HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 55, May 24, 1915.. 4 ti. / 1 :�6;}��n r i v�� *n r,-,.ysw. A a fy - �� vrr�'- wr � . •1 cry^ ; � ar+'i - n • n ti �( � - .�,st '.
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah gay 24 191
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the go'
. Chamber, in the City Hall of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, on Muy 24,. 1915, upon
call of the roll the following unowerse their names Burns, Hazelip, Marton,
Wallace and Washington - B.
On motion the minutee.of the previous meeting were adopted as read, upon
call of the roll by the following votes Youe, Burns, Hazelip, Llurton, Gulluoe
and Washington - B.
On motion by Member Wal leas. 9 ea Doak was granted a vacation of four �
x Va ^•�^- weeks beginning June 15th two weeks of whioh time to ba -without salary .
h ourried upon call of the roll by the following votes
Yeas, Burne, Hazelip, Marton,
Wallace and Washington - 6,
+ f"i On motion ba Member Marton. the City.Solioitor was instruatod to, bring in
`• �l. an amendment to the. Ordinance regulating Weights and Llousuroe, placing the
inspector of lWeighte and Measures on a sulary ut the rate of 476.00 par month, and
no foo to be charged by the Inspector of Goights and Measures, the'oulary for the i
your 1915 to be paid from the Contingent Auid, carried upon call of the 'roll by ` ' .�•
AGZ i •the following voted Yons, Burns, 1142011p, Marton, Wallace ani Washington B. r`'„
On motion by Lembor Washington; the pay roll for the weak ending Saturday.
May 22d, of the Street Department, amounting to Y142.05, not.aovorod by ardinanas' r.'t
+' and paid by cash order, was received and filed upon call of the roll by the. r
following votes Yeas, Burns, Hnzelip, L;arton, wulluoe and Washington -: 6. j ;`•`
�' 4✓�c On motion by the above, a complaint of Mr. C. H. Sherrill in reeurd to I,
over-asaessment, came .was referred to the Board of Oomminoionero to investigate, i
'4 upon call of the roll by the following vote; 'foal, Burno, Huzolip, Llurton, "
a ,
Wallace and Cuehington - 5.
On motion the Board adjourned. upon oall of:tho roll by the following
�1 ; vote; Yeue, Burns,.Hazolip, Llarton, Gullaoo.and Washington - 6.
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MAY 26th,' 1916.
.;t a culled meeting of the Board of Commissionore of•tho Olt y of Puduoah '
Y held in the Council Chamber of said City on'tho 25th day of May, 1716, at whioh
-meeting there was present Thos. H. Hazdlip, Llayor, and the following numed +r.. !..
oommiseionere; Marton, Wallace and Washington - the following proceedings wore.
?. �f'
�— Commissioner Wulluoo'presented a Franchise Ordinance in Its.00mpletoQ
`c7u� form - which had been introduced one reek before this date -providing for the sale
(. of.a franchise for twenty years, granting the privilege to construct, maintain and..
�. operate a telephone system in the City of Puduouh, including n000seury oondutts,'
I, subways. manholes, poles, vireo and other equipment with right-.of-ruy over, undor.,
6 along and thru the streets, avenues, aleye, squares, bridges and public pluoee. of "
said City, for the purpose of running such subway, poles, wires and other
equipment nooessury to construct, maintain, eatublich'und operate a telephone system
Jn:ouid City, and movod-that said Ordinance be adopted and uftor lying.ovor the time
requirod by lnw.for protest. if no protest. appeared againot the aumo,,'that tho surae,
be advertised and cold ut the City Hall door.by the Layer of the City of Paducah to ;.g.
.: r,