HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 561, August 5, 1920fl.41..�„ *�,p�. f,.0 aaw-.•�,w-•q <•r�gL?•,•�ur*.y^ r - '
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah /91_
On motion the Board adjourned by 6 yeas.
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AUGUST 67H. 1920.
At a Call Meeting of the Board of Commiseionere, held in the Commissioners'
N Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on August 6th, 1920 nt 10 A. M. Upon
oall of the roll the following answered to their nsmes:Commieaionere Eaton, Gilbert,
Tully. Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. „•:- ;;
Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for oall to-wit: To allow salaries and a000unta.
for the month of July 1920, andany other business that may oome before the Board.
r r Commissioner Tully offered the following. motion: That the acoounts for the last r +; •;:
Report Com'r. of 11 half of July, as per report of the Commissioner of Finanoe. filed herewith be allowed
Finanoe of'ao-
tt{ oounts last half {t and ordered paid; and the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. "^S
t July 1920., q Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully,'
Williams and Katterjohn,-6.
Commiasioner Tully offered the following motion: That the report of the Commie-
sioner of Finanoe for the month of July be rsoelved and.tiled and ordered published in :.c,:i:.:;' .
Report Oom'r. of V i}tj
+ ' Finanoe.for month' the offioial newspa rar•. Adopted upon call of the roll b the followl. votai.Yeas *'
y ng
of July 1910. I, ;
p lnton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and.KnttorJohn, -6.
jP On motion.the Board adjourned by 6 yeas.
car Cb"
'.... ( August 9th. 1920. { G. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'
,t u Ohamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on August 9th, 19P.0. Upon oall oft he
roll the following answered to their names= Commissioners Eaton, Tully and Williams.4 1 '.X.:
I' Mayor Pro tem Eaton presiding.
. :. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: On a000unt of the death of Jeae
1 Gilbert, membor of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paduosh,,I move that the
Board adjourn until 10 o'olook tomorrow morning,,Tuosday August 10th, 190, out of
reepoot to the memory of said dooeased member. Adopted upon _call of the roll by the
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following vote: Peas, Eaton, Tully and Vlillisms,-3.
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j ' l:l•v fly, ///� !i ,. ,.
.. ,4.
. .. , . AUG WT loth 1920.
. ,i
.. At. an Adjourned Meeting-of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'
Ohsmber in the City Hall, Padnoah,. Kantuoky, at 10.o'clook A. M; August 10th,:19P,0.,
i Upon 0811 of the roll tho.following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton,
i :..
Tully, Ylilllama and' Mayor Katterjoha,-4. *•
'On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of.the`last regular meeting, and t'
F, the Call Meeting of August 6th, 1920, were adopted as read upon oall of the roll by 4
a fj
the following vote: Yea's, Ee.ton. Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4.