HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 550, July 6, 1920��w, �....�........v�u..- -.. .......�.., ...u>�..r. icy:_ .��.._. _... .._.� ._.,.,..�. � ..a�...7.s•1�,..+_�. _�1.. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motions That a'resolution be �intro- Improvement. the re-oonetruotion o! Leech Avenue from the West property line o! Tenth Improvement. o! �'. �• ..., _ .. Leech Avenue by. CStreet to the East curb line o! Eleventh Street b di and rad' y grading gravels mums. Adopted' grading b gravel- n8 tr ice' ~upon call.of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully,. Williams andL �Eatter john, -6. s 0ommissioner.Gilbert offered the following motions That a resolution be intro - improvement !or the re-oonstruotion'"ot Eleventh Street from the South property line of Leech ' ImprovemenE of.. � '� ', •..� . Eleventh St. Avenue to the.South.property line of Barnett 8trest b rad graveling from Le Soh Ave. y grading and ravelin same, s,f to Burnett 84: Adopted upon call..of the.roll by the following votes Yeas, Eaton," Gilbert, Tully, Dy grading b}' '. graveling. 4Williamo and Mtterjohn,-6. On motion of Mayor Satterjohn the Es -Servide Men's Oo-Operative League was Ex-Servioe Von' a.,granted permlesion to solicit subscriptions to literature without license, upon call : Oo-Operative L �! the roll'by the following votes Yeast Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Slitter- �` , >, john, -6. On motion the Board adjourned by,6 yeas. a i Oil,ft n f a „ > o MAyO?G + as u... �. • JULY BTS. 1920. �t k At a Regular Meeting o! the Hoard o! Commiesioners, held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Sall on Nly•Oth. 1920. : Upon call of -the roll the following r: as]ewered to their namess Commissioners Baton, Tally and Williams, a. On motion of Commissioner Eaton the Board adjourned to meet at 10 o'oloak A. M. - on Tuseday, ..onTuseday, July 6th, 1920, upon .call of the roll by S'yeas. Ads pINC'11 A O i� .. oA Cl.,M !17 a J s Y r JULY 6TH. 1920. At. an' Adjourned Meeting of the Board of. Commissioners, held in the'Commiseloners + " Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Tuesday July 6th,"1920, at 10 o'clock I `' I ;r; A. M. Upon 'call of the roll the following answered to their names Co mmleelonere Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williame.and Mayor Katterjohn,-6.:.. i I ad, Commissioner Eaton offered the following motions I move. that the minutes of the . .;::• :lset regular meeting and.oi, the Called Meeting ;of July End, 1920, be adopted. .'Adopted. upon call of the roll by the.'iollowing votes Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams andl Ka titer, j ohn,-6. , •'+-r" Commissioner Eaton offered the following motions I move that the report of Report Chief of } �'. Chief of Police for the month of .June 1920 be ;received and fi'lede Adopted upon deli" y' Police for t `• June 1920..' u of. the ."roll'.by the following votes Yeas, Eaton,,0 1bart,,Tully. Williams and Katter- Commissioner Esbosi.off ered the.tollowing motions I move that.the'report of the Report Chief of a Chief of the Pi" Department for the month. o! Jane 1920 be roosived and. filed., Adopted..`' Yire Dept. 'tor Jane 1920., upon coal "of the. roll by the following votes Yeae, Distant Gilbert, Tully, Williams ij ,• and. Kattorjohn',4... ; i •,qJ.w'•,�. �.a.e,ava<,•+:';> .i -.,::Y, :4ttOld.LY •w:. +`�' v .,' '"i•.. l"n'.t'„M:.., ri:at+�.v:.., �; cti - r,•_7o,7a.�:,.: 1 lC•�'T tCa'••'••+, yt 4t.✓rM"tt 1w. •p.+ P.„ r th«Jv: ^� r -.1 ", +s. • .. r Y %` i ^i t _f ti.F- -f r i..•i. ,, x. ",Mn 5C-F;'•,� C "r t "4 .. :-rte f I Z I Commissioner'a Proceedings, City of Paducah • ;, bommiseloner Tully offered the following motion: That the accounts for the �[ Report Oomlr of 1:last half of Jane as per the report of the Oom'r of P.inanoe filed herewith be allowed minae of aoato. r r last half Jane! 1920. snd ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Punde to pay same. AdopLedl r.' upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas.Baton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and 3 Katterjohn,-5• Commissioner Tully offered the following motions That the report of the Com's. r ° I of Pinsnoo for the month of June be. received and filed and ordered Report 0om1r of d published in the . 'c a Fluence for Janei official Newspaper. Adopted upon call of the roll by the.following,votes Yeas, Eaton, 1920. t Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-B. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I mora%that the Pidelity m Bonds Pansy Jenkins Casualty Company of New York, as surety in the bonds of Panay Jenkins, Bolen Donaldson ~ S Helen Donaldson & - Margaret Minnioh ana Margaret Miantoh be released because the office of said parties.hae been abolished released, Fidelity, by the Board of Commissioners. ,Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following voter & Casualty Co. ` f j, Yams., Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Matterjohn,-B. Commiseioner Williams offerod'the following motion: I move that Henry M. Enders Searyf Enders, ,,j'bo appointed City Weigher. Adopted upon call of tho.roll by tho following vote: Yeas,. City Waigber. C ilEaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and ratterjohn,-B.' Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the pay of the following employees in the Department of Public Property from and after the first of July 1920 be so follower =ton Oak Grove Cemetery... ...... 0 ..... $90.00 Per month I >j Laborers a v . (31oh)........... 5.00 " day Market Master .......................... 110.00 " month Employees la Dept. .t Public Property Market Oleaner ......................r:• 40.00 e " ;• Janitor City Hall .....................• 66.00 n n, salaries inoronsed: Elevator Operator City Hsil..........•. 68.00 e" Adopted upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeae , Eaton, Gilbert, Tully., Williams and 10%tterjohn,-6, x I Oommiesioner Gilbert offered the following motion: That the Austin Western Road ! i Machinery Co. of Chicago be paid the $6,500.00 for.the Gasoline roller according to. Austin Western Road Machinery 00..l,contract with them. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully,.Williams and Katterjohn,-6. ' Oommiseionor Tully 'offered the following motionr That the Commissioner of Public ` : h Works be authorized and instructed to employ two men, one to use the mowing machine andj ;' • ,r•", weed Gutters. 7 one to use a soythe and start at onos to out the weeds in the streets and public high- ways of the City and ohargo the cost of same to the contingent fund. Adopted upon Calf of the roll by the.following vote: Yeas, Eaton Gilbert Tully, Williams and matter- .:.` "q ; john, -6. §; II On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by B yeas. r'F JULY 12TH. 1920. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commiseioners, hold in the Oommiseloners' '.`•:-" Chamber in the City Hall, Padua".. Kentucky. on July lEth, 1920. . Upon call of Abs.. . roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, C :, Willieme and Mayor ratter john, -6.. ; 1 sr I! On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were t.• t F lO2 adopted as read upon call of the roll by B Yeae..' 1w 7 / Mayor Katter.john offered the following motion; I move that the report of the ss`; Report of Appraise- appraleement of the Paducah Water Com nBurn+ pa y proporties bq Messrs. eAlvord end" ` meat of Water+_ Works Property. 5 Raymond be received and filed and spread upon the minutce. Adopted upon call of the .. • e ..f , . ;i roll. by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Willlame and Katterjohn, B.