HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 557, July 23, 19201 Y f N !^'_',f 4 ice. 'lr''• �N'r b'V hI- 'FC J �+'jJ�f •[^Y 7..1" SN. � -fi1l:u ti K � ;'ti j.. i _ :
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Commissioner's Pro cee`aliiigs, 'City dPaducah 191_
JULY 23rd, 1920..
At a Call Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in th8 Commiesionere',`
s ;Ohamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Friday July 23rd, 1920; at 11 O'clock
{A. M. Upon call of. the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners "
'Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Mayor Katterjohn,-4:
Mayor. Katterjohn.stated reasons for call to -wit= To adopt a motion authorising
the Commissioner of PublioFint
oanoe .
w pay to the Wadsworth Improvement Company the
I iamount of a note executed by the Board of Park Commissioners of Paducah ne purchase.
1 " Mayor's reasons
for call. rprioe of certain real estate to be used for park purposes, with the understanding that
' i ;.•y said Wadsworth Improvement Company will exeoute,ite,deed to said by
property covered
{ 4'said note to the City of Paducah, abioh note, with the accrued interest note amounts
k3'' Ito $3427.06, and any other business that may 'come before the Board of Oommiselonore.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:•I move that the Commissions' `
sof Public Finance be authorized to pay to the Vladeworth Improvement Company the amount
of a note executed by the Board of Park Commissioners of Paducah for Twenty -Five Hun-
Com'r. Finance ; .
authorized to pay ;fired ($2600.00) Dollars, as purchase price of certain real estate to be used for park
note with accrued
Y interest executed !purposes, with the understanding that said Wadsworth Improvement Company will exooute
by Board of Park g
Com'r. to Yladswor-pits deed to said property oovered by said note to the City of Paducah which note with
th Improvement Co.l ' '
for property for the accrued interest, now amounts to Thirty -Four Hundred Twenty -Seven do 06/100
park purposes. {
r ;(,$$`°5,427.06) Dollars, same to be charged to Park Account. Adopted upon call of the roll
r b the following i•ng vote; Yeas. Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Katterjohn,-4.
L} Oa motion the Board adjourned by 4 yeas.
}` { n�.si•4 �611-2--o dkPl✓R0V7x1L)
JULY 26TH. 192.0.
" At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commi9elon-
dere' Chamber in theCity Hnll, Paduoah, Kentucky, on July 26th, 1920. Upon call of
},• ` the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert; Tully,
!Williams and IjA yor Katter john, -6.
On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous moetinge were
adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6
Mayor Katterjohn offored.tho following motion; I move that the.'vmitton
.T opinion of the City Solioitor,regardinR the rightof the pity to. Issue bonds to the'•,
Paduoah Wator I,nmOUt Of J-060,4y9.00'fwl.tho purpone of pitrohnning the lhduonh:
.'i . pro.portiog.'.of.bhp .
{`Slater.Company be received and filed, and spread on the minutes. Adopted upon call of
lithe roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, 8
Said opinion is as follows:.
"July P,6, 1920
To the Mayor and.Commissionersof
The City of Paduoah; Kentucky.
Gentlemen:- I have investigated carefully the'law relative -to the City of Paducah
buying the property belonging to the Paducah Water Company and from my
::t_... investigation I beg to report I find that under Section 166 of our Conati-
tuion, cities of the second class are not permitted to incur as indebted-
Oo 4i n City' nese, including existing indebtedness exceedingin then ate 10 0!'
So�Lo�tor is re;
the assessment next before the last assessment provious.togincurrin the
Paducah. Water g
Work . indebtedness.. The City of Paducah.is &.city of the se•oond class and'ite,
assessment on all taxablo.property for the year 1919 amounted to y14,043.966.00,
as is shown from the records in the offioe of the Commiasioner of Pinanoe.
;. This being true, then under our Constitution regulating indebtedness of cities
of the second class, the maximum indebtedness that could be inourrod by the
City of Paduoah would be ;)1,404,396.60.
E•;; IL is shown from the records in the office of the Commissioner of Finance
that the indebtodnoss and authorized'indebtedness of the City at this time
Amounts to the sun of. $930,600.00; this amount of oourso includes sewer bonds
amounting to'
{ $?.60,000.00, whioh bonds were voted upon in the November elootion,