HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 55, May 25, 1915•
Commissioner's ProceedM98,
of P
At a regular meeting of the Board of oommieulonere, held in the pounoil .
Chamber, in the City Hall of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, on Huy 24,. 1918, upon
call of the roll the following unowered their nameoi .• Bums, Hatolip, Horton,
Wallace and Washington - B.
On motion the minutee.of the previous meeting were adopted as read, upon '
call of the roll by the following votes Youo, Burne, Hnzelip, Morton, Callace
and Vuehington - 6.
� �/'
On motion by Hember Wallooe, Hiss'Dook was granted a vuoation of four
weeks beginning June 16th . two weeks of which time to be -without salary .
carried upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burne, Hazelip, Harton,
and Washington - 6.
On motion b;, Hember Marton, the City.Bolioltor was Instructed to. bring in
an amendment to the. Ordinunoe regulating Weights and Mousuree, plaoing the
inspector of Weights and Hoasures on a salary ut the rate of 470.60 per month, and
no fee to be charged by the Inepootor of Woighto and Houcures the'culur for t
y he
. .
year 1916 to be paid from the Contingent Pwid, carried upon call of the Toll by ' '•ISI
,the following votes Yous, Burns, Hazolip, Hurton,'Wallace and Washington g,
On motion by Membor Washington; the pay roll for'the week ending Saturday`
May 22d, of the Street Department, amounting to X142.66, not oovorod by ordinance'
and paid by ouch order, was received and filed upon call of the roll by the
•following vote: Yeae, Burns,*Hazelip, Murton, Wallace and Wushinuton
On motion by the above, u' oompinint of Mr. 0.. ll. 9harr.111 in nerd to
over-aseesement, cume,was referred to tho Board of Commiosionero to investigate,
upon oall of the roll by the following vote; Yoas,'Burns, lluzolip, Murton,
Wallaoe and Guehington - 6.
On motion the Board adjourned, upon oall of,tho roll by the following
vote; Yeue, Bums, ,Huzolip, Murton, G'ulluoo .and Washington - 6.
ity (licit
' P MAY EGth, 1916.
At a called meeting of the Board of Oommissionore of the Otty of Paduoah '
held in the Council Chamber of said City on the 26th day of May, 1916, at whish ' i='•"
f3� -'meeting there was present 2hoe. H. Huzdlip, L'ayor', and the following named r..
oommiesionere; Harton, Wallace and Washington - the following proceedings wore. l
a7-- Commissioner Viulluoo'presented a Franchise Ordinance in its completed
,�fiss�+ pp form - which had been introduced one week before this date -providing for the sale
of.a franahieo for twienty years, granting the privilege to construct, maintain and
p. operate n telephone eyetom.in the City of ruduoah, inoluding n000esury oondutto,'
I' subways. manholes, poles, vireo and other equipment with right-.of-ruy over, under.,
. h along and th.ru the etreote, avenues, alleys, squuros, bridgoo and public pluoes.of,
said City, for the purpose of running such subway, poles, wiroe and other
equipment nooessury to construct, maintain, eatubliah'and operate a telephone system
k 'in';ouid City, and moved.. that Bald OI nunao be adopted and uftor lying. over the timo 3'
i' required by law for protest, if no protect appearod aguinot the ouno,, that tho Bona, �..
be advertised and cold ut the City Hall door. by the Muyor of the 'City of Paducah to
Commissioner s Proceedings, City of Paducah May 25th igi-2 continued.,*
the hizhoat and beat,bidder, and upon a call of the roll said Ordinance woe passed
and motion adopted by the following vote: Yeas..Iiazollp, Wul I so o
and Lorton. Days i Done..
Thereupon, the Mayor wus directed, if no protest appoured to said ordinance
after- the Game had laid ovor.the time required,by 1LW for protoot, to advertise the
time, place and terms of said Salo and to expose -the sumo to sale., but . to accept no
bid from any proposed purchaser unless bid for, ouid privilege and ordinance visa as
much as '500.00, and to report hie sets and doings to the Board of Qommissionore of
Paducah. Saidordinanoo in its odmpleted form wao directed to be. filed arit'r000rded
by the Olork of the City of Paduoah In Ordinunoo Book kept for that purpose In hie
On motion by kcmbor V4allaoo,.that the Commissioner of Safety and ..oaletunt
Qhiof of Police be instructed to tal -o.proper and nooescarj Steps to protect the propl
arty of tho.3horrill-Kine Mill'& Lbr. Co. and neighboring property.in Loahania abu r g.
and to*uoo.boat efforts to apprehend and convict the author or authors of the
threatonling notice' of Lay 23d tacked on the property of the Sherrill Xing Mill &
Lumber Co., carried upon call of the roll by the'following vote: Youe, Hazolip'
Murton, laullaae and Washington 4.
On motion the Boardurned.
adjo to most "Thursday, May 27th. 1915. ut.ton
010look 6. M., upon call of the roll by-tho following vote.: YOUG, ilUZOlip.
Murton, Wulluoo and Washington 4.
MAY 27th, 1915/
At an adjourned mooting of tho Board of Commissioners, held in the Council
Chamber of the City Hall* City. of Fadudah,"Kontucky. on."y 27th, 1015, upon call
of the roll the following answerod their names 'Elurne, Hazolip, L;aiton, 1;allbool
and Wuahington 5.
On motion by.Mayor Hazelip, that the retail coffee house license of P. S.
�urton.be and the Game is heroby suspended for a:term of thirty days from this date
and that in onan.the Circuit Court should confirm the action of the Police Court
err .',th6t
said license be ievolod.
On motion by hi . ombor Burns that tho above motion be um ended, und tho I.i (jonao,
be subponded ponding the action of said Burton in the Girouit Court, 'and that if:the�
Oirouit Court convicts that tholloonse ba -revoked, lost upon call of the roll by;
the following vote:. Yoaa,. Burns and Marton 2. I;aya: Haaelip., Wallaoo and
Washington 3.
On motion by Mayor Hazolip, that the original motion be concurred In,
AZ5�e i
oarried.upon call of the roll by the -following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazolip, Wallace'
and'Wouhiniton 4. Ilaye: Marton l/ V
On motion by Member Washington. that Mr. 'Luther Graham be refund0 d 10.00
that he paid out of his o%m porsonul.monoy in getting evidence in the Burton oases'
be paid from the general contingent fund, carried..upon call of the roll by th 0
fo.1lowing*voto: Yoaoi Burns, Hazolip, Marton. :lUallace und.-Waahington 6.
On motion by the above.,. the *oo=y., mnloation from D. J. LevIn roEmr(I to
the.inoroaaed valuation of personal property, was.received and filed, upon oal.of the