HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 569, September 17, 1920' ' "d'a+^-'4.aH >.•snt` tisvn. T1, ..�. � r� s `�'1xJ :.,+.�.'t�•r .1. K,., R `7. -ex, t« -+cr'g h ,i' P - r.',f.•p.+ 14 777 No, Nif .. tea`• � r ," f . +-.J�i�L34 .L��fil aY^�.. b �+...�.Z1:�L ., ' ?0�. r. r�'`'YT'.F?4 w•:,��y.�Y rt, t-.- rr;t ,•; r.:.�agt Commissioner's. Proceedings, City of Paducah 191 g Commissioner Baker offered the. following motions I move that the salary of Olyde i Clyde Bell salary Bell. an employee of the Department of Public works. be increased from $126.00 to ' increased, $160.00 per mouth as of September let, 1920. Adopted upon call of the,roll by..the .. following Vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker. Tully, Williams and Katterjohn.-6. �? C Mayor Satierjohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance creating Ordinance creating the position of City Engineer. and prescribing the duties. tiring the ocmyensation position of City it Engineer. thereof. and repealing certain ordinances in conflict therewith, be now adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Baker. Tully, �T Williams and Katterjohn,-6.. �r. h. Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: I move that Moclain MitohoU be 1. McClain Mitchell. appointed.City Engineer. and that hie services commence on the 16th day of Septsmber. appointed city 1920. and that his pay be charged to the Engineering Department of Public Works dur- t' Engineer. a A j1 ing tho balance of the year 1920, because of the tact that the appropriation to'cover. such engineering services was made and apportioned to the Department of Public Works. j� Adopted upon call of the roll b the following vote: Yoao Eaton FAkor, Tull I Y g � � � Y, j, p.N Williamo and KAttorJohn,-C. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That an ordinance entitled, "AB. 3RDIDANCE TO ISSUE REFUNDING BONDS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY. IN THE SUM OF Refunding ordinance P.To&L.R.R.Co. SIXTY -PIPE THOUSAND ($66,000.00) DOLLARS FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFUNDING BONDS OF LIKB 4 Bonds. AMOUNT ISSUED TO THE PADUCAH, TENNESSEE AND ALABAMA RAILROAD COMPANY ON OCTOBER let, N 1890,".be introduced and lay over until the next regular meeting. Adopted upon call t of the roll by the following vote; Yeas. Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Kat,terJohn ,+6.;,, i it • Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that 0. W. Morrison be j" allowed the sum of $40.00 in full settlement of claim for damage.to buggy and horse, 'N O.w.Morrieion & k Mre.C.w.Morrision and in full for .personal injury to himself when accident happened at '6th m Norton St. claim allowed. '+ r and that $10.00 be allowed Mrs. C. W. Morrison for personal injury received by her at the same time and place in full settlement. Adopted upon call of the roll by the'. "'- 3 I: following vote. :.Yeas, Eaton, Baker. Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6.. - On motion the Board adjourned by 6 yeas. SEPTEMBER 17TH. 1920. At a Call Meeting -of the Board of -Commissioners, held in the Commiaeionere' " r, ;Chamber .in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on September 17th, 1920, at 2 P. M. j;Upon call of the roll the following answered to Aheir names; Commieaioners Eaton, ;.Baker, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for cell to -wit; For the purpose of .presenting an ordinance to buy a auraes' home, and passing an ordinance amending the Function . fOrdlnanoe. Commissioner Williams offered the following motion; I move the* an crdinacoe. entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING, DIRECTING AND EMPOWlERING'F. W. KATTERJOHN. 1SAYOH r ' Mary Ella Wahl I:OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, TO PURCHASE THE PROPERTY OF MARY ELLA VIAHL ON NORTH'T.? •'�( r, Property to be purchased for i'FOURTH STREET BETWEEN HARRISON AI}D CLAY STREETS FOR A NURSES ''H01�, AND THE AMOUNT TO, Nurses' Home. r IIBE PAID THEREYOR," be introduoed and lay over for one week in its presont completed. a form. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Williams and Katterjohn.-4. .•' , ,; .I /R� .. �•-•. .y, ..,,. ,._•..�....�I.-+-..-.-..�...•-r ..,a...o•�-..+.c,cw+rz a-rc�w�an:lc.ovz.:.fw«.tuu,c�Y+•s.i.'�V17F4. w+�D,'•+� r. .rn•^ ,� lya„yp. ' � f' <r.t .�,'�a�C,R�.it�'`w: L'Y'ty,� � .';�� . ,�r�• :F� re• f r :� . > .�. '� rY� ! •., i� } .•ran- ”. N°- t ` Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled,I "All. ORDINANCE AMENDING, EXTENDING AND RE -ORDAINING SECTIONS $ and 6 OF All ORDINANCE.. " ENTITLED, 'AN ORDINANOB DETERMINING 1'HB'FUNCTIONS OF TH8 DEPARTMENTS OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Function Ordi-, nano• amended.d PUBLIC FINANCE. PUBLIC SAFETY, PUBLIC WORKS AIFD PUBLIC PROPERTY, AND PRESCRIBING THE. DUTIES OF THE COMMI99IONSR9 OF THE CIT% OF PADUQAH, KENTUOKY,' WHICH WAS ADOPTED'BY' THB. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ON THE 6TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1920," be adopted. Adopted , upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas,, Eaton; Baker,'Williame and Flitter- � r ;,E k t John. -4. r 1.- On motion the Board adjourned by 4 yeas. P. n. Adopt _�C 19r�1�-A t� cty u..i AYgF[ SEPTEMBER 18th. 1920.- 920. At At a Call Meeting of the Board of Commiesioners,:.held in the Commissioners' =" hi Chamber in'the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Saturday.. September,18th,.1920, it r. 11 A. M. Upon call of the roll the following it'wered to their namee: Coiamissionere pup!. .Baker., Tolly, Williams and Mayor ratterjohn,-4. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons.lor call to -wit: For the purpose of adopting motion inoreasing the pay of laborere 1n the'Street Department, and any other baAideee 4 �' `that might come before the Board. .' , e Commieeioner Tully offered the following motion: That the sum 'of Thirty & Uo/ Chs.e.O.Olark - 100 be allowed to Chad. C• Clark in lull settlement of.olaim for injuries while in the t: claim for. in,.urios. Iamploy.of the Street Department, same -to be charged to Coate and Suite. Adopted upon Cdll of the roll by tho following vote; Yeae, Baker, 'Tully, Williams and Khtterjohn,-4.I ' Coumissioner Baker offer the.following motion: That the pay of the laborere. in • a Street Dept. "the Streot Department be increased froze 33-1/3 oonte per 'hour to 40 cents per hour., I ; .laborers wages g$ri .; increased:. ;effective as of September 18th, 1920. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following " i�• r, .JvotG: Yeae, Faker, Tully;.Williams and Mtterjohn,-4: • ,�'• !� i Onmottos a Board adjourned by 4 yeas. ' yr SEPTEMBER 20th. 1920. 1 t tc' At a.Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commieeion- ere' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on September 28th, 1920. Upon call'`' £� yof.the roll the following answered to their named% Commissioners Eaton; Eaker, Tnlly, k ". 9,Williams and Mayor Katterjohn.-6. On motion of Commieeloner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were ;.. adopted io:read upon call of the roll by the following vote:.Yons,'Faton, Faker, Tully,; Q �Williame and Mg3torjohn,-6. �.. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; .I move that the "communication h; ' ' • . Paducah Rail- way Co, oommu-;from the Paducah. Railway Company be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roil �... " . nioation re- r r:,.• ' garding rates.;by the following.vote: Yeae,.Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and Xhtterjohn,-6..: iMayor Kattorjohn offered the following -motion: I.move that the oommaaloationl. W. M. Mitchell: from 'W. M. Mltohell, City 'Engineer, be received and.filed. Adopted upon'oall of the roll. t' "City Engr.t commnnioatiba.^by thb-fpllov ng votet Yeast Baton, Baker, Tully,'Williame and Xatterjohn,-6e < .'w'a u:'GJ:u.ii.iR.'.5:w: }rrt'_ C a. ....:. , ..•us ... , ... .._ -. ., . • _ .--. .� _. 4 1:.. .I' ;wi¢l'SG�'f - ..>>. .w..,:V :.F•'V.larM1, .VY'.: rY�'xL•�.H'r, Vis;.. `,'..ii.,, •T- .