HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 541, June 1, 1920r
' . .aµ �.n'n''^ AK��niiy+d �,. ..opt r» �i�•,�,r ,..7 n •4'iYl rY ,fMlj't +t:'J r yt'+,Ix In r ? i+d�l, - �� l - ,iY��, .'.
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah' 19th_
Oommiesioner.Tully offered the following motion: That the report of the mom -r -of
Report :ro
mor of l
Financeegarding " Finance regardingtho purchase of Bond,#16 due July 1, 1926 from the 9inking Pund beurohasof Bond
,received and filed and oonourrsd.in. Adopted upon call of tho.roll by the following.,
"vote.; Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6.
:k Commis9ioner'17illiame offered the following motion; That tao deed from J.`R.
;,Campbell, Jr.- to t
Neal and Frank Creon, conveying the east one-half of .the south hal1
r { Cemetery transfer . .I'
J.R.Campboll,Jr. ;:of lot #e in:seotion one in Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified in a000rdanoe 41tb the re.:
to Neal m Frank
jf `Green. 'rqueat filed herewith from J. R. Campbell, Jr., and thtit proper record be made of said
�transfer. Adopted upon call of the roll by"the following vote: Yeae,.Eaton, Gilbert,. }
Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,
'i Commissioner Williame offered the following motion: That the deed from J. L.
CTreece conveying to A. E. Cole the north one half of lot 518 in aeotion 36 in Oak
Cemetery transfor. t,'
t J. E. Treece to J.;Grove Cemetery, be ratified, ae per the request of said grantor herewith filed. and
A. E. Cole. '
that said transfer be recorded in the cemetery deed book. Adopted upon,oall of the rcn
{.' 1iby the following vote; Yoae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and'Kattorjohn,-6.
..rj it On motion of Commissioner Eaton the affidavlte'of Prod Hughes and J. R. Thomason-]
i. Affidavits of .
{ Pred Hughes A lregarding a dog belonging to Fred Hughes,'•aere reoeivod and filed upon call of the roll
:r: •'
J. R. Thomaeon.'
-h ;.by the following vote; Yoae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn,-6.
On motion of Commissioner Williams the report of Roy Hurt, Inepootor of.ft ighte b
Report Roy Hurt ''Meaeures was received and filed upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yoos,
Inspeotcr Weights i
{ and Measures. 'Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn;-5. �•
On motion tho Board adjourned by 5 yeas.,
PJ41 dao�RO
MY 31st. 19'0.
I. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners -
`Chamber in the Pity Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on May 31st, 1920. Upon call of the roll j
"1 ..the following answored to their names; Commissioners Tully, Williams and Mayor Katter-
John, -3.
"' On motion of.Commissioner Tully. the Board adjourned to moot Tuesday Morning,'
cJune let, 1920, at 10 o'clock A. M. Adopted yeas 3.
JUNE let. 1920, ,.
r4 j At an Adj-urned Moetina of ,the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Oommiseim -
' 'ere' Cit Chamber in the Paducah
•;, - �;. �. y Hall, Kentucky. on June let, 1920 at 10 O'olook,A.M.
ii Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names,= Commissioners IDnton,
yTully. Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-4.
'x k On motion of,Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meeting were
;R adopted as read upon call of the roll by.4 yeas. + '
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion:"I move that the resignation of
=: Kre.Faith Rieke 1;Mr@..Faith Rieke as a member of the Library Board be received, filed and accepted.
resignation 'Aopted upon call of 'the roll b �
.;,Library Board. Idy the follow:
: ng vote; Yens Baton.'Tully, 'Jillinma apd-,:
'?1, r Katterjohn,-4.
v� •
� 1
. " ' • ,�.'trtps�av,�r �'rau1Yi�+%�.�����i,'x� i';,f`�" C� �•
F' h
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_Y
t:,'.,''•. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion. I.Move that the petition
property owners on R..Fourth Street be received and filed. Adopted
Protest of Pro= of .'.pro"teat of
4 Y. party owners
ti H. 4th St. c call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Eaton,.Tully, Williams and'Katterjohn.-4.
i �•., .... ;,
r �
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:.I move that the Commie -
stoner of Finance be authorised to
pay the judgment.of $30.00 and costs $29.06 is the t '
Ft." B.C.8pann,
,i. Judgemont m case of E.,,C.-Spann ve the City of Paducah, and charge same :to •the account of costa I '
r1 costa paid. '
and Suite. adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton', Tally,
Williams and.Matterjohn,-4. 4
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That.the communication'. '
f?:YTAetna L1fo. .. +r. ..
�;;�•Ina. Co. connJ from the Aetna Life Ina. Co. regarding the inspection.oi the City Hall Elevatoa .be re - .1 :
nioation re
�, garding City. re-
t and filed. Adopted' upon' call of the roll by the following.vote: Yeae, Hat on, t
?' `• Hall .Elevator. y
? ( Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn,-4.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the resignation of
?..Miss Teresa :.�" Mise Teresa Boike be accepted. Adopted upon.oall of the roll by the fo.11owing:vote:'
Boike, rosigna
tion. _Yeas, Baton, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn.,-4.
�1 Commissioner Tully.offerod the following motion: That the Commissioner of
be, authorised to .correct an error in the assessment of .Louis F. Kolb. Adopted'
:,... Louie FKolb :M
npon call. of the roll by the following.vote: Yoga, Eaton, Tally, Williams and Katter�
tax assessment
Commissioner Willis offered the following motion: I'.move that the
7Commissioner of 'Public' Property be authorised to enter into an 'agreement or contract `.
r. Contract beta.
Oity.of Paducah between the City of Paducah and W. L. Yancey for the lease of the River Farm for the
J & W.L.Yanoey ( ,
lease River. :Isnm of $86.00 for the year 1920. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following. vote:' '
• r+., ' . A Yeae, tato n,..Tully, Williams and Y,attorjohn,-4..
Commleeionor Williams was exonsed from the meeting:
+ ; " .On motion of Commiesianor Eaton the report'of'the City Attorney in regard
'.Heort City .` '•:. ,
Atty, in re-. .jto the 01ty owning the property on Burnett'Streot East of Sixth Street was received and, (.
;•gard to City
} owning'•.Burnett filed 'and referred to the Mayor and:Commissionor.of Public Works with powor to.aot. 1 "r
.St. E: of 6th.. II
c r V fGAdoptod upon oall of the roll, by the following vote:'.Yeas, Eaton, Tully and I0atterjohn,l'
Commissioner Williame re-ontered the meeting.'
On motion of,Commieeioner Eaton, tho-Commissioner of Publia'Pro port
y was y?
*18oa'as for City instructed to purohaee. scales for the 'City. Market House:.: Adopted.np6n.',call. of the. 'roll':
%Markot House.. j�..
).;;• ¢
j! by the followlag votet Yeas, Eaton, Tully; Williams and Xhitefjohn,=4.
On motion the Board' adjourned, yeas 4. t J
to = (
JURE 6th. 1920.
At, a:.Call Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commi'esio.nere' I +I
` 1 [Chamber, in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on June 6th,.1920, at 10 o'clock
1 kupon call 'at the roll the following anewered.,to their names: Commissioners, Eaton,
r Gilbert, Tully and Mayor Kattorjohn,-4. 1
Mayor Katterjohn"stats& reasons for call, to -wit: To allow.salarios and acaounte.. �.
^` for the month of May 1920, and.any other business that may come. boforo.tho,Board..
r l ¢ j
8 ;} Commissioner Tully offered the. following motion: That- the accounts for. the last ball,
A000tutte:laet' iof May 1920, ae.per the report of. the Commissioner of Finanoe tiled, herewith, be alloy-� +� 1
a tt
..':half May, 1926. b.eA and ordered paid., and that the money be e.ppropriated.from the General Fund-to'pay '
{` i same. Adopted upon call ,of the" all by the following vote:. Yeae, Eaton, dilbert; ,
Tully and. Katterjohn,=4.
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WY.F•.±..-•t?L.r.`; :f RSM.... w..._ .w._....::... _ �
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