HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 51, May 10, 1915' •. .. � _� . � M:��y17��'fk'�i�wJ�vt .;M alyk SP"'- '� •t�J.,�'"' t „�''',,7�"'� µ..t,,MtYarNv' . ,'rn i;jsl._ . 1 r. � +f. r✓ �a..� ..
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No. s
r Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah A,ay ,ot,, 191
h At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the 0ounoll
Chamber of the Oity Hall, City of Paduoah, Ky. Moy 10th, upon oall of the roll'
the following answered their names s "Burns, Hazelip, Morton, Wallooe and .
I Rushington - 5.
Upon motion the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read, upon
k pall of the roll by the following voter Use. Burne, Hazelip, Marton,
Wallooe and Washington - 6. ;
�yCClii On motion by Member Burne, that a motoroyole be purohased, at a oost not
=i to exoeed 0260. 00. and that an ordinanoe providing that one holt the fines
U assessed upon evidence.furnished by the motoroyole officer be paid to him In
fines for hie servlose and fines aggregating
ggregnti the cost of said mnohine be
y I oredited to the Department of-Publio Safety to reimburse same for the ooet of
! U said machine, ourried upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns,
w. Marton, Calluoe and Washington - 4. Hny Mayor Hazelip. 1.
� �Zo1q" On motion by Member Morton, the bill of X100.00 was allowed Hngle & Me
0e7yere f
i ae ouatodian of the City Clook, ourried upon oall of the roll by the following '=
vote: Yeue, Burne. Hazelip, Marton, Uullaoe and Washington - 66
'47A11 zz.-.14 On motion by the above the oommunioution ?rom Mrs. Annie Orr in regard to
over-assessment.was referred to the City Aaeesnor, upon cull of the roll by
{, 1 the following vote : Yoao, Burns. Hazelip, Murton, Wulluoo and Washington ; 6.
On motion -by Mombor Wuohintton the puy roll of the Street Dopurtment for si
„1 the weok`ondirq! but. guy S, amounting to X159.00, not oovorod by ordinunoo and
} puid by ouch order, was reoelvod and filed upon oall of the roll by the following,
' vote:- Yeue, Burne, Hazelip, Murton. Wullaae and Wushington - 6.;,
On motion by the above,..a petition for water on Brown etroet from the 11. 0.
d St. L. Railroad aorose Crook Bridpo wuo roferred to the Poduouh tauter Co.
with instructions to lay mains, and the raterpluipordered plaood on the rental
list, ourried upon.oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burne,
:1102811p, liarton, Wullaae and Washington - 6.
On motion by the above, a petition for water on South Twelfth street from
? au+eti Juakson to ^.ennseaeestreet was referred to the Puduouh Water Co. to lay mains Y'
and the wgter plugs orderod plaaed on the. rentul list, ourried upon oall of the
K roll by the following voto: Yeas, }Suras, Hazelip, Murton, Gullaoa and Washing.
ton - 6'. x
On motion b the above the eu '
$�ee Y question of ro. inti the riinimum ruts to be
ohnrged for olootri city. by the Paduouh Light & Power Co., action wuo doferred
until the Commissioners can hear from trenty-fivo or thirty oitiee the size of
I Poduouh, carried upon oall of tho roll by the following votes Yeue, Burne, y
Hazels y
p, Marton. Wnllaoe and Washington - G.
rhe n G I
Ot/� nZ i On motion by Mayor Hazelip, that Dr. S: Oillon's livery stable I oonse
;,� +•-�-` ..'k at 4th and Kuatuoky sve. be exempted on nacount of him purohasing.a lioense from
the former owner, lost upon oull of, the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, ,
Hazelip and Wallace - 2. guys, Burne. Wullaae and Washington
On motion by tho.above, the. Commissioner of Publio Works was empowered to
urohnse a new Royal :t `
P ya typewriter not to oxaeed �h7.60, and the old book. ,
formerly used by the alty clerk, for said new muohlne, ourried' upon 0a11'of the
} q roll by the following vote: Yeus, Burne, Hazelip,.Marton, Wullaae and Wt ohington r•
I r