HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 572, September 21, 19207- 0. 's Proceedings, City of Paducah on=issioner SEPTEMBER 21st, 1920. At a Call Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Tuesday, September 21st. 1920, a' 2 o'clock P. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their'namee- Commie- oJonero Eaton, Tully, Williams and Mayor Kaiterjohn.4. is Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -Wit- To adopt a motion allowing the • claim of B. R. Bradshaw, Jr., and any other business that may come before the Board. Mayo, Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the claim of B. R. Bradshaw,, Jr. which has been filed for $1731.70, less leaving a credit of.$100.00. 1 n 3. R. BiW �adsha 'balance claimed of $1631.70, be allowed, and that said sum of 41631.70 be paid to.eaid Claim allowed Bradshaw in full settlement -of said claim and that same be oha!rgbd to the account for Engineering. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully Williams and Mattorjohn.,-4. Oh motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the.following'vbte Yqao; Eaton-, Y., William and ratterjohn.-4. A Adopt, VIT CA -6 SEPTEMBM 22nd, 1920. Ll At a Call Meeting of th e, Boar d of Commissioners. hold In the Commissioners' Chamber, in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky., on ".1ednesday,. September 22nd. at: .1920, LI 16 otolook A.'1{. Upon call of the roll the following abewered-to th6i-.* names: Commieoionore.Laton, Baker, Tully and. Willi 'Mayor pro tem. W. V. Eaton, presiding. 'Mayor Pro ten,, W. V. Eaton, stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpos o.. receiving. opening and accepting bias for P. T. & Ai Refunding Poneo, and such other fft business as might come before the Board. i, %%C qh doisoo; Tully offored the ,following .motion: I move that tba.bid of Season— P.T. & A. Bonde( good & Mayor, of par plus $60.00, lose $1250.60 for.expensoe; The Ferrier ?,Trust & Seasongqod & Mayeri Harri- Savings Bank, of par plus' $698.00: the First National Bank, of per plus $260.00; Trust & * Savings Bank. se Halsey Stuart & Company, of Ynr and accrued Interest, lo01230.0 0; Elston & Company ji let listl Bink. Halsey, Stivart of par and $65.00, lnee $1206.00; Xhufmann-Smith-Emo'rt & Company, of per and accrued Co. Elston & Co: interest, 1088..S'160..00;. and tho'Moohanioe Trust & Savings Bank and: Security.Truet i+ Mechanics Trust, Savings Bank b;Company, of jrr plus $160.00, for the $66,000.0o.of Rofundingbonds be received and end. Security Trust Co. bidir., filed. Adopted upon oall.of the roll by the following vote- Yeas,. Eaton. Faker., Tully and Williams, =4 Commis elonor - Tully offorqd, th'e following motion.:. The bid of the Harris Trust & Savings Bank of Chidagg, Illinois' of par plus 0698.00, being the highest and best Harris. ."Truet & Savings Bank r. bid for the issue of 05,000.00 in Refundi . ng Bonds, I move that it be accepted and the of Chioagoj. Illi Bid accepted bonds sold to tbam,.and that'thi Commissioner of Public. Finance be instructed to re­ P.T.-& A.Re- A. lnnding•Boada. turn the certified ohookjtb the unsuccessful bidder j Adopted upon call of.the roll -by the following vote: yeae. Eaton, Baker, Tully and Williame,-4. On .motion. the Board ad jourtied. by 4 yeao* ad AZ_ i Lo U V j1j_U chy ck�ft A i. Ak'