HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 559, August 2, 1920U V � � � n . 1 „ — s t •, _ i `_ r :i' '.-4it<=ti�•4ti�"..•.s.... r.:.iL'4:. f N Commissioner's Proceedings, Cl of Paducah on motion of Commissioner Gilbert the communication from employeee',of the•. 'Communication City 01tyLight Plant relative to increase in salaries was received and filed upon oall o! Light Plant em- ;.. 4. ployeee regards, the roll b the follows votes Yeas Eaton Gilbert Tully Williams and Kattsrjohn 6, _ lnoreaas in .salag. Y ' �. ' rise. 4 Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motions. I move that Mise Helen Donaldson' ` • i Helen Donaldson Publio Health Hures, be granted a vacation of two weeks with. pay. vacation. Adopted upon call of �; the roll b the follows y' following votat Yeats, Eaton, Qilbert, Tully Williams and. ;. Commissioner Williams offered the follows ,.7;•;' ng motions I move that an ordinance 4. entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NURSES' HOMEFOR RIVB'RSIDE Ordinance pro- HOSPITAL U THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING FOR THE LETTING OF A C014TRAOT viding for con- 0 on- i FOR THE PWORf1kUCE OF SAID WORK, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF ; struotion of " be ado ted.' Nurses' Home of I. ' p ,. Riverside Hospit ;Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, k4ttoa,.Qilberti Tully, al. Williams and Katterjohn,-6. .+' I Commissioner Williams offered tho following,motion: I move that the'deed from Cemetery transfer !0. J. Holcomb to Mrs. 11. H. McClure, conveying tho South half of Lot #98 .in Section 6 ,Y from C'.J.Holoomb �' to Mrs. M.H. KOak Grove Cemetery, be placed on record upon the cemetery register. Adopted upon call McClure' Up P;of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter- . 1.4 �! john, -6. Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; I move that an ordiname Construction of 1'entitled, "AN CRDIIIA14CE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY ON ELEVENTH driveway on 11th ' : .'• . St. from Leach f:STREET, FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF LEECH AVENUE TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OP'.. Ave, to Burnett St. IIBURNETT STREIR." be introduced and lay'over. Adopted upon oall of.the roll .by'tha a `following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully; 'llilliama and,Katterjohn =6., Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; I move that an ordinance Construction of ,entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY ON LEECIB AVENUE, driveway on Leech !i Avenue from Tenth 1FROld THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF TENTH STREET TO THE EAST CURB LINE OF ELEVENTH STREET," ' St, to 11th St. " !be introduced and lay over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the lollowing; vote::'. ,•. i, „y I'Yoas, Eaton, Gilbert,' Tally, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; That the report of the Oom. "y Report Comtr. of ' Public 17orke for. �of Pub. Works ,for. the first six months of 19PO for the ,Sewer. DepartmonL , E r, Depart - Sewer Dept. Rngr. �, ' m Dept., City Light :ment,City Light Plant -and the Street Department be received and filed, Adopted upon Plant and Street. , Dept. for first ball of the roll by the following vote: Yeas Eaton Gilbert Tull Nilliams and six month of 192.0. • ' Y' ,. Kntter john. -6. •- ,: .r. ! On motion the Board adjourned by 6 yeas. Ada/1'd �' 11�e 9 �:•. '.L2C�V'Til]7 r'_',� :5.. k AUGUST elm, 1920. V;;i, s f"r�••��Ya 4k; At a Regular, mooting. of the 11onrd of oommiooionora, held in tho 00mmiosionorus' Ohambor in the Oity Hnll, Paduoah, Kentucky on August end, 192.9,', Upon onll of the roll the following answered to their names: Commiaelopore Raton, Oilbort', Tully, Williams and Magor Kattorjohn,-6. On motion of .Mayor Katterjohn the minutes of. the previous meetiaR were adopted ex Y as read, upon.call of the roll by wing vote.. se, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, .3 11 b folio Ye t lbs Williams and Ketterjohn,-6.„ W41 Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; Mayor move that the bill.of Burne �i Burns i&McDonnell IMoDonnell, Consulting Engineers, for services in connection with appralaal.of water bill ' r` n re: water ,Works Appraisal.'works, as per contract dated October 13th, 1919, amounting to �1,724.19, be allowod paid and charged to ',later work Appraisal s000unt. Adopted upon call of the roll by the "fol �- �.lowins, vote: Yoas E!tton Oilbort Tull Ylilliams and Kattorjohn 6. �.��„•,:i X'. _'rr :.Y1'•S' �, .hY�r.,,,,.t��.,+:a:i•i�r7s"�'ti�.�i'!es'�.fa 1l'M.•sv.•. �.5�n��1..s�,, '(v-.� .,. .' J { t'•.. 1- �?,. 7r.. m.�..N ��L 4f rye.: •;�:ri...Y•m:. . f � r+ -r �.- air......•.,-��� .u.�•dtr�l7r'�� .�C h. �'•^v.-.+Tru+r.:+dtr.Tl'T.t9R•'.,'c,T+w.y...,�`N Y 1 No.jZ(tv/S i ti4� Commissioner's Proceedings,* City of Paducah :Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the .bill of the Padn y4 ;'"Paducah Water ooh Wator Ylorke amounting, ".Works• bill: in $1294.19 be paid, and charged to .Water.Work Appraisal 3 ? re ''later Norke eoaonnt.Appraisal.. Adopted upon, Dell of the roll by the following veto: Yeas,. Eaton, Gilbert, Tully,: Williams and Katter John, =5. s p �A y: Magor Katter john offered the following motion: L'move that the bill of William :. Vim:O.Aeymond G.: Raymond amoupting to $263.42,in connection with services in the.lrater works a �' bill: In re Ppraiea, Water Works ''Appraisal. be paid; and charged to Water Work Appraisal account. Adopted upon Dell of the roll.byi the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. +' a Mayor Katter ohn offered the.followi j ng motions I move that tho.bond and oontraat " �t Riohnrd AelD,n 'of Richard. Bell for the oonstruotion.ot Cedar Street and Lincoln Avenue, be received ; ( +' contract do Bond•' in rat'Cedar - `apd filed,,and Cooniseionei of Finance be instruotod to return :160.00 check filed with 4; ` %; St. , b Lincoln'.' p. Ave. bid. :,Adopted upon call of the roll b the following -vote j, - , Y ng'votet Yoss, FAton, Gilbort,.Tully, . Williams and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully. offered the following motion: The sum -of Thirty Seven.& 60/100 Dosd Dollars having boon paid into the Ctery Treasury ne ovidonoed by the rooeipt Piled herewith. etoe, Mrs. Sueea •I movo that dood bo,oxcoutod.to ]are. Susan Robinson to Lot 92 Block 2 on North side of Robinson. Ford Stroot botwoon Miller and W,.or in Oak Grove Cemetery.. Adopted upon .call 03 the t t G+ roll by tho following'vote. Yeac,.Eaton., Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,+6. Commissioner Eaton offered. tho.tollorring motion: I move. that the communication Comnunioation 'Board of Perk from the .Board of Park Commiseionore be received and tiled,. and action thereon be de- Commissioners. forrod.until the next regular mooting. Adopted upon call of,tho roll by the following votei'Yeas, Saton',.Gilbert, Tully, Williams and ,KatterJohn.=5. Lam' Commissioner Williams offorod the following motion:'I movo..that Fred English, Prod English,' Sexton Oak Grove Cemetery; be allowed seven vacation,,-oommenoing with'Augnet 9th,` Sexton Oak ca -v. ;with pay: Adoptod upon,oall of the roll by the,follovri vote: Yeas Eaton Giiboit Cemetery uses'=. � r cion. Tully; Williame and.Katterjohn, c Commiseionek-011bort offered the Yollowi ng 'mo tion: That the following employees at tho City Light Plant be givon.a raise -of x'10.00 eaah, etarting with.'tho month.oi, 44 ty Light(,: Pln nt employees:, salary inorsased August: O.T.Troutman, Engr. H.T. Timmons, Fireman. Geo.. W. Ttinis; Trimmer and W.H. 1. 1 -G. T. Troutman Haslett, Repairman. Adopted upon call of,tho roll by. the following vote.: Yeas Eaton < ` i H.T.Timmone rs Geo.W.Tunis- '. + Gilbert, Tully,.ti'lilliame'an d Katter.john,-6. t 9, W.H.Haelett. t Commiocionor Gilbort offered tho lollovdng motion; That Yhnoey and Johnson, Contractors bo. ranted a thin ' ;',Yancey &, John- g ' Y -day extension .of' time ,for 'the oomplotion of.their con-*. eon extension{4 .,� of contract in tract for tho construation.of now sidewalk's on South 7th.. St. from Husband to a. point _ ra Husbands 3t.. p below Murraq.and Husbands Street from 6th.. to 7th. St. Adopted upon oall'oY'the roll . a Sidewalks B by tho following voto:.Yons, Eaton', Gilbert, Tully; 7lilliams and'Katterjohn,-6. " Commiseionor Williams oYtored the following motion; I move that an ordinancex' >'Ordlnanoe reveal-entitlod, "AN ORDINANC$ REPEALING,. SECTION 16 OF.AN ORDINANCE ENTITTND,1AN.O�IN-kNCE ; = "ine Seotion ib n of Markethouee• 7 :TI 0 TO AND RhOUIa1TING tHE d UMET HOUSH OF THE 'CITY' OF BtDUCAH,, SENTUCKY, PRESCRIBLt1G Ordinance lay i.'ovor. THE RULES ICH THE '.0 ONDUCT.THEREOF, AND THH PENALTIHS THER'a'U1tbER,' AND FIXING THE, PRICES P, TO ,BE'CHARGB`D FOR THE HENT OF BENCHES AND STALLS -THEREIN,! ADOPTED BY 'THE BOARD -OF COIAUSSIONERS DECE14BIM 185TH, 1916, AND ALL A1.1kilbdENTS YHrFRETO,'" be introduced and lay. - iover until next regu]ar.meating. Adopted upon call of the 'roll by the following vote: Yese, Enton,.Gilbert, Tully, Williams. and Katter john, -6. " Commttniarition Commissioner Eaton oYtored the following motYon: I`move that the oommunioation ' ,v Nagel 16 MoKinnoy Co. 'in re: .exem� of Nagel' 8, Mo Kinney Co: ,be referred to tho Com'.r. of Public Finance and the City t ption• Solicitor with instrinotione,to investigato and report on whether the exemption claimed is'aut}iorised or'ehould'Ve allowed.', Adopted neon oall.ot the roll bq•the following ' vote.' Yea Eaton, Gilbert; Tully, Ylilliame'and Kattorjohn,-b. E. AS a.' . .h.a.,-IY `, ,. r t i � � y .. +.. . ..: .. y -l: F ':..,. ,.'.•.•., ..vim,.. '-1 c. .! •ly _ l S -� ,�. ,.•r � •rA--Nr {(.' <-r R�rwb- r�rs,, a. 6M v2 t to - r.• Y ...;•M-.-�..._a«d'' .-:.._:;.'.5 ..a_i�•_.w+1 .=-P,:.�J..__:.].' ...vim—_ s, � i':.4; -';,� :l', . ";�. <•C, :.+�7.7:;il r�l;°,�:Ss7'G,j� I Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah III �. On motion the Board adjourned by 6 yeas. " At. an Adjourned Meeting of the Board of Commieelonere, held in the Commissioners'I Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah Kentuo Kentucky. at 10 o'clock A. M; August 10th, 1_4'.' f- rr� u p1 OL !1 t1 , .1920..' upon Doll of the roll tho.following answered to their names= Commiesionore Eaton, } Tully, Williams. and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. AUGUST 67H. 1920. 1 t Kra: At a Call'Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' On motion of Commstoner Eaton the minutes of.the last regular meeting, and N Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on August 6th, 1920 at 10 A. M. Upon - call of the roll the following answered to their names:Commiboionere Eaton, Gilbert, 4 •,. : Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. �I „ Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: To allow salaries and accounts .+^ for the month of July 1920, and any other business that may come before the Board. rt Commissioner Tully offered the following,motion: That the a000unta for the last I +• " Report,Com's. of ! half of July, as per report of the Commissioner of Finance. filed herewith be' allowed �!• o- Finance of so- f . • , _ . i _ _ ...,. .w .., .. _ ..._ .... tt oounte last half h and ordered paid; and the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay Game. n t July 1920.. t Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Feton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. " j Commissioner Tully offered the following, motion: That the.report o2' the Commis- eloner of Finanoe for the month of July be received and .filed and ordered published ' Report Oom'r. of " Finance for months the official newsparor.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the folloel.ng votel.Yese, of July 1910. r '1'hton, { Gilbort, Tully, Willinme and .Y.atter john, II.. On motion.the Board adjourned by 6 yeas. " � 1 Ado D Ied J—x•"'11 i �,, .. b . r''�V'F��J , • k August 9th, 1920. Al At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in'the Commis eionera' " Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on August 9th, 1920. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their namea: Commissioners Eaton, Tully'and Williama,=9i f� Mayer Pro tem Eaton presiding. i4 •: I; Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: On account of the death of Jese^ Gilbert, membor of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paduoah,,I move that the Board adjourn until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning,,Tuoedny August 10th, 1920 ouL of f respect to the memory of said dooeasod member. Ado tod'u on,call of the roll b the-�•°` r r y ' { following vote: Y8ae, Eaton, Tully and 471111ame,-3. f' A ed l &0 -�19 APPpOvD r AUGUST 10th, 1920. At. an Adjourned Meeting of the Board of Commieelonere, held in the Commissioners'I Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah Kentuo Kentucky. at 10 o'clock A. M; August 10th, 1_4'.' f- rr� t1 , .1920..' upon Doll of the roll tho.following answered to their names= Commiesionore Eaton, } Tully, Williams. and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. j{ On motion of Commstoner Eaton the minutes of.the last regular meeting, and r, the Call Meeting of August 6th, 1920, were adopted as read upon call of the roll -by, - t„ the following vote: Yeas, Ee.ton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, f . • , _ . i _ _ ...,. .w .., .. _ ..._ .... .ter