HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 544, June 14, 1920I 777-7 717 777 1 T !. I , �^ � =rte f. ...... ... �.�•�.a+f'�L.:...,-N. �.....�.w..Jlv.....��........-.....��.a....�4� / l�:•c ._ �_Y ,.�'� lJ Y 777-7 717 777 1 Commissioner's Proceedings, Cityof•Paducah 191_ At &.Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the commission - are' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky; on June 14th, 1920, with W.,V. Baton. Mayor pro'tem presiding. Upon call of the roll the following answered to.their namse: Oommieelonere Eaton, Gilbert. Tully and Williams. -4. JI On motion of Commissioner Gilbert the minutes of"the previous meeting were a adopted an read by 4 yeas. JK Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the communion- j It NOW ;•y;., International. tion from G. R. Parker Manager for the Ksatnn Aoturial Bureau, be received and til -I a �B , .., • l nears Annual nears ►nasal ad, and that John Y. Slaughter, Chief of the Piro Department, be. Bent by the Otty of Meeting:,„, y ' Paducah to attend the Anm,a1 Meeting of the International Association of Fire Engineers at"Toronto, Canada, from July 26th to Both, 1920,.inolusive, and that the neoeeeary :f"! expenses of said trip be paid by the City and charged to the Fire Department. Adopted F, upon call of the roll. Dy the following vote: Yeae .Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams .4 J : j Commissioner Eaton offered.the following motion: I move that the Commission- i b gals of #2 ladder Track " or of Public Safety be.authorised to sell the No. 2 Ladder Truck now stored at -Fir stored in Fire .4 station #4. Station #4 for the beet price obtainable.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow - '” authorised. fi Ing votes Yese Eaton, Gilbert, ,Tully and Williams, -4. Oommieeioner Tully offered the following motion: That the Mayor be authorised,. Oontraot with to sign a contract with the Caron Directory Co. for the purchase of ten City.Direotories CarOo.ctoDire purohaei s0 X7.00 eaoh, being for the following. departmentst Ynyor,. Finame. Assessor, Noris, 10 directories. ; Police, Fire, Riverside, Cemetery, Health and Polioe Judge.' Adopted upon call of the U roll by the following vote:.Yeas.Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams.r4. p Commissioner Williams offered the"following motion: I,move that J. M: Jelfords, " J.M. de . datingg City , :noting Oity Soalee"Weigher. be allowed $36.00 for two weeke'.pay. Adopted upon call of'I" Scales Weigher. "the roll by the following vote: Yeae Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams, -4. • h Oommieelonor Tally"oifered tho following motion: I move that an ordinance li' the. posit ion of City Assessor in the Department Public Finanoo,'preeoribingi Ordinance .oreat-,or@ating,_ of Cit position . city Aseeoae:P. L. the duties, fixing the compensation, and repealing all ordinances in conflict there - ywith .be now introduced and adopted. Adopted'upon.call of the roll by -the following c. votes Yeae Eaton, Gilbert;. Tully and Williamo,-4. Commieeioner Tully offered the following motion, I move .that Henry Bailey bs.," : il elected, ,elected City Aseeseor,'his employment.as ouch -to commence on the 16th day of_Jcne 1920., Assessor. 'Adopted upon call of the roll by the tollowi votes Yea Dston Gilbert Tall and �' • o y Williams'". Commissioner Eaton offers& the following 'a?otign:.I move that'an:ordinance ordinance rola ":entitled, "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING.THE USE OF.COLOtID SIDB LIGHTS ON MOTOR VBHICLE9, "" coling use e. colored elle. AND PRESORIBIBG PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF." be adopted. Adopted upon call P P f •"' ",L' ' vehicles. hts on motor the roll by the following vote: yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams, -4. t Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinanoe' Ordinance raga- entitled, "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE PLACING OR LEAVING OF OBSTRUCTIONS ON SIDEWALK " labor the pino-,IN Ing or leaving THE ARE11 BOUNDED BY six STREET FROM"J9NTUCKY AVENUE TO JEPPIMSON STREET TO AND• of obstructions on sidewalks. INCLUDING. FIRST STREET. AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THE'REOF:" be now intro - ,duoed and adopted. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following votes Yeas Baton, :Gilbert, Tully and Williamo,-4. On motion of Commiesioner Gilbert tho bid of W..L. Yancey for grading and W.Lfor graosy bid for grnding.m £graveling.Fourteenth Street from the North.psoperty line of. Monroe Street.to.the South ,. . Gravelln, 14th St, d property line of. Olay Street. was ;eoeived and filed and notion deferred until Friday morning June leth.•1920 ae 10 o'clock A. M. Adopted upon call of the roll by the ` following"votsis Yeae Baton, GlAort, Tally-apd Williamo,-4. 1 1i Ilissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191 On motion of commissioner Tully the board adjourned until PrIfty morning, June ,.lath. 1920 at 10 o'clock A. M.. by 4 yano. A! d�s �pd: 19A_a APP OVbD , IT JUNG 15th. 1920. . I At Ift Called Meeting of the Board of Comadesioners, held in the T4 it Chamber in the city Hall. psfto&h Ka2tuok7, on Jan*45th, 1920, at 16 o'clock A. Mi Mayor Pro tom Eaton presiding. Upon call of the roll the following suawarai to their nameal Commissioners Raton, Tally and Williams, -8.' Commise loner Raton stated reasons for call, to -wit, To give passage 0 t an ordicanoo appropriating $2,000.00 to the city Hall Account in the Department of Public Property, and any Other tuBinol3a'that may come before tho:Boarl Ordinance appro- Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that an oriinanos priating #2000.00 City Hall Account entitled, "AN onnuma AppwpRuTiNG TWO THOUSAND ($20009001 DOLLARS TO THE CITY in Dept Public Propertyo': HALL ACCOUNT IN THE DEPA.RT110T OF PUBLIC PROPERTY," be now introduced and adopted. ': Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote, yeas Baton, Tully &nd,Williame $.So Oommies louer Eaton offered the -following motion; I move that Bonnie Lofton be, Bonnie Lefton employed to have charge and care of the par City Ply Traps at a salary of 076.00 charge of Ply, Traps* mouth, OOMIMODOing with the Pirat day at June 1920, and to continue aaid. BerVioae* at. the pleasure of the Commissioner of Public Safety, and that said ample -Via be under t he dirootion of the Chief of Police, and his compensation charged to the Polioa Department. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas -Eaton, Tally ( rrr " and Williams. -G. On motion the Board adjourned by 3 yeas. -P dkAP_ ].%,,OV:F � ch, N At an AdjonlInel Hooting of the Board of Oommlesionere, hell in the Ocamleal are' Chamber in the City nail. PeducAh. Kentuok7. on Friday, Juns.18th, 1920, at 10 :o'clock A. M. Upon 0811 of the roll the following answered to their nameat Commie- -M.1: GlOnOm Eaton, Tally, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn.-4. ✓4 y As there was no business to oome before the Board. On motion of Commissioner 4. Baton the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by 4 yeaeo 19 lt6_ 0 VE D If -MAY(JR. JUNE 19TH, 1920. f. At a Call Meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold In 'the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah. Kontuob7, on Saturday. *Julio 19th. 1920, at 11 010100i '.""'t A. M. Upon call of the roll the following hnswered to 'their names Commissioners �.!'Eaton, Tully, William and Me yo)r. latter John. -4. Mayor Xstterjohn stated reasons for'oall to•witi To allow accounts and.-salarioe for *1920, the first half of June and any other business that might come before the Board. III I Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I.movo that the a000unto for the first half of. June so per the report of the Commissioner of f Pinanoo filed herewith S.