HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 512, March 15, 1920' ( r
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of.Paducah —191—.. ..
Commissioner Gilbert offored the following motion:'I move that the contract I
1r Contract 7.botwoon Yanoy & Johnson and the City of Paducah, Kentucky, for the ooi�struction of con-!
L: Yanoy & John-
sop, sidewalkorate sidewalks, curbs and gutters,.and,all necessary manholes, intakes, sewers and
Husbands St. jcatch basins;.on the South side of Husband Street from the West property line of Sixth.
Street to the Beat property line of Seventh Street, and on both -aides of Seventh Street,'
from the South property line of Husband Street to a point.100 feet South of.Murray
.JAvenue, be,reoeived and filed, and the Commissioner. of Finance be instructed to refund
f the Bifty Dollars to Mr. Yanoy & Johnson. Adopted upon oall of the roll, yeas Eaton'..'
Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Kxtterjohn', 6.
�r Commissioner Tully offored the following motion:. Contract not having been entered)
Refund $60.00 into by the City of Paducah with W. L. Yanoy for sidewalks on Goebel Ave., I move that.
Yanoy & Johnson.
Goebel Ave.,` the Commissioner of Finanoe be instructed to refund hie forfeit of $60.00 to W. L..
sidewalks. t'
eYanoy. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Matter -
John, 6:
8 Commissioner Forton offered the following motion: Imove that the communication
John W.. KeilorIfrom John W. Keiler be received and filed and referred to the Commissioner of Public
JFinanoo, with power to act. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert,.Tully.
' kWilliams and Khttorjohn, 6.
on motion the Board adjourned, yeas 6.
Ade' le �{° LSrA All -P �D .
aq .
CM, cu.b MA7ox. .
ii 5r MARCH 16TH. 1920'
Atha, regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners:, held in the Commission -I
A• .
f �` .ere' 'Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on March 16th, 1920.Those present
k were Oommiseionore Tully, Williams and Mayor Kattorjohn. .3.
N On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meeting were
B adopted as road, yoas 3.
.y .. f. —
�' Commissioner Tully.offorod the foliewing.motion- I move that the petition
. Bnuor by.
anfl of A.
V.y.. signed A. V. Bauer and others, protootine improvement on south
against sidewalk ih
V. &+uor -
others protest- 9. 4th Street between Elizabeth and Broad, be received' and. filed. Adopted uponcall of
ing.sidowalke JJ
4th St.'botweon•,9. the roll, yo.as Tully, Williams and'Ka'tterjohn.- 3.
Elisabeth and.''p.
Broad.. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the communication
from the Mechanicsburg Lodge #918 I.O.O.F. in.rogard to a carnivril to bo.hold during.
Mechanicsburg the week of April 19 to April 24th; inolusive,',bo
Lodge #218 IOOF , received, filed and notion deferred
relative to i.,until .the next regular meeting, Marsh 22nd. .Adopted
carnival.. npon gall of the roll, yeas
Tully, Williams and Matterohn. 3.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motions` The sum of $37,60 having
Cemetery Deed.,. ! b
0.son paid into the treasury ore evidenoed by the receipt herewith filed, I move that.
.0. Orr.. 8
pp deed be exeouted to 0. W. Orr. for 'Lot ¢11 in bloat.#3 on tho sctth.eide of Hannan
street between Baker and Hank streets fa Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon,.oall of Lhe.
• roll, goes Tully,Williams and II►ttorjohn. 3.
Commissioner Tnlly:efforod the folloging motion That the report ofCom'r. �.
5•,'..'. '.y ..
School Heade. C•of Finanoo,.with rocoipt•and duplicate cortlfioate of deposit attached; regarding
delivery of 600 City of Paducah 6% School Improvemcnt''Bonds numb ore.one'to..five hun=
Brod; inolusivo, for $600'oach, to the Board''of Eduoation;.be received and filed end ;• '
d reoorded. Adopted, upon osll ,of :the .roil, yea e. Tu11y, Williams
and biterjohn,
. F
� . 4�-r ••ar�R..•.,s'•,"�;�e,, ilQ'�' r'� vY'v.,..' yy,��rG .f -rr Sl, � -Rip ,�. Mrj -'t-s' cC � . mr� t- �,�y' .• � j,.
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah iy/L
Said receipt and duplicate certificate of deposit and, report being as follels;
"Paducah, Kentucky, Maroh 12" 1920. I
Honorable Mayor & Board of Commissioners,
City of Paducah;
Herewith we presont the receipt from J. T. Reddiok, president of the Boa d
Report of Wynn of Education for five hundred (600) CITY OP PADUCAH 6% SCHOOL IMPROVc211T BOUDS
Tully, School numbers one rl) to five hundred (600), inclusive for five hundred ($600) dollare eaoh.
Improvement Bonds. Wo.also wish to report the r000lpt of ;1160, being the premiwo on the issue
'of $260,000 School Improvement bonds; also the r000lpt of.......... ;11960., being the
accrued intorr.st from January 16th to !.larch 12th, and we have depoeitod th000 amounts,
$2100. duplicate
as par certificate of deposit filed herowlth, to the credit of the
.School Improvement Bonds Sinking Fund with the Citisono Savings Bank of the City.
Rospeotfully submitted
WY104-TULLY, 6ommiesioner of. Pub. Finance
Mfg. TB
i Paducah, Kentucky, March 11" 1980..
Received of W M TULLY Commissioner of Finance, five hundred (600) City of
Receipt Boer& Padupah 5% School
of Improvement bons numbore one to five hundred (1-600) both inolusive,�
School for five hundred WOO) dollars each. I
Improvement Bonds. `
J. T. REDDICK, Pree. I
Citivens Savings Bank, Incorporated, Deposited by School Improvement Bonds
Sinking Fund,- Paducah, Ky.. March 12", 1920. i
{ .
Premium Bonds ....................160.00
Duplicate DepoeiL'. Accrued interest 1O60.00
Ticket, School i .
;.n .
Improvemont Bonds
L .(Duplioate Deposit Ticket)
" On motion the Board adjourned, yeas 3.
E Ace,
1. i'J •, t-
MARCH 19th, 1920.
At a Call Meeting'of the. Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commiselonorb.
`Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on March 19th,.1920 at 3 o'olook P.;M.
IlThoee present were Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn.
i 6•
Mayor stated reasons for call to -wit: To give.paeaage to the Apportionment
N -•
{Ordinanae, and allow pay roll, and any other business that may.00me before the Commie-
h Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; That the communication from
of 'Board o!
Ithe Board of Education be received filed and.conourred in p
{ . and that same be spread
Education, in re upon the records. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Oiltortll`
Tax levy of 11g , Tully, Williams:�,
:.. •"
E 1 and Katterjohn. 6.
Said Communication being its follows;
"At a moeting of the Hoard of Education of the City of Paducah, '
rKentucky held in Dr. Roddiokle office in said City on the eighteenth day of '
March, 1620, there
being present the following members, to -wit:
Dr. J.,T. Roddiok,.
C Miss Dow Husbands,
.. I; Mrs. Lillard Sendero
' Dr, IS. Steinfeld.
The said Bonrd having boon duly called to order, and the purpose of
meeting stated, the following resolution was introduced and unanimously adoptod.•
'Tho Board of Education being ndvised by Commissioner of Finanoo,
Wynn Tully, that a tax rate of eleven conte par hundred will be sufficient to
II *
r' }
.pay the interost'on the School Improvomont Bonds for 1920 and create a oinking .
fund for the retirement of said bonds, it is.horeby ordered by the Board of
Education'in &.meeting called for this par nose this eighteenth day of March,
1920, that the resolution adopted the thirtieth day of January, 1920, be " '�.,,•-^-,,
I � .