HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 509, March 8, 1920t7lnE�l[.,K4,'��x•:Ip^T.�'n �i� a. .��..{�w{•T •t:7..�T , tr.+.S �4I/i'y s1�.�,r '.. r � +i *!- ro re- S, L.rti .. •. .. .. ' ...2_. -.Xy. '�.�..�i. :. tP•.-nf-+ .•nom-.-.,,�.. f I No. so9 `Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah MAROH STH. 1960. ' At regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held.in the Oommiselonere.' , ;chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky, March Sth, 1960, upon call of the roll the( ' :f following answered their names; Comm' alonere Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and '•. `'l :: . Mayor Katterjohn,- 6. OWN �., On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted .aa read and corrected, yeas 6. P Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the question of I a f !oonsidoring a Daylight Saving Ordinanoe be taken rip for consideration at the regular I'.. Daylight savings I meeting of the Board of Commissioners on March Band, 1960. Adopted yeas 6. i• Commiesionor Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the communication from Woman's Hospital League be received and filed. Adopted upon call of.tho roll :• �� Woman s Hospital''P Bu P League. ;yoae Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, 6. ' I On motion of Commissioner Gilbert the petition from property owners on North N. 13th St.. Petition proper- Thirteonth Street was 'received and filed. Yeas 6. {' `- 7 ty ovmere-Protestf On motion of Commissioner Gilbert the oommunloation from employees.of_the City Employees City .'Light Plant; relative to rnieo in salary, was received and filed and left open. Yeas Light,Plant. 6 Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the pay of S. M. Smith; '.:. S. M. Smith. ;Peethouse keeper. be increased to $60.00 par month, in accordance with hie request I. Penthouse Keep- er- Salary in- heretofore filed with the Board of Commissioners, and that he be allowed pay for feed- creased. s ;ing two horses instead of one, on account of the fact that two'horeee now ,. are required to draw the Poethouae ambulance, pay to be effective from let of March', 1920. Adopted a 'upon call of the roll yeas Eaton Gilbert Tully,Williams and.Katterjohn 6. j Commissioner Williams offered the following motion; In the matter of the claim Mrs. Georgie of Mrs. Georgia Beyer for damagesagainst the City. on account of brick wall, I desire i. Beyer- claim to report that denied. upon,invostigation I find there is no legal liability and I thorgiore ' t .that said .claim be denied.' Adopted upon call of the roll yoga Baton, Gilbert, k . 'move bTully,.Williams. and Kattorjohn, 6.. Oommiseloner Eaton offered the following motion=.I move that the General Aeeemblyl' > �Of Keutuoky be informed that the Board of Commiosionors heartily endorse, and approve_. fleet Kentuoky, Industrial is the appropriation for the benefit of the West Kentucky. Industrial.Colloga and urge the College- appro.-.° priation. enactment of the bill appropriating $60,000 se an annual appropriation. for said oql- �•' .w ;,doge. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton,.Gilbort, Tully, Williams and Katter-john, 6. 4. ^kt Oommissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; I move that the ordinance Sidewalk con- -providing for the construction of concrete or Kentucky Asphalt sidewalks and concrete , struction N. 18 } . Street. 7ourbs, gutters, together with all necessary manholes, intakes, sewers and oatch basins,!' . `�: +,;•,. .on both aides of North Thirteenth Street, from the north proporty.lino of Broadway . Street to the South property line of Trimble Street, be placed on its passage. Adopted:" i upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams, -4: Nays,:.Katterjohn,l.;'- Commissioner Gilbert, offered the following.motion; I.move that the resolution . Improvement 1provlding for the.00nstruction of the driveway on Cedar Street and Lincoln Avenue, •• Coder St. and f ... . 1. Lincoln Avg. !from the Eget property lino of the Mayfield road to the Eact,property line of Lincoln "w a , tiAvonuo on cedar Street from the north curb lino of Cedar Street to the South pro,porty } line of Coxeye,'Street, be introduced and lay over to be introduced for its passage at " (the next regular meeting of the Board. Adoptoa upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton,. 'I,.•:-.':: ' liGilbert. Tully and Williame,-4' Nays Kattorjohn, 1. 1 • 4 . I T7r���d�hTgj' i-rf.#i��Jf'.4rl�:tt!{v..idrx;w..yry:-srMs'.vr.�.µ-g t!s.��•.yye...•�:._ :.on.r ...•h..,tx4,—..r.��r.-r�V '. t4Yt: "�i --i::ry ir.r-a %t;:: . ,�i , L OiM�K j VO. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Commissioner Gilbert offered tho-follOwing motion: I move that the resolution pro Improvement of driveway N. 4th *viding.for the construction of the driveway on North Fourth Street, from the Barth p J TO Street, from i porty line of Jefferson Street to the South property line .Jefferson to no of Trimble Street, if extendJ1 Trimble. od 'be introduced and lay overtobe introduced for' its passage -at the next regular meeting of the Board. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton. Gilbert, Tull Y, Williams and Katterjohn.- 5. Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion:. I move that the resolution' Improvement of providing for*tho construction of the driveway on Borth Seventh Street, from the Borth[ driveway'. B. St. from Jeffer- property line. of Jefferson Stroet to the line-oi .the property of the Illinois Central 8012 to Trimble.!: 'Railroad Company north of. Trimble Street, be Introduced and lay over to be Introduced V` for itspassageat the next regular meeting of the Board Adopted upon oall'of tho roll' yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, 5.. oommiaeioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that.tho resolution Improvement of Providing for the construction of the driveway on.South Fifth Street, from the S . outh &rivoway S. ath'. St. Ky'. Ave. to;, property line of Kentuoky Avenue.to the Borth property. line of Norton -Street. be in -- Norton. tr6duoed and lay. over to be Introduced for Ito.PaBeage at.the next regular 'mooting of. the Board. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and -Kattorjohn,. 6. Commieeionor Gilbert offered. the following motion- I move that the resolution.f Improvement of (providing for the construction of the driveway on Jefferson Street, from the Fast pro- I , driveway on Jefferson St ? party lin6., of Seventeenth'Stroot, (or Fountain Aveb.ue). to the East property line of from 17th to . Twenty;..f P5th.i1th Sti4et be introduced and lay over. to.'be introduced for Its passage at a thol. next is" al* lar mobting of the -Board.-..Adopted upon o I of the roll, yoao Eaton, Gilbort.i [Tully and Williams. 4. Nays Katterjohn, 1. dommioeioner dilbort offered the following motion: I move that the resolution a improvement of providing for the oonstru.oti on of the driveways on both sides of. Murrell . Blvd. fr . om the driveways On vd. �'South property line of Broadway Murrell B1 p y to the..§outh property line of Caldwell Street and froml: and Caldwell the Eget side.of Murrell Blvd. on Caldwell Street. West on Caldwell Street toCaldwell Avenue, and thence an Caldwell Avenue to the right -of' -way of . the -H. C. St. L. Rail - ?, d lay ovor:to be introduced for its ext ..... .. road Company, be introduced an passage at the n tiregular-meeting of the Board. Adopted upon oall..Of the roll., yuan Eaton, Gilbert, 'w I.Tully and Williams, 4.k. Boys, Katterjohn, l.. COMMissionor Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that the resolution Improvenion't of providing for the construction of the' driveway on Broadway, from the Fast property linel. driveway On Broadway from of.Sivonteenth Street, (0i Fountain Avonue)'to.the West property line of Twenty-fifth 17th to 26th.' s. Street, be introduced and layover to bd introduced for. its passage at the next regular 11. 'mooting of the Board. Adopted upon call of the roll,. yeas Eaton, Gilbort,*Tully and: 'Williams, 4. Hays.. Katterjohn, I Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion:. I move that . t . he resolution Im*o vemont of ,,providing for tho.o.on6truotion of the driveway on North Third Street, from.the North driveway on N. 5rd St: from--proporty lino of Jefferson Street to the South.proporty line of Harrison Street, be ,.Jefferson to., ,introduced and lay over to be introduced for its - tie 8 Bag 9',a t the-next,r6&lar.mosting jof the Board.. Adopted upon call of the 'roll` ,*yeas Estonj 'Gilbert Tully and Willi . am . s,4' 4ayo,- Kattorjohn, l.. Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion. I move.that:tho resolution. providing for the oonetruotio .Improvement of n of the driveway on.North Second: Street, from the North - 0 drivoway on . . . . . . .. I ­ .. I . ... . . ... .... .. . .. . . . . 11. Pnd St. from property line of Jefferson Street to Souththe ath property line of MonroeStreet.* be In Jefferson to' ;*ii troduood and Monroe.. lay over..to .be introduced for its pa a Bag q at the.next regular meeting Of Board.' Adopted upon o6ll-of the roll, yeas'Eaton,. Gilbert, Williams a and 1y. L 1M., -7#7- 7 7 '.d W.i},� 1'd''�?9-. Z('i -ruhAo �r+ r eTTY•}�4 r}Y 4 -1 a r -('y' Y w,7- rl ,: r -f } 1 en 'f 1'..4'x.¢ r.1'+ 1•��:1.. Commissioner's Proceedings, of Paducah 191_ Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion I move that the resolution f providing for the construction of the drivonay on Finley Street from the West property Construction o! YI i driveway on line. of Tonth'.Stroet to the East property•lino of Eleventh Stroot, be introduoed and Ii ••' :i Finley, .between i' / 10th and 11th., is lay over to be introduced for its passage at the next regular meeting of the Board. Adopted upon call of the. roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williame, 4. 'Nays, I' Phtter john, 1. comniesioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that the resolution Construction of .,!.providing for the construction of the driveway on North Eleventh Stroot, from tho v driveway on B. 11th St. between i south property lino of Finley Stroot-to the North property lino -of Burnett Stroot, be Finley and BnrnetC'introduced and lay over to,be introduced.Yor its passage at the noxt regular mooting of �.. j'the-Board. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams, 4. :..1 I'Naye, KatterJohn, 1. a. Commissionor Gilbert -offered tho-following motion: I move that tho resolution , t providing for the construction of oonorete sidewalks, curbs and guttore, and all necee1'. Sidewalk construe= tion Broad St.,' sary manholes', intakes, sewers and catch basins on both aides of Broad Street,' between ', .' between 6th and Bridge St. sixth Street and Bridge '9troet, beginning at n point on Sixth Street where the concrete i..:` walk stops in.front of J. C. Kolb's residence on the North aide of Broad Street, on the ' Westproporty line of Sixth'. Street to a point whore the East property line of Bridge I. streot"i4ould intorsoot the north curb lino of Bridge Stroot, if extended, be intr, introduced -F land la over to be introduced for its i Y passage at the noxi regular meeting of,the ;.Board. Adopted upon call of tho roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbort,.Tully, Williams and Y.attorjohn, 6. l Commissioner Gilbert offerod the following motion: I move that the resolution . t ?�. Sidewalk eon- Providing for the construction of concrete sidewalks, curbs and, guttere, and all .13 o4th t. from Broad 9, fr' St. ' necessary manholos, intakes, sewore and catch basins on both sides of.Fourth Street . 9t, to Uizaboth. from. Broad Street from tho South proporty lino of Fourth Street to the North property lino of Elizabeth 9troet, be introduced and lay over to be introduced for its passage., " '.. at the next regular meeting of the Board. Adopted upon call of.the roll, yeas Eaton, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn,`6. „ 'jGil6ort, l'. Commissioner 011 bort offered the following motion: I move that the revolution r ' t providing for the construction of concrete sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and all k' Sidewalk con- struotion N. 16thnecessary manholes. intakes, sewers and 'catch basins on both aides of North Sixteenth. at., from Jeffer-, eon to Trimble. Stroot from the North property. line of Jefferson Street to tho,South property lino of °j .a Trimble Street, be introduced and lay over to be introduced for its passage. at ,the f Alt $next regular mooting of the Board. Adopted upon cell of the roll, yeas -Ea ton,.GilUert,� Tully and Williams, 4.. Nays, Kattorjohn., 1. + r Commissioner Eaton offored-the following motion; I movo that the vote by which Sidewalk eon-- the Board adopted. tho ordinance. providine for constructing sidewalks on North Thirtoen , etruotion I1. 13th 9t: betweon i t.th Street, between Broadway and Trimble Stroot be r000noiderod. Adopted upon:oaTl of ' Broadway and Trimble St. 1'the roll, yoas Eaton, Gilbert,.Tully, Williame and enttorjohn, 6. jj Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that the contract be.; Contraot Yancy b ' tween Yanoy & Johnson and tho City of Paducah; Kentucky, for tho construction of oon- x i Johnson, sidewalk Grote sidewalks curbs and gutters and all necessary mnnholos intakoe sewers and construction 11. 6�,. y { 16th St: ?catch basins, on both aides of Sixteenth Street from the North property line of Broad- .. way to the South property line of Jefforson Street, .in, the City of Paducah., 'Kentucky, i be received and filed, and the Commissioner of Finanoo be instructed to refund ;their i, forfeit of $60.00. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams' f and Fatter john, 6. _ •, y,,..f,l �,,.W�WwI+^++a.�L.�`y,�Q„yr•w•+ ' .., �'• y.4... j �'k�^•-s•••_,`- " ,I 1, y A. \ .. � �• .. :. 0.1 s= . � .. "�u "" ... -<••.tr::,�..y,,,.�;,.,y,r:••xx4p'rp:, _ •:r,-�.]•• ':cvttu-,.t.,,< _' .. , ;« Z. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Commissioner Gilbert otfored the following motion:'I move that the contract "I Contract between Yanoy do Johnson and the City of Paducah, Sentnoky, !or the cohatruotion of' con -I Yanoy & John - GOP, aidewalk, orate aldowalka' curbs and gutters, and all no' oeasary manholes, intakes, sewers and oonetruotion Husbands St. (catch baoine;.on the South aide of Husband Street from the West property line of Sixth "k. Street to the Bast -property line of Seventh. Street, and on both.eides'of Seventh Street ifrom"tho.South property line of Husband Street to a South point.100 feet of .Murray ", :Pvenue p be"reoaived and filed and the Oommiseloner. of Finance De instructed to refund I •�, " �the.Fiity Dollars to Mr. Yanoy Johnson'. Adopted upon oall"'of the roll, yeas Eaton,. f Ir,�Gilbert, •60.00into Tully, Wi111Rma.and Kxtterjohn, B. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion;. Contract not having been entered) ' Refund $ b the Cit of Paducah with W. L. Y Y Yanoy for aidewalke on Goebel Ave., I"move that. Yanoy & Johnson, Goebel Ave.,`' .the Commissioner of Pinanoe be imtruoted_to refund hie forfeit of $60.00.to"W. L. sidowalks. . dYanoy. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert; Tully, Williame and Satter- John, 6. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I' move that the communication -e John W. SeilerPfrom John W. Seiler bo"r000ivefl and.filed and reierrefl to the Oommiesionor of Public communication. .'. pPiadnoo, with power to act. Adopted upon ball of the "roll, yeas Baton, Gilbert,: Tally; ' Williame and Sattorjohn, 6. '' On"motion the Board adjourned, yesa 6. ♦ ��?h} Ade' le ��► (S�' 19$1 APYROV�D" . � .. 106 CI!, MAT02t cr:, u.+ i" MARCH 16TH, 1920. Atca regular meeting of the Board Commiesionore., I" of hold in the Commission .era' Chamber, is the Oity Hall, Paducah,"Sontuoky, on March 16th, 1920. Those present)." were Commissioners Tully, Williams anal Mayor Kattorjohn."-3. 9 h' On motion of Oommiaeionor Tully the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read, "yoae Comniseioner'"Tully offered the following motion: I move that the petition' PETITION of A:" V. Bnuor and 4' signed by, A. V. Bauor and othore, protooting against sidewalk improvomont_on south others pratoeb- ing.eidowalke '! 4th 'Street between Elizabeth and Broad, be-reooived and filed. Adopted upon call of i'" 4th St. botweon',�,.,tho roll", yeas Tully, Williams and Katterjohn." 3. " Elizabeth and Broad., Oommiaeloner Tully offered the following motion: That the oommuniostioa from the Mechanicsburg Lodge x}218 I.O.O.P. in rogerd to a oarnivel to bo -hold durlag. Communication r "" Mechanicsburg the weak of April 19 to April* 24th inclusive;.bo.received. filed and notion deferred Lodge #218 IO(18 •` rred" relative to barnlval.. u," °p until .the next regular mooting, March"22nd. .Adopted upon call of the roll; yeas_" 6 Tully, Williams and Katterjohn. 3.' �"•` .''., " COMMiaeionor Tull offered the following motions The sum ?'. nLi o!37.6 $ 0 having . ". Cemetery DNd. ., boon .paid into the treasury as evidenced by the receipt horerrith filed, 0. . 0. Orr.. I move that". p:dead be exeouted to 0. W. Orr for Lot ¢11',In" bloa$.$3 on tho sohtb:.aide of Hannan •;;`' Streot between Baker. and Hank •stroete in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon call of. the,, ' roll, yeas Tully, Williams and Khttorjohn. 3. commissioner Tully Wdrod"the following motion:" That the report of Com'r."�.' School Bonds. �.of Finanoo, with r000ipt•and duplicate certificate of 41 colt attached, regarding, ( " delivery o! 600 City of Paducah school Improvemont'Bonde, numbore.o.ne to..five bun-" I"droll; i " Inclusive,"!or $60G"oeoh,"'to the Board'of Bduoatlon;.be reooived'and filed"nndZ.' recorded." Adopted upon ball,o!:the.roll, yoae."Tuilys, Williams and'.Rhiterjohn, 8.. '• r ' r-