HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 542, June 5, 1920( .. nbn) i� fh j. A j h•I ��. � .1 J\l '.'4 nZl %•. 't � t a}yr•/,.�4; 5?-l�'.M ,� i .
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Corrimissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah l9L (ti
Mayor BAtterjohn offered the following motion. I.move that the petition - <a
Protest of Pro- of.-protest of property owners on H..Fourth Street Qe reoeived and filed. Adopted apes
I' v party owners . ; ;r;• .< ; :.
H. 4th St. call of the: roll by the following votes Yeas, Eaton, .Tialy, Williams and &tterjohn;-4.
a Qommieeioaer'Tully offered the following motion;.I move that the Commie-
B.C.Spann, eio.ner of Finance be authorized to pay the judgment of '$30.00 and costs 429.06 in the `y
M Judgement'&
case of S. C.-Spann ve the City of Paducah, and charge. same:to,the account. of costa
costs paid.
,.r and Suite. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tally, �t
ro Williams and-J(htterjohn,-4.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; That .the communication
::1 Aetna L1fo. ,.,
Ina. Co. oommu-�from the Aetna Life Ins. Co. regarding the inspection .of the City Hall Slevaton .be re
nication re-'..� .
3:,garding City. 8 ooived and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton.
Hall .Elevator.
Tully, Williams and Kattor john,-4.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: the resignation of �.
MS-as Teresa Mies Teresa Boike be aocepted. Adopted upon.call of the roll by the following vote:'
'Boike, resign-
s� tion. d Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn,-4.
Commissioner Tull offerod the follows
y nB motion; That the Commissioner of
4 ?inanoe be authorised to-correct an error in the assessment of.Louie F. Kolb. Adopted
Louie ?.Kolb
i'. correction S upon' call of the roll by the following, vote: Use, Eaton, Tully, !'Williams' and Batter.
:tax aseesement.; .. F..
Commissioner Williams offered the follows
�. ••..,•, .r.� ng motion: L move that the
c' jCommissioner of 'Public 'Property be authorised to enter into an 'agreement or contract
a< Y oontraot betn.
Oity.oi Paducah between the City of.Pa W. L. Yancey for the lease of the River Farm for the
IJ & W.L.Yanoey '. C' '•,• f;:
lease River. eam of 486.00 for the year 1920. Adopted upon call of the roll*by tho follows
i P y nCS vote-, .... .
•?arm. gg
a 'less Eaton Tully, Williams and Ystter ohn 4..
' s Commissioner Williams lune excused from the meeting:
On motion of Commissionor Eaton the 'report'of'the City Attorney in rogerd'
r ,L.Roport City i
Atty. is re- to 'tile City owning the property'on Burnett'•Streot East of Sixth Street was received and
,• gard to City i ..
owning'-Burnett '. filo&' 'and reforrod to the Kayor and .Commiesionor .of Public' Works witb powor to act.`"-
8t. -E: of 6th. �. ..
�Adopt.od upon call of the roll, by the following vote:.Yeae, Eaton, Tully: and 1Qstterjohn,
Commis stoner Williams re-onterefl the meeting. I „�
On motion of. Commissioner Eaton, tho Commissioner of Pubiio'Property was
yx Ay4. I S`
eoalos for City instructed to purohase, scales for the 'City. Market House:.: Adopted upon .:oall of the. roll
,Marko House..
.by the following votet Yeas, futon, Tully, Williams and tafter�ohn,=4. !
> w�, 6n motion the Board'adjourned, yeas 4, ti)
4 y ' kK spa{ - ', ti,• C�. y . �' v 1 N .
:'%� tv JUNE 6th. 1920.
AL a; Call Moeting-of the Board 'of Commissioners, held in the', Commissioners'
" Chamber in the Cit Hall 'Paducah,'Kentuoky,
Y . , On June 6th, 1920, at 10 o'clock A. 'M. ' • . :v�d
kUpon Gall of the roll the following answered.+to their names: Commissioners, Eaton,` 1
4 :•:.~'N Gilbert; Tully and Mayor Kattorjohn,-4.
Mayor •Kettorjohn''statod reasono for call, to-wit: :To allow,salartes and a000unte.
for the month of May 1920, and.any'othor business that may come.bcYoro.the,Board..,
D Commissioner Tully offered the.following motion: That the accounts for. the last 'halt,
.A000ttnte lastof May 1920, as. per the report of. the Commissioner of Finance filed, herewith, be allow-� ": l
half May 1926. � a.d and ordered paid, and that the money. be a.ppropriated.from the General Hhind to pay
s - v
same. Adopted. upon call .of the roll by the following vote3. Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert; ` f
Gtully and Katterjohn `4.
. i
(GL 14 .:Yy>,..,y;? i, ,; .Yr lF '1.ik ��c f yi.,i1 .*r'• r - cr;;� ti ,a M �. �.. 1(
`¢ ` 1 i �..'.• t n•l•
�.+C<M•',.r+w'.::t;.y[.''4 ARe. r. .. _..... .. 1 - � I .J -( 4< L
'",-y+.'r� d�'t'v t","r'3'z T' z ��•e' xt+i r: tk nt V}7
- ._�--_.-moi.-u s .:?;..• .. :.;.'.....�..c; .�r:..��-.+u:��`.. ?:a,.�_., ._s._...h._.�....-.R_ •- ,
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_
i cw. r ,
JUNE 9th, 1920. a.
At e.Rogular.Meeting of the Board.of Commissioners, hold in the Commissioners!
"Chamber in the City Nall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on June .7th, 1920.. Upon call of the 71,
frail the 'following answered to their names% Commissioners Tully, Williams. and Mayor .,
,Katterjohn,-3. r
On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were
adopted as read by 3 yeas. '~
t Commissioner Gilbort entered the meeting.
1 On motion the Board adjourned by 4 yeas. r."d
z r{ T �Q. A PP -. WJ
Commissioner Tully offered -the following motion: That the Report of the Commie,
Report Com'r of
. '.'
sioner of Finance for the month of May 1920 be received and filed and ordered publish-
ed in the Official t%eviepaper. Adopted upon.oall of the.roll by the Ydllowing votes I:
f '
! Yeas, Eaton, Gilbort, Tully and Katterjohn,-4.
Commissioner. Tully offered the following motion: I move that•'the City Attorney.
hand the; Commissioner of Public Safety be inatruoted to present the motion .to dissolve'
Isolation hard
injunction to a Judge of the Court of Appeals, granted.againat the City of Paducah .
i and. the Board of Commisaioners by the Judge of the 1, 60raoken'Cirouit Court, and to
. �..
p take such other action as may be necessary and proper in the defense of said action.
Adopted pea cell of the roll'by the following vote: Yoea, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and
Utter John, -4.
dommiasioner Eaton offered the following' motion: I move that the'Report oY.the
Report Chief of ..
;: Chief of Polioe for 'tho month of Lay 1920.be received and filed.' Adopted upon call of
.• ..`,.
the roll by the follovtirU!, vote% Yoas, Tinton, Gilbort, Tully and Kntt'erJohn, -4.
Commissioner Eaton offered the Yolloviing motiont I move that .the Renort,of the
Report Chief of-
Fire Dept.'
y Chief of the lire Departmont for the nsonth of May 1920 be received and. filed; Adopted
`A, '
upon call of the.r.oll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully. and Y-attor-
john, -4.
Commissioner Tully offered the Yollo',:in„ ;;uti.on: VMMEAS, in the Y ear 1919 the
�) City of Paducah rented the Jackson Hill Farm to J. F. Allon.in oonsidoratlon of his
making certain improvements on a¢id farm; 'and,
WHEREAS, ,said Allen has feilod'to complete `ea id improvements; and,
Jackson 'Hill Parm
t`' 'MICAS the City of Paducah has r000ntl sold said Yarm and is not further in-
' Y
oontraot with J.F.
Allen releaeod.
terestod in the speoifio performance of said contract;
1101.1 Bs IT,ORDAI1110 BY THE HOARD OF COM1,113SIO11:HS that for and in consideration of
the eum of �50.00 oash,in'hand F
paid by said J. .Allen, that the oontrµot heretofore
entered into.be cancelled and the bond executed by said J. F. Allen released. Adopted
upon call of the roll b the followi dote: Yeas Eaton (}filbert Tull and Knttor-
Y n6 . y
On motion the Board adjourned by 4 yeas.
l !t2 t:,UV .IJ
k �f�'-'•jL'� M cTAtt
i cw. r ,
JUNE 9th, 1920. a.
At e.Rogular.Meeting of the Board.of Commissioners, hold in the Commissioners!
"Chamber in the City Nall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on June .7th, 1920.. Upon call of the 71,
frail the 'following answered to their names% Commissioners Tully, Williams. and Mayor .,
,Katterjohn,-3. r
On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were
adopted as read by 3 yeas. '~
t Commissioner Gilbort entered the meeting.
1 On motion the Board adjourned by 4 yeas. r."d
z r{ T �Q. A PP -. WJ