
Ootober 13th, 1920, be received and filed, and that said resignation be accepted.
Adopted upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and
Setter john, -4.
Mayor 'Satterjohn offered the following motion: I move that Mies Alice Hooaan .i
c ;A• Mise Alio 4
be appointed as Public Health Nurse for the City of Paducah to succeed Mise Helen �.
Roonan, appoiat-
ed Public.' f„
Donaldson, said appointment to.00mmenoe and take effect with and inolnding'October 14th
Health .aurae..`
1920; and to oontinue during the remainder of the year 1920. Adopted.upon call of thel '• ,""
roll by the iollowing.votet Yoae, Salon, Tully, Williams and 8atterjohn,-4. (
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the election officers be.
-` r
2160tion offs-
allowed the sum of #3.00 per day for their services. at. the6applementary day October
core allowed .i
12th,.19E0, and the Commissioner of Finance be,authorlsed to pay the expense of the Bap-.,
X3.00 per. day.
plsmentary.Registration, amounting to 9410.00 and that the money, be appropriated "iron
the General. Fund to pay eamee Adopted upon call of the roll by' the following 'vote:
'Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Utterjohn;-4e'
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