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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 565, August 30, 1920(.r' "'C+"r'Ca.�6�.. �, fH„ �:w ':n .e'(•h� ah 7'uP.} s'"v`.,t �.i�i J-dn ex^7. -..w {p.,*. �+tM J ...,a �f,-s: �,S,S1r�, .. ' .'i%'+i�.�nnlh',:�1i:. Nr+,O�.!Itl'%'6v..w•'4 GI'NY '¢YN"i :`I .i.:i 1 No._. Commissioner's Proceedings; City of Paducah AUGUST 30th. 1920 is .., :.;• !; At n regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the oom :,•% missioners chamber, in the City Hull, Paducah, Kentucky, on August 30th, 19E0. Upon il call of.tho roll, the following answered to their names; Commiesionors,- Eaton, Eaker,. I'•,•!':;+- Tully, Williams and.`icyor Kattorjohn,- 6 On motion of Commissioner Eaton, the minutoe of the nre'vious meetings were j adopted as read, upon call of. the roll by the following vote, Yeas, Eaton, Ecker, r' Tully, Ylilliams and K4 (.ter john,-6, jl On motion of Mayor Yatterjohn the communication from Ray S. Blinn,. Engineer; - `�Oomnunsention of d Ray .4iBlinn,.Engr.,kWAD received and tiled upon call of the the following vote; voce; 19aton,la.k'ar �Tally, 'Williams and Kn.tterjohn,-6,. Commissioner Tull offered the follows pa Y ng motion; That'tho 9trset De rtmont I Pay Roll Street Ipay roll, for the woek ending August 27th, 1920, amounting to.:,180:00 be allowod and Dept. week ending .; Aug. E7, '1920. orderedpald and tha money appropriated from the General Fund to pay ea{ae. Adopted .;;upon call of .the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, F.akor, Tully, flilliams and Yatterjohn,-6. �( Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; The' cum of Fifty &.no/100 Oemetery Deed Idollare having been paid into the treasury as evidenced by the receipt filed heroviith, J.B.Pureley. III move that Heed be executed to J.B. Pureley'for lot 79 in block 4 on Ford StroeL f .. ;!between Hank and Chamhiin Streets In Oak Grove Cemetery, Adopted upon call of the roll) i-by the following vote; Yeaa, Eaton,.Eeker, Tully, Williams and Y.nttorjohn,-6,. National Surety. i� Commissioner Tully offered the following. motion; That the National Surety Co; Co. bonds released I' on the following ;pe released on the bonds of the following parties; - - parties:- Thos.N.Haaelip Thos. 11. Hazelip, . City Attorney Prank Dunn (; rani: Dunn ......... ... City t7oil:hor. F �.. .. I ? Henry Henry BpAley.............. Patrolmwn. Ivorlott Joe Ivorlett.... ... Patrolman Jamos'l..Clark. ii Jas.Yl. Clark.............. Patrolman.. I . Said parties being no longer in the employ of the City of Paducah in auoh positions, I. (!Adopted upon oell of tho.roll by the following vote: Yons, Eaton, Ealtor,-Tully ,1 I IYlilliams.and Katterjohn,-6. On motion the Board Adjourned by 6'yeas. "•a:':: Valt t' AUGUST 316t, 1920. t' Ate Call ?,testing of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' w !;Chamber in the City Hall,. Paducah, Yontucky, o.n•AW. mst 31st, 1920, at 11:30'.. Al.',. ( j i. Upon oall of the roll tho•follovinr; answered to their names; Commi'ussoners Eaton,' t - Ip4Eaker, Tully and Payor Knttorjohn,-4. . Gp^' Mayor Kattor,john Stated reasons for 0611 to-wit: To accept work on R. 16th Street,� Fbetween Broadvmy. and Jefferson Street, as constructed by Yancey ec Johnson,. Contractors, Lnd.any other businona'thnt may oomo.boforo the Board. '.I Commissioner rAkor offered the following motion; As the work on Borth 1Gth 9troe't, F Pbotn6on.Rroadcmy and Jofforson 3troot has boon completol by Ynnoey h.'Johnnon, eon- aooantanoo of ';work�1trnotoro, anthe c on it. 16th ,troet, d property o,.-mors of aaid Stroot having Loon dnl;l notif.lod acoording • as conatruotod by. �to law b r+ y publication of a notiuo notifying them to appoar before the Board of Commie- y Yancey & Johnson. �oionore on the 30th, day of AuF;uat 1920 at 11 o'clock-A. M., at, the office of the• Com- ..' i;miooionor, of Publio ';lorka in tho.Cit;/ Hn.11 Pn.dnocih, Kontunl:y, to make any -oomplainti • ! they t a ' pgmay have au to ^rhy said work should'not be m000ptod, an¢ no oomplainta hn.vtnt; boon U Itmado by sold. property owners, I nor+ move that the work 11. 16th 9t1 eat, botwoan • f ns w '�