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Minutes Book 15, Page 522, April 12, 1920
w ! `(�Q•'1iMiY • ' U•i , ,Y . t.t Iy Y C) Aorcly'"512..✓1 Y r1 i• 1: • 7 .� � ` t Af'.Y (:ii. +•�5 i .lit-2tla_ �^M1 ,•.fV: F 1 ♦%J' YJ�•J•4 "'[ y1 i'i .•.�•*-u -.4:.YG..6:Ys. ...�L�.f+++:a.:+..�..C�.�1:.a:...�_i.f...�...._....-.. ..�.4...L.:::ti..ra1�l .. ✓,��.� Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ (� hereby authorised to exooute deed.to lots numbers ten,.eleven and twelve in block "B" , . r�--_ A..B. Sowell's addition'to the City of Paducah, upon tho payment oi.^o7b in cash,nnd the 'execution of three notes for $100 each, bearing 6% interest, and payable in one , two and �y6� three years after ddte, a lion to be retained in said dead to oeoure.tho payment of the ! Fabove. r pt p yeas Eaton Gilbert Tall mentioned notes. Ado ed n on call of the.roll, .. y, Williams and Katterjohn",-6• ' '-West Kentuoky Commissionor Eatoq offered the following motion: I move that 'the resolution '• f �y,Maueoleum (10. accepting the.conveyanoe of property from the West Kentuoky Mausoleum Company be -now in- deed accepted. i ^t. roduoed Bind ordared to lie over one week in Ito present completed form. Adopted upon. f =; �ii, 'the call cf roll, yeae'Eaton, Gi1DerS, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn.-6. r On motion of Mayor Katterjohn.Comaiesioner-Williams was instruoted to got all: ,J City Property eLhe,deeds together of the City's property and have same filed. Adopted upon call of the .rrtt •�, deede. 4; roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams -and Katterjohn,-6. E' On motion the Board adjourned. yeas 6., I' fir . A-3 -11 C /e 19;e 3P O�T$iL►. ... �.i�(iV+ '' a Far.,► • ` APRIL 9TH. 1920., y } r At a Call Meeting of the Board of. Commis sioners bald in the Commissioners' ) ..Chamber in the City Hall,. Paducah, Ky., at 10 o'clock Ar M., on Aptril 9th, 1920.. Those Y ° : 1 present were Commissioners Eaton. Gilbert, Tully. Williams and Mayor Katter john, -6. mayor state d reasons for call, to -wit: To pass a resolution sooepting,.the;pro-, JY r :position of T. 'A. Ldller. 0. C; Pace.snd B. D4 Thurman for the purchase of the Jackson „} Hill. Farm, authorizing the Mayor, F. W. Katterjohn, to execute and deliver deed for h %- ? same. f y' Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the resolu-. I t • tion.acoepting the .proposition of T. A+ Miller., C. C. Paco and B. D. Thurman for the , µ daa a (purohaso of tho Jackson Hill. Farm, author izing the Mayor. F. Vt. KattorJohn. execute 1 � .to ` a t ' Fnrm: "and deliver deed for same, be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas.Eaton, P Gilbert,. Tully, Williams and latter John, -6. On: motion the Bocrd adjourned, yese 6. ( ' �� .� Ad. ,t d IjA(f i4�Q. O VEL' L I DSAYOP- 'APRIL 12TH. 1920.-'' At a Regular lleeting-of the Board of Commiesionaie, held in the Commleelonore, ;• ' !,.Chamber; in the City Hall; .Paducah, Kentuoky, on April 12th, 1920'.' Tliose present wore , 7 ! ' Commioeionere Eaton Gilbert, Tul yor Katterjohn,-6. ]y. '.iilllame and lea ! 1 On motion of Commissioner Tul the minutes of the ly '.I.,.� pregions. m9eti a were ado ted og p >,'ia, :,��'� �'l<<' .., 1 ,:.• 'ee'read, pees e. ., r• .. fffl Qommiseloner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that Boy Mrianchester Dei Y .y ... FtOY' MAt7Cli> TER , employed ':as Supervisor of Public . Play Grounds for the City of Paducah. and that he be Suporvisor of i "Public Play Orounde. r authorized, as such 'Supervisor Of,Pn'blio Play Grounds, to have oontrol' and management of C Y ' all of the blic amassment Du parka and groundo of the City; and that he Ea authorized to e¢tablieh and enforce' ail neoeeea raise re lati ry gn ng. such grotmds, and 'to have charge- ! " F. r r 4"5 1 i and control of all such grounds and the entertainments and amusements conducted there , ! F on; .and that he be paid for ouch sorvioes $500.00 for the year 1920,' and that said :mento be divided into nine equal installments, payable on the last day of Aptril,' Maya 3. A;.i;ia : .a '�'�. w . 4=::. .e Y . �.. , _ 3 . ., � ..: ... r.:•.".'�• .. %. _PSA.-.. 4y1 ` S� ►>I fJ'/ a rr �'} r R L "�':i,,.hi•.. Ir4:yJ+s. 'a'y'"P.a..ew •, l hi "�` �•t'fi. h, ( -'•5 : • �' rT •1l'# ,r `r`S . . . _ •-! �. �..�4 ,••.w..'r--.�.`.as:a'ti.+ R--^e_,4..-i-::+i.i:-�-•.n���.:4 il�! r.+^�:-.a+.s.!_" ..-4�:a. ` •�. 3 i ... " Commissic 's.P.roceedings, City of June, July, August, September, potober.,November and December, and that same be payable� +. out o1 the Contingent Fund, and that the said Manchester be under the direction o2 the L +Commissioner of Public Property. Adopted upon call o2 the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert _ ; i `and 17i111ame;.r3.;..nnye, Katterjohn,-1. Tully being excused from voting. -1. c Commiesloner'Eaten offered the following motion: .I move that petition from . 4'.'J. Potter. IT. J. Potter be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas i;atop, Gilbert; ;`•'•:" ;R (Tully, Williame and Katterjohn,-6. i I' "3 1y V Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: It appearing that the North ,`one-half o2 Lot 36 in Section 3, as shovrn on the plat of Oak Grove Cemetery, was'oon= A : ;,veyed to W. J. Hart on the 19th day of April, 1094;. W. J. Hart d �••; `-; T.J. Potter to I; And it further appearing that'the.said lot was .paid for by gyp'. J. Potter, as .' O.R.Ellie P ('•'? H.P. '.*llie shown by hie affidavit and petition this day tendered to the Board of Commissioners= VI. H.Ellie Cemetery Deed .�'.,. Transfer, And it further appears from said affidavit and ng petition that it was the agree u a wont between said Hart and said Potter that Laid lot should belong to.tho said Potter; And- it further appearing that said Potter has hold, maintained and exercised con- 1 M trol. and has claimed ovroorship of said lot for m x%! than •EO years, :and. said Potter. ' ir.. having,tendored to the Board of Commissioners his deed to said lot to J. 11..E1118. H.P. F• Ellle and W. H. B1118- A-, =.4 `'' E I move that the said transfer of said north one-half of Lot 36 of Section 3, as :shown on the plat of Oak Grove Cemetery to J. R. Ellie, H. P. Ellie and W. h..Ellie.be approved, in so far as the Board of Oommiselonore are able to,approve same ,"and that I' '• %.; ,esid transfer be noted on the r000rda of said Onk Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon call ` uof the roll, yeas Eaton. Gilbert, Tully, Williamo and Yat•ter john -6. �'� ,' j' •°+�'" commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that E. D. Rogers be 4 E' E.D.Rogore,010.. `paid the Bum of X10.00 by the Commissioner of Finance in settlement of hie claim for ' "= damages to horse. 'damages to.his horse and that said Bum bo B , ' paid to him upon the oxeoution.of proper I release, and'that sumo be charged to costs and suits. Adopted upan call of the roll;. ;yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully; Williams and Kattorjohn,-6. Commiesionor Cilbort offered the following motion: That the City Attorney be `4.1 ,instructed to bring in a resolution for the oonstruotion of the alley botwoen 6th. and g, i .Alley between 6th and 6th St.' *6th Streets, and botweonl'laehington 8j'01ark Ste., same to be paved with concrete or U . between Naeliin*- = :; tDa rb Clark Ste 'Y Rook Asphalt or some other suitable hard surface material. Adopted upon call 1 It of the roll,'yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn,=6. .•„ '•. -:^/ Commissioner:Ea,ton offered the following motion: I move that the reeolutioa 9aii�,' accepting the;oonveyanoe 'of property from West Kentublcy Maueoleum.'Company be adopted. lest rj. Mouse- ;`. loum Dood. Adopted.upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams,4. Mayor Katterjoht► stated that he vies heartily in favor of thiB•dead. but As he was a director i`'•:*.`'. of the Mausoleum Company, he was excused from voting. 'ba.;• 5 f Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: .That the deed.o! Conveyance.. :.} Wost Xjr. Mouse- from the fleet Y.entuoly Mausoleum Company to the City .of Paducah be published in the leum. Deed to be published. official newspaper. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton,.Gilbert, Tully, Williame' and Ketterjohn.-6. . Commissioner_ Gilbert oiiorod the following motion: I move that an 'ordinance entitle&, #$AII ORDIVANCE PROVIDING FOR TFL': PURCUSE OF A STREET RCLLM FOR. THE USE OP THE, Street Roller STREET DEPARVIE:NT.° be introduced and lay over. Adopted upon call of the roll, yens,' ' • I `, ' Ordinance. „ i.' Eaton,:Gilbort, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn.-6. Commissioner Gilbert offered thefollaving motion: I move that the Commiseioner ,. i • Anotia 'rleetern of _°ublio :'lorka be'instraotod to sign the acceptance tendered by,the.representative of Rood ,soh. Co. acceptance. !Yostorn Road Maohinory Company for the HoRoller purohaeed from them. frd jthe,Austin rri ` 1 ` } ;S ddopted upon call 02 ti:e roll, yoas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Ylilliams and..Kattor.john,-8. ,` t? k�"'x'F'j}`yTT ,.."�y". '°tie{'..'°`(r�r'r�eptipe•c'.1"r,�Y' p�+1,l�]�'Y'.�ip.-t,'ron. ,:�..�:.::•_. r V: { rr srx, Commissioner's Proceedings; City of Paducah 'On motion the.Board adjaurned,.yeas '6. ,* a4•1.1�19�� ~r _ f r APRIL 16TH, 1920. At a Call Meeting of the Board.of Commiseionere, hold in the Commissioners!. _ `... ..:: t +�,; - ;•, Chamber, in the City Hall, . Paducah, Kentucky at 12 o'clock on April 16th, 1920: .. r4. I;Those present were Commissioners Paton, Tully,' Willi ams and Man Katterjoho.-4. r, yo_ `- Mayor stated reasons for call, to=pit: To aooept deed for the purchase. of place of property on Trimble Street from William Lydon, and wife. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that Lh9 deed of . !,conveyance of a lot on Trimble Street from William Lydon and hie wife to the City of <'7, i �Jl William Lydon .�Paducah, which deed is dated April 7th, 1920, be doceptod by`the City.of Paduoah, and', ..and.wife deed j :'to'Oity of ;that.©aid dood.be ordered recorded is the office. of the .Oounty Court'Clark of McCracken ' Paduoah. ' �T'•' 1'Oounty, and'that the'Mayor be authorised to sign the note for 4600.00 due July let, s " ' 1920, w �. "D f without interest for the purchase price of ,said lot: Adopted 'upon'oall,oi the dy; ��,roll, 'yeas Eaton, Tully, Williams 'and Katterjohn,-4: on motion the Board adjourned, yeas 4; �+ c, v6PPROVFilIJ i Ad 19Xo. APRIL'19TH. 1920. i "f``• At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners', t Chamber in the City Hall, PaduoaIh Kent inky, on Apr it .19th, 1920.IIpon -call of the r' ¢` roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, �r <<• ' . - {'Williams and Mayor Katterjohn.-B. t it 's On motion of Commissioner Tull the.minntoe of the iY. �Y grovione,mootinga were. 7 t f adopted as read, .Yeas 6. i 1= T;.. Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that the protest' �rProtoet ngnlne0 of proporty owners abutting the alley betweon Bth and 6th, .end between 0]ark and Wash,,hfir ;::imprbvomont of :alloy, botn. Bth & 6th botn ington Streots in the City of Paducah against the improvemont thereof, by laying �prgae,•Waohing, erste of Kentuoky Rook Aophalt, bo.r000ivod and filed. Adoptod upon coli of'tho roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-B. r Oommieeioner Tully offered the following motion.: That the accounts for the�,,y,1 . .Report Oom r. i; first half of. Apr i1, as per report-of.Commiesionsr of Finance herewith filed, be allow-i Finance first y' half Apail- ed and ordered paid- and the money-appropriated from the general fund to pay same. I r" 'Ka , Adopted'upon call of the-roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert,- Tully, Williams sad ;{attorjohn,-B. .. •I•;, _ C - Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: .The sum of $60 having treasury, a' i;:• + :,Cemetery 'Deed paid into the tesY., as evidenced 'Dy the receipt tiled herewith, I move that deed be; Jesele & Rosa Williams. executed to J6840& Rosa .Williams for lot-$34 in block ¢3 on the north aide of 1Siiler i �•' i' �Stro'et botwoen Ford 6 Hannan stroets, in Oak Grove Cemotory: Adoptod.upon call of tho .i + ;roll, ycne Luton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams. and Katterjohn,-6. i_ : � Commissionor Tully offered the following motion: That the 14ayor"and Commisoion=:" .;Or of Finance, be authorized to .open negotiations. with a view'to selling the $260;000 ,Sewer Bonds. fin sewor bonds voted at 'the election held in Aovomber 1919, and to report to this Board:, rogarding eame. 'Adopted upon call of the roll yeas, baton, Gilbert, .Tully; Williams and ytZ �Ica ttorjohn;-6, 4,(� r- T w x''4 •t •l s `" t.t .�i..jr. ! ?',, _,il x -t r V. �' ,r. -. .,V f �W+t+cCrxasE?'..S w2i. w