HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 540, May 24, 1920x:1. t��,� �^. tiM. .< , .v. u„• r t. S ? i'ti;�F'''.5i'l,r,�y�,••ri"�"�t:1�:4+'.��yn.t. •,�i6{�1,lkJ^w '�' �,.. Z�� ,Jrr1 , .t , .. _ - fr•^t•N,+yra� ..r„.u�. n�7`'•l'i r -Xr .�•,•n .,�Y..-».p •.K`NaYi,e:r �'Y.'••4e trey._., , �tY'-,(D r•j�r,i-s.p., ^k.r.,.. . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ J Williams and K,atter john, -6: r commissioner Tully offered the following motion; That the ,petition regarding the �oondition.of the alley between North 11" and 12" streete:weet of Flournoy, be referred r. Alley between ,til ' N. 11th m 12th to the Commissioner of Works. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; ste.;Weet of;r; ; ,Flournoy. JYeas, Eaton, Gilbert,.Tully, Williams and Satterjohn.-6. Ik1 Mayor Satterjohn offered the following motion: That the City Attorney be in- �t etruoted to bring in a report to the Commissioners in regard to that portion of Burnett Barnett Street Street east of sixth StreeL-being dedicated to the City. Adopted upon call of the roll ' :suet of Sixth street dedioa by.the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams end. Satterjohn,-6.' ? ` ,tion r Onmotion the Board adjourned, yeae S. r :gPPROD ,+ F. t ` Eg1Cf�t 4} �t r, MAY 24TH.. 1920. •.r. `:' At a Call Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. bold in the Commissionere' g'Obomber in the City Hail, Paducah, Kentucky, on May 24th, 1920, at 11 o'clock A. M.' " 1p Upon call of the roll the following anewered'to their names; Commissioners Eaton, #.�• .Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Mayor Satterjohn,-6. 6. s Mayor Eatterjohn stated reasons for call; -to -wit: To take up the matter of i jza �} 1 e-contraot with•D. Harry Jamieson to furnish preliminary sketohos, contract, oto. j for Nurses' Home, and any other business that, may come before the Board. ;, ddqg Commissioner Eaton offered the following,motion; I move that,the Mayor be authorised.to sign contract with architect D; Harry Jamieson'to.furniah preliminary 'Contract with sketches, contract. working, drawings, and to do: general•puperintepdence in the erection 1 epon for Nurses� -y:an4 completion of the Nurses Home at Riverside Hospital, - provided" .D.Ha;ry Jamithe .entire oompeneai'; ' Soms* f tion to.eaid architect shall not exceed 6% of the total cost of said building to be t u so constructed, and to be based on.the cost of work to be done hereafter.. Adopted i a �1 upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams,' • and Katter john, -6.. t On motion the Board adjourned, yeae 6. ` y 1 YJ. a x`14 • e of � — �_O �LP' ROVE3D V AT(05R 6 May 24th. 1920. 'a 1t At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commiesioners,.held in the Commissioners.'.� :t Chamber% in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on May 24th, 1920. Upon call of the ro11L' til 4 i T the following answered to their names: Commissioners. Eaton. Gilbert, Tully. Williams �{ and Mayor.Katterjohn.-6. { on motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of tbe'meetings of May 17th, May ! 19th and May 24th, 1920; was adopted as read] and also the Adjourned Meeting of Mev ;i,10th were adopted as read and corrected- upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. r"'' •Y• -. -on motion of Commissioner Eaton the injunction papers of the.woman's Hospital woman's Soap. ;*League Injuno-a League wero.reosived and filed and rof erred to the'City Attorney for notion upon call a' r, tion papers. r i of the roll by the following vote:, Yens, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Khtter- of john, -6.y � ; on motion of.Mayor Katterjohn the communioation from property owners and mar - "V., Communication+ chants on.End.Street was received and filed and referred to the Commissioner of Public property own1. - ere, etc. on End Works upon call of.the roll by the following Tote; Yeae; Eaton, Gilbert, Tully. Williams ;r St. and Katterjohn,-6. JI t a ! �� l.'.c-�J.,j1,,. �..:'. ). ,,, '� f-�I';� } htJy�G).. C.r � .,. � .'t -• �.L. ..f!..� .1 Av l 5.' L '..t:?\. t !: I-�l•R - y1'•' 'w4G•gQ .�t'.::1,'. 'MFSt-T.. .{ •fin xpi+a+l OY.M.G.4..- 'l 1s 4.w .. .i til.r ...,, .�-.. .. ♦~n}"'Yrr ar..y++,..n- r4 r R»+�'+..Fr'�E'.a"•T'4'ir4� +' Y.'T ,p +'c'Y3 ai�•v N r. , ., }. F-+ .• a � IV! � t'.-.+ wfen:Llrc; ;+•-"t-.witi:.uo cry' .:••-..L U.�Lu:�_y...... !' - �' r Commissioner's Proceedings;City of-Paducah, a Commissioner Tull offered the follows + • ,. y ng motion; That the report of the Oom r of Report Com'r of +fFinanceregarding 'Finance regarding the purchase of Bond, #16 due .July 1, 1926 from the Sinking Fund be :rohase of Bond u .. 18. ,received and filed and oonourred in. Adopted upon oall of tho. roil by the following., vote.; Yens, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-B. Commissioner'17illiame offered the follows ' n13 motion: That filo deed from J.' R. .;.Campbell, Jr.- to',N6a1 and Frank Crean, conveying the east one-half of .the south half ; { Cemetery transfer y : ..,._, J.R.Campboll,Jr. ;:of lot #g in: Section one in Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified in a000r.danoe 41th the re to Neal m Frank Green. jquest: filed horewith from J. R. Campbell. Jr., and that proper record be made of said Ltransfer. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeae,.Eaton, Gilbert,. `� Y. ,Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-B. r } jl Oommieeioner Williams offered the.following motion: That the deed from J. E. -... Treace conveying to A. H. Oole the north one half of lot 518 in section a in 0ak y :~ Cemetery transfer. i J. Be Treece to (Grove Cemetery, be ratified, as per the request of said grantor herewith filed and r A. Be Cole. n ' 1�that said transfer be recorded in the cemetery Heed book. Adopted upon, call of the rCn Ijby the following vote: Yoae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and'Kattorjohn,-6. ., On motion of Commissioner Eaton the affidavits'of Fred Hughes and J. R. Thomason.. Affidavits of Fred Hughes & " 11regarding:a dog belonging to Fred Hughes, mere reoeivod and filed upon call of the roll J..R, Thomason. "fr. ;:by the following vote: Yoas,.Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn.-6. r.'', On motion of Commissioner Williams the roport of Roy Hurt, Inepootor of.17oight8 m Report Roy Hurt :Measures was received and filed upon call of tho roll by the followin3 vote; Yeae, Inspeoter Weighte Y and Measures. 'Eaton, Gilbert. Tully,.1'lilliema and Kattorjohn;-5. �, `• (1 On motion tho Board adjourned by'6 yeas.' II •�( ----' I pRiO� May 31st. 1920. i �`. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the Pity Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, on May Blot, 192.0.. Upon call of the roll tithe following answered to their names: Commissioners Tully, Williams and Mayor Katter- 1 On motion of.Commissioner Tully, tro Board adjourned to meat Tuesday Morning.' Wane let, 1920, at 10 o'clock A. M. Adopted yeas 3. is At 1 F G JUNE let. 1920. (t if rf4', h At an Adj-urned Meeting of.the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Oommiseicn era'-Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah. Kentucky, on June let, 1920 at 10 ololook.A.M. { b Upon call of the roll the following anenered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Ii 'Tully. .Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. i, On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetiag were Iadoptad ae read upon call of the roll by.4 yeas. Mayor Katter ohn offered the. following ng motion: I mope that the resignation of Mre.Faith Rieke Mr@..Faith Rieke as a member of the Library Board be received, filed and accepted. '-Y resignationi ... "Library Board. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas Eaton, Tully, Ylilliams and-.; Kattorjohn,-4. ; W