HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 557, July 23, 19201 Y f N !^'_',f 4 ice. 'lr''• �N'r b'V hI- 'FC J �+'jJ�f •[^Y 7..1" SN. � -fi1l:u ti K � ;'ti j.. i _ : .• may:_. u ' ��l-.::•_ {�--�.� ,�•' 'f�+._.t �1'.... 4.i.�. • . 4. �:- ! • .. =n NO._SLY_[�.lj Y Commissioner's Pro cee`aliiigs, 'City dPaducah 191_ JULY 23rd, 1920.. At a Call Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in th8 Commiesionere',` s ;Ohamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Friday July 23rd, 1920; at 11 O'clock {A. M. Upon call of. the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners " il 'Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Mayor Katterjohn,-4: Mayor. Katterjohn.stated reasons for call to -wit= To adopt a motion authorising the Commissioner of PublioFint oanoe . w pay to the Wadsworth Improvement Company the I iamount of a note executed by the Board of Park Commissioners of Paducah ne purchase. ,- 1 " Mayor's reasons for call. rprioe of certain real estate to be used for park purposes, with the understanding that ' i ;.•y said Wadsworth Improvement Company will exeoute,ite,deed to said by property covered { 4'said note to the City of Paducah, abioh note, with the accrued interest note amounts k3'' Ito $3427.06, and any other business that may 'come before the Board of Oommiselonore. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:•I move that the Commissions' ` { sof Public Finance be authorized to pay to the Vladeworth Improvement Company the amount of a note executed by the Board of Park Commissioners of Paducah for Twenty -Five Hun- Com'r. Finance ; . authorized to pay ;fired ($2600.00) Dollars, as purchase price of certain real estate to be used for park note with accrued Y interest executed !purposes, with the understanding that said Wadsworth Improvement Company will exooute „ by Board of Park g Com'r. to Yladswor-pits deed to said property oovered by said note to the City of Paducah which note with th Improvement Co.l ' ' . for property for the accrued interest, now amounts to Thirty -Four Hundred Twenty -Seven do 06/100 ! park purposes. { r ;(,$$`°5,427.06) Dollars, same to be charged to Park Account. Adopted upon call of the roll i, r b the following i•ng vote; Yeas. Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Katterjohn,-4. L} Oa motion the Board adjourned by 4 yeas. }` { n�.si•4 �611-2--o dkPl✓R0V7x1L) JULY 26TH. 192.0. " At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commi9elon- l dere' Chamber in theCity Hnll, Paduoah, Kentucky, on July 26th, 1920. Upon call of },• ` the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert; Tully, !Williams and IjA yor Katter john, -6. Sit .•!: On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous moetinge were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. 'S Mayor Katterjohn offored.tho following motion; I move that the.'vmitton .T opinion of the City Solioitor,regardinR the rightof the pity to. Issue bonds to the'•, Paduoah Wator I,nmOUt Of J-060,4y9.00'fwl.tho purpone of pitrohnning the lhduonh: .'i . pro.portiog.'.of.bhp . Works {`Slater.Company be received and filed, and spread on the minutes. Adopted upon call of lithe roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, 8 Said opinion is as follows:. • "July P,6, 1920 Y Li To the Mayor and.Commissionersof The City of Paduoah; Kentucky. Gentlemen:- I have investigated carefully the'law relative -to the City of Paducah buying the property belonging to the Paducah Water Company and from my ::t_... investigation I beg to report I find that under Section 166 of our Conati- tuion, cities of the second class are not permitted to incur as indebted- Oo 4i n City' nese, including existing indebtedness exceedingin then ate 10 0!' So�Lo�tor is re; the assessment next before the last assessment provious.togincurrin the Paducah. Water g ` Work . indebtedness.. The City of Paducah.is &.city of the se•oond class and'ite, assessment on all taxablo.property for the year 1919 amounted to y14,043.966.00, �. as is shown from the records in the offioe of the Commiasioner of Pinanoe. ' ;. This being true, then under our Constitution regulating indebtedness of cities uh of the second class, the maximum indebtedness that could be inourrod by the City of Paduoah would be ;)1,404,396.60. , E•;; IL is shown from the records in the office of the Commissioner of Finance y•' r:x:a that the indebtodnoss and authorized'indebtedness of the City at this time Amounts to the sun of. $930,600.00; this amount of oourso includes sewer bonds amounting to' , !'�h { $?.60,000.00, whioh bonds were voted upon in the November elootion, .