HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 541, May 31, 19201
b f
JUNE let, 1920. 1
F;r "
yet fl
At an Adj-urned Meeting of.the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Oommieeim -
fiere' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, KQntuoky. on June let, 1920 at 10 o'clock•A.M.
1 Uponoall of the roll the following Answered to their names•= Commissioners Platen,
Tully. Williams and Mayor Katterjohn.-6.
COn motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meeting were
: R 'F
jadopted as read upon call of the roll by -4 yeas.
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the resignation of 1
Mre.Faith Risks !iMr@.,Faith Rieke as a member of the Library Board be received, filed and accepted.
: resignation
Library Board. j;Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas Eaton. Tully, ',Yilliams a44•„
. T
.. :.
Commissioner's Proceedings; City of Paducah
Oommissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the report of the Oom'r-of
Report 0om'r of
Finance regarding
`Finance regarding the
ft ng purchase of Bond. due July 1, 1926 from the Sinking Fund be
urohase of Bond
,received and filed and oonourred in. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following..
.. '
!;vote,: Yeas, Eaton. Gilbert. Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6.
P' Commissioner'Williams offerod the followsmotion:-That
ng tiro deed from J.`R.
Campbell, Jr.- to Neal and Frank Crean, conveying the east one-half of.the aouth half
Cemetery transfer .
to Neal m Frank
p:of lot#8 in:Seotion one in Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified in s000rdanoc 4i* th the re.:
;quest filed herewith from J. R. Cambell, Jr., and that proper record be made of said
Y .
(:transfer. Adopted upon call of tho roll by the following votes Yeas,.Eaton, Gilbert,.
Williams and Katterjohn,-B.
'r `'
V Commissioner Plilliame offered the following motlont That the deed from J. L,
Treece conveying to A. E. Cole the north one half of lot 618 in seotien 38, in 0ak
Cemetery transfer. ,
J. E. Treece to
A. S. Cole.
FGrove Cemetery, be ratified. as per the request of said grantor herewith filed,. and
[,that said transfer be re.00rdea in the cemetery Heed book. Adopted upon.oall of the rdl
-I,by the following vote: Yoae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams snd'Kattorjohn,-6.
Affidavits of
1� On motion of Commissioner Eaton the affidavits'of Prod Hughes and J. R. Thomason j
Fred Hughes A,
J. R.
llre ardi g belonging , P
I' g ng:a do balon i to Fred H hes •mere raoeivod and tiled upon call of the roll
"by the following vote: Yoae, ,.Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6.
D On motion of Commissioner Williams tho r.oport of Roy Hurt, Inepootor of.17oights
Report Roy He tSesauree was received and filed upon call of tho roll by the following vote: Yens.
Inspector Weights `
and Measures,
:'Eaton, Gilbert, Tully. Williams and Kattorjohn;-5. �.'.c..
On motion tho Board adjourned by 6 yeas.-
May 31st, 1920. I'
i, At a Regular Meeting of 'the Board of Commissioners, held in -the Commis sioners'
is Chamber in the Pity Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on May 31st, 1920. Upon call of the roll
'the following answered to their names: Commissioners Tully, Williams and Mayor Katter.
John, -3.
On motion of.Commissioner Tully, the Board adjourned to moot Tuesday Morning,
June let. '1920, at 10 o'clock A. M. Adopted yeas 3.
b f
JUNE let, 1920. 1
F;r "
yet fl
At an Adj-urned Meeting of.the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Oommieeim -
fiere' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, KQntuoky. on June let, 1920 at 10 o'clock•A.M.
1 Uponoall of the roll the following Answered to their names•= Commissioners Platen,
Tully. Williams and Mayor Katterjohn.-6.
COn motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meeting were
: R 'F
jadopted as read upon call of the roll by -4 yeas.
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the resignation of 1
Mre.Faith Risks !iMr@.,Faith Rieke as a member of the Library Board be received, filed and accepted.
: resignation
Library Board. j;Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas Eaton. Tully, ',Yilliams a44•„