HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 561, August 10, 1920-A.r"i;tiw+�„�. , :,� atin-! .;''w*. I�7. xv (�"n wh_ti- '�r }.,.r?v' :♦ tr•!� t e,• . r. „ ,•,y. - -A t- >:-i�s ...-rL•;:r v._..J' w..:..�+ �..�P:✓...J_:..a' ' .esu..`..+:•+S. F ,. >i}y , . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah On motion the Board adjourned by 6 yeas. r• AP`P.kUV 7•JD o �•— f AUGUST 67H. 1920. 1 At a Call Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Cortmiiesionere' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on August 6th, 1920 at 10 A., M. Upon ncall of the roll the following answered to their names:Commieeionere Eaton, Gilbert,', <' a Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: To allow salaries end e000unta, i •+.R for the month of July 1920, and any other business that may come before the Board. " J Commissioner Tully offered the following,motion: That the accounts for the last tL Report.Com1r. of ; half of July, as per report of the Commissioner of Finance filed herewith be allowed !w`•, Finanos of so- A .n. a+ oounte last half h and ordered paid; and the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. :� -'JF 1 July 1920., Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton; Gilbert, Tully, ' Williams and Katterjohn,-6. ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the report of the Commis- j sioner of Finance for the month of July be received and -filed and ordered published in Report Oom'r. of Fi nanos. for month' the official newsparar.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followl.ng voter. Yese, Of July 1920. 11 p rhton, Oilbort, Tully, Williams and.Yattorjohn,-6. > I On motion.the Board adjourned by 6 yeas. 1' Adapted.lde�"'''1t9�; 71. h. r, I:ZOT% F.]U August 9tb, 1920. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' j} Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoab, Kentucky, on August 9th, 1920. Upon call of. the roll the following answered to their namest Commissioners Eaton, Tully'and Williama,:SI 4-. Mayor Pro Lem Eaton presiding. .. ' Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: On account of the death of Jose Gilbert, membor of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah,.l move that the r Bos d adjourn until 10 0 clock tomorrow morning, Tuesday August 10th, 1920, out of t. respect to the memory of said deceased member.' Adoptod upon cell of the roll by the t u 7 (' following vote: jfeas, Eaton, Tully and Williarrs,-3. Ai! fed�K$��-�11�0 Y APP OV 3D � -- JV 'jam jll - AUGURY 10th. 191'0. ` (' At. yy an Adjourned Meati •` � ng .o! the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' ;, rte:,_•,• X. :Chamber in the City Hall, Padnoah,. Kentucky, at 10.olclook A. M. August 10th,;1920... t i Upon cell o! the roll the.following answered to their nameet Qommiasionere Eaton, it 1 Tully, Ylilliarmsand' Lsyor Ratterjobn,-4. by . On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of ,the last regular meeting, and rs r, the Call Meeting of August 6th, 1920, were adopted as read upon call of the roll by k Xr ? tithe following vote: Yeas, Ee.tOn. Tully, Williams and Katterjohn.-4. '1 �;+_ to r. ,rly .7f°• i Now T=r ':.•.-r .. �snP;rx.T,•vs ,.�.. .;.,: i, ,... .�,. ti5. e,'t'r: ..�• .T'i: '+."1 ...+t .-�'.t+Y! ,h,,, ": y.r -h .. �_,i•s( "°`i��t'a',:�•,r. Ct }.L'dt.7h5 i�:. .. _"- Commissioner's Proceedings; City. of Paducah19l_:: Commissioner. Eaton offered the following motion; I move,that the report of-tbe -Report of Chioi', Chief of,the Fire Department for the month of'•July"1920 be received and filed. Adoptsd+. of Fire'Debt.- 6 i for July 6911 of :the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,.Tully, Williams and Katter- john, -4: , ;r Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that -the report of the " Report. of Chief of Polloe,for the month of July 1920 be reoeived.and filed. Adopted,npon.call/of �r Chief of Poiioe i,.:.. +": •t ,yb.p , ;'. for. July 1920. 'the roll: by the following vote; Yeas; Eaton, Tully, l7illiams and Kattor john., -4. .. commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; Honorable J.. C. Gilber.t,.e: -Mayor F.91.'. member of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paduoah4.having 'died on the.9th day • KattorjohnI c to fill vacancy, of Augnet 1920,.and a permanent vacancy thereby resulting in the Board•of Commissioners, { In Dopt: of Public 'eorke; i and there beingno,Commiesioner now in charge of 'the Department of Public Works,- 'v until an appoint-: :maul can -beI move that the. Mayor., as; Commissioner of Publio Affairs, take charge of the ` '- made. Department of Public Works. and manage,"operata and control same and' all of the employees., D yL thereof until said permanent vacancy Is filled by appointment.,' Adopted upon call of. � the roll by the following vote:, Yeas, Eaton, Tully. -Will Isms end Kattorjohn,-4• a Oommiesionor" Tully offered tho: following iiiotion; Out, of respect to tho' moinorq ofd Oommieeionor J. C. G1lbortwhose funeral 000vre at' 4 o'clock this afternoon, I move I j JCommiesionors'. Offices to that all of the Commissioners' offices olose at 1-o'olook P. M., and remain so cloeed ol000 at 1 P.M , out of respect throughout.06 romnindor of the day. ..Adopted upon .oalI of the roll by the following ' of Com'r..•' J.O. Gilbert. vote; Yeas,' Eaton, .Tully, Williams and Xattorjohn,-4. On motion the Board adjourned by 4 yese. k' A .�t.� .1.br i• a8 SPPRO r, Gry Clv j x�+ AIIGII9T 16TH, 1920: § At a Regular Meeting of the Board of ,Commissioners., hold in the Commission f ere'.Chamber in the City Rall Paducah Kentucky, on Au ,,. • y, gnat '16th, 1920. Upon Dell of. the roll the following anewored to their names; Commissioners Eaton, Tully, V1111 ams �.' and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. e: g, On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous'moetings wore adopted as road; upon call of the .roll by. the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, t Williams and Kattor john, -4.. t I Commissioner Tully offered the following motions That the a000unts as oer.I 'r ' Report Com'r. , .the. report of the Commissioner of Finance, amounting to $1,798.93 be' allowed and order-) _ 'T Finanoe. 4. i .. �.od paid, and -the money appropriatod from the General Fund to pay same'. Adopted upon i ''oall of t4 roll by the .following Total Yeas, Eaton, Tullyt 'Nilliame.•and Fatterjohn,-4.� ' Commissioner Williams offered the following mo,tiont Having heretofore advertised; ae required by ordinance for bide for the construction and completion of �;. ,. �" a nurses homeoi the Riverside Rospital, I report the following bids; - .• "Bide on Nnrsee'r�' B.T.Davis....... .... $20,672.04 �'• Kornes M,oe.......... Roos rejected. 20,200.00 .l;' JackCole ........... 19,967.00 �• White Ai Prine....... 19,786.60 Goo.N.KattorJohn 8.9on.19,619.00 +o { Gus Lockwood........ 19.398:00 1 W.F,.Owens ...........:. 19,361.00 t Y,i i -� Y and each of said bide was socompaniod:by a certified check for $100.00, but it appear- a. t; Ing that. all` of said bids are too high„ I now move that each and' all of said bide be : rojeotod,-and that'tho.oertified.oheok deposited by each of said contractors and bid— dare . be returned to them by -the Commisej,oner , of Publio'Properby, and' that tno Dom-, missionor Ot Public pro ort be dnetrnotod'to:immediotoi ro-advertis8 for. ae u p y Y �. a_..1Kii, `'� ! < v,,'�l -sn;.ts -••:r p�.w:, .c ::cm:w::t�rri:uNA b' 1F.Al 0: MTJV.., 7m . �.:,:, w.rv; r.::.r•';. ! k::...�r• w•' . .