HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 543, June 7, 1920., .y.,.,. e--�r..a..�,•� �n'7y - e s, �.. z, -f mr{r ��.-n Asa. �..rrt5' 7 --. 'C4 -
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3 , No. A M ?
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191
Commissioner Tully offerod-tho following motion: That the Roport of the Commie,
r` Report Com'r of '.
Finance.. sioner of Finanoe for the month of May 1920 be received and filed and ordered publish -
ad in the Official liewepaper. Adopted upon gall of the.roll by the following vote:
e Yeas, Eaton, Gilbort, Tully and Katterjohn,-4. (
1• Commissioner. Tully offered the following motion: I move that''the City Attorney.
" F and the Commissioner of Public Safety be instructed to present the motion ,to dissolve' '
Isolation Vard k' injunction to a Judge of the Court of Appeals, granted; agoinst the City.of Paducah '•
! Injunction
and, the Board of Commissioners by the Judge of the M6Craoken`C1rouit Court, and to
y H
take -such other notion as may be necessary and proper in the defense of said eotioa. -
} I Adopted upon call of the roll'by the following vote. Yoas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and '
. K6tterjohn,-4.
Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the Report oi.the-
'°, Report Chief of t�
Police, ;> Chief of Police for the month of May 1920 be received and filed. Adopted upon call of
? the roll by the follorrirq!, vote: Yona, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Kattarjohn,-4.
Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that•,the Renort;of the
Report Chi at of y ;
Fire Dept. i Chief of the biro Department for the month of May 1920 be received and: filed: Adopted
upon call of'the.roll by the follovring vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully,and Yattor-
john, -4. .
'$ Commissioner Tully offered the followin. ::cation: VMMEAS, in the year 1918 the k '
t, City of Paducah rented the Jackson Hill Farm to J. F. Allen .in consideration of hie
•_:i making certain improvements on sgid farm;'and, "
WHEREAS, said Allen hao failod'to oomnleto`eaid improvemonts; and,
Jaokson`Hill Farm WHEREAS, the City of Paducah has recently sold said farm and is act further in-
contract with J.P.
.'' Allan released. i tereatod in the specific performance of said contract;
1101-1 BE IT,OBDAIMA) BY THE HOARD Ob' COMMSIONINS that for and in consideration of
tho sum of ;50.00 oash in hand paid by said J. F. Allen, that the oontrpot'heretofore
I. ;',„
entered intobe cancelled and the bond executed by said J. B. Allen released.- Adopted
r upon os]1 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and KAttor-,
John, -4.
;S 4 On motion the Board adjourned by 4 yese.
d •'
JURE 9th. 1920. „
.3 At a.Rogular.Meating of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commissionere'
'Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on June .7th,'1920.: Upon call of the
rgll the 'following answered to their names= Commissioners Tully, Will
lama. 1,fayor ,-+ .;•;:
r cKatterjohn,-3.
1. On motion of Commissioner Tull the minutes of the
' •X; o y previous meetings were (� ,
adopted as read by 3 yeas. s,•
'Commissioner Gilbort'entered the meeting. 4
On motion the Board adjourned by 4 yese.
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