HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 518, March 29, 1920t..W t c.. .1, '�: .{ ✓,.a.tF- .•a. ,`..(Y�"'''1'�.zi,:.t J..�.tJ'bt+7`�'d�; �< •� y�. yW,±ti ,.�• ,.
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah
KOCH 29TH, 1920.
a At a Regular Heating of the Board of Commissionors,.held in•the Commissionors'
Chamber in tho'City Hall, Paducah; Kentucky; on 1Gnroh 28th, 19?,0:' Thos present were
Commisoionore Baton, Gilbert,, Tully, Williams and Mayor Kattorjohn,-6.
On motion of Commicsionor,Baton'the minutes of the previous'meating were adopted w'
4 1�
tlyk as :read, yeas ,6•
On notion of hn th
petition of S. -K. Hale and Wm. H. 'Poore in
?Wm. H: Poore ,regard to tho•roconstruotion of North 4th Street was rec.eivod and filed. 'Yeas 6.. 4 a+0
communication. of
On motion of Mayor Katterjohn the petit tonAoitisens and residents of the city
t t
Oommmioatlon Ofh,residin on the. North side of Trimble Stroet,'re ardi the closing of the all: abutt
property owners. ; g g 8 y'b. §
[Trimble 9L.'' a Ing 'their property whioh alley rune into the Oak Grove Cemetery, was received and
iT i filed. Yeas 6.. Y o
Oomnieeloner Baton oitered.the Yollol°ring motion; I move that'the oammun-cation +a�»
Dr. H. P. LinnC
Oommnnication. 'pp from Dr. H. P. Linn, City Health Officer be reosived and filed. Yeas 6.
Oommi ionor Baton offered the following motion; I move that Mies Helen
a Donaldson, who hae'been serving in the capacity of Public Health Nurse in connection.. (5• .
6 ! .
Mies Helen' with the McCracken County Public Health League, be now employed by the.City of Paducah I ".
+ Donaldson.
as such. Publlo Health Nurse, .to work under the direction of the City Health Officer. 'h,•;i '
J "ry and that sho be required to report to, and work under his direction and enporvieion. I. y
and that she be paid the sum of 106.00
7 ' � $� per month out of the. Contingent Fund, bogiming.
i April let, 1920. Adopted upon call of the roll yeas Baton, Gilbert TallY. Williams
kkk ( �c t.•.
and Katter john, -6.
rf R Oommlesionor Baton offered the 'following motion: I move that an exchange of
jubomobilee automobiles botwoen.the departments of Public Safety and of Public ',7ork, whoreby one
Dodge automobile hne boon transferred to the De !
' "�` •^ `••` d8 Departmentof Public Werke and that on j
., 11.,
v cord automobile has been transferred to the Department of Public Safety, be ratified by,
8 the Board of Commissioners, and that said. departments respectively be changed with said) y" "
propsexchanged. Adopted upon call of the roll
rEiee e8 exoha p ,yeas 'Eaton. Gilbert. Tully,
t Y Williame and Katterjohn;-6. I
mmie'sioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the deed of
�• , - � 'bar ','
08motery Deed conveyance of the North end of the Southeast quarter of Lot,#404 in Section 28 in.Oak t �a ,
'J.W.Brakes & ro .
Wight -
wife and Marie vGrove. Cemetery from J. W. Frakes and his wife, and Marie Williams to Mrs. Grace .Wight-
Williams to Mro.•
:Grace Wightmea. t moa be concurred in. Adopt
ad upon call of the roll ens Eaton Gilbert Tull '•
Williams and Ka.ttorjohn,-6,
f Oommleeioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that.the resolution
Sidewalks eon- '.providing for the construction of concrete or Kontuoky Rook Asphalt sidewalks curbs
etruotion N. sand Cuttors, togother with all nooeseary'drain pipes, manholoo and intakes on both
9th at. • ;
ter. keidoo of North Seventh StreoL from the North y
• property lice of Madison Street to the I �`I'•
tf South proporty lino of Trimble Street., be planed on its passage. Adopted upon call of
the roll, yroae Beton, Gilbert, Tully; Williams and Kattorjohn,-b.
SOomaiesionor Gilbert offered tho..following motion: I move that tho resolution.. h`
!' providing for the construction of:oogorete or Kentucky Rook Asphalt sidewalks; curbs, .
.Sidewalk con-
struation N. ';and guttere,'.togetber with all necessary drain pipes, manholes and intakes on both `
6th 6t. �.;
'aides of North Sixth Street, from the North.prcperty line of Madison Street to.the. ,,
,,South property line of Trimble StreoL,, be placed on rte passage. Adopted npoa call of
the roll, yeas Baton, Gilbert,;Tully. Williams and Eatterjohn.-6v" I rti:
`. ..
/" �{ 7 a}? q� Cki ! y "�"+,'r. T ,.'L •r t> � .,.�.M P t•: rN ?"Z,va -` s a I . d ♦ .un f;t 'r .:!`:
j No. E
i a -
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_
1 Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motions I move that the resolution
4 providing for the construction of concrete or Kentucky Book Asphalt sidewalks, curls
Sidewalk oonstrao 'e
tion S. 11th St. and gutters, together with all necessary drain pipes, manholes and intakes on both ;
I from Jefferson to
..117 Trimble St. t, aides of North Eleventh Street, from the North property line of.Jefferson Street to
the South property line of Trimble Street, be placed on its passage. Adopted upon
I' call of the roll, yeae Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-B.'
!i Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that the resolution pro-
} ;j viding for the construction of concrete or Kentucky Rook
Sidewalk o onetruo-
Asphalt sidewalks, aurba.and.l ,
! "{ tion S. 9th St, 1: gutters, together with all necessary drain pipes, manholes and intakes on both aides
from Jackson to I
_4' Jones St. of South Seventh Street, from the South property lino of Jackson Street to the North '( :
property line of Jones Street, be placed on its passage. Adopted upon call of the roll...'
k yoas Caton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn,-6. I
CommissionerGilbert offered the following motion; I move that .the resolution pro ,!
viding for the oonstruotion of concrete or Kentucky Rook Asphalt sidewalka,.ourbe and
. Sidewalks construe.
f " tion N. 13th St. ' gutters, together with all necessary drain pipes, manholes and intakes on both aides
a Broadway to Trimble
' St, of North Thirteenth Street, from the North property line of Broadway Street ,to the
South property.line of Trimble Street, be placed on its passage. Adopted upon call of '
g. 111 the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williame,-4; nays, Katterjohn,-Y.
Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; I move that`the r000lutiotl pro -
Sidewalk oonstruo- ' viding for the oonatruotion of concrete or'Kontuoky.Rook Asphalt aidewa]ke, curbs and
tion N. 8th St.,
from Monroe to EFuttere, together with all necessary drain pipes, manholes and intakes on both aides
Trimble St. ;
I, of North Eighth Street, from the North property line of Monroe Street to the South .
{. property line of Trimble Street, be placed on its passage. Adopted upon call of the
° roll eac Eaton .Gilbert Tull and Williams -4 na a Katterjohn 1..
=r . Y . Y . 1 naye, . -
Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; I move that the resolution pro-'
' Sidewalk oonstruo- ;
viding for the construction of concrete or Kentucky Rook Asphalt sidewalks, curbs and
{ tion N. 9th St. I. i
from Monroe to., gutters, together with all necessary drain pipes, manholes and intakes on both aides
G. 4 .
of North Ninth Street, from the north property line of Monroe Street to the South pro -
party line of Trimble Street, be placed on its passage. Adopted upon call of the roll,' "
yeas Eaton. Gilbert. Tully and' Williams -4.• nays. Katterjohn.-1.
is '
Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; I move that the resolution pro-
. rn '
j viding for the construction of concrete or Kentucky Rook Asphalt sidewalks, curbs and
�.� Sidewalk construe- '
tion Broad Street i gutters, together with all necessary drain pipes, manholes and intakes on the north
J' between Fourth
and Sixth Ste.' j; side of Broad Street, from the West property line of Fourth Street to the East proper-
;11 ty line of Sixth Street, and on the South side of Broad Street from the.Plest line of
Fifth Street to the East property line of Henry Kolb's property, be placed on its I
`s lipassage. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and
Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: An ordinance entitled, "AN ORDI-
+• French Lee Ordi- ° ° '
city, heat, oto.ilk,
6-oall meeting of the Board of Commissioners on March 19th, 1920, and having laid over,�L`
}' i -in its complete form for ten days. I move'that.said ordinance be now placed upon its
: peaeage. Adopted upon cell of .the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and
{ .
KAtter john, -B.
On motion the Board adjourned.
.. �,• �