HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 505, March 1, 1920' { _� L �S-^1vti'[t• 1!r^ 1� nL'+�e r , r� J"t�. r. �__^`�o'sfit `�`t R`^'`. K.•i�`I`Ptu •... .` *•� ry � _ + ,.. 4�_ A Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah /9!_ MARCH 1. 1920. Ate Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' Ohamber, in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on Maroh let 1920. Tho eo present were '" Commissioners. Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Mayor.Katterjohn, 6. On motion the minutes of the previous meotings were ado +-A e d d P o a roe an oorrootod, I' y v'a Yeas Petition property On motion of Commissioner Gilbert the potition from the proporty owners on N. 11thl owners N. 11th St. Between Finley & i,. I '; Street, between Finley and Burnett Streote;aleo Finley botWoenlOth &' lltib-was received~ Burnett. and filed Laos 6. Commnissionor Gilbert offered the fallrnyI motion; That the City Attorney.'ba Sn- '- > etruotod to bring in a resolution for the oonstruotion of the passago way or street City Attorney . i instructed to bring'.'known as Finlay Street, between 10th 6i .11th St. by the grading and gravoling same;, all in resolution:- Passage Way or ; improvements to be paid by abutting property holders on tho'Ten.Year Plan.. Adopted I Street Finley, beta: 16th & 11th, ~upon call of the roll yoae Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williemis 4; Nays, Ke.ttorjohn, 1. P Commissioner Gilbert offered tho following motion; That the City At toiney be in -,, City Attorney in- etruoted to bring is a resolution for the construction of North 11th St., between struoted to bring in resolution- Finley and Burnett Street by grading and gravelintt same; ell improvements to be Paid ti construction N. 11 9t. beta. Finley b ;by abutting property.holdore on the Pen Year Plan. Adopted upon call of .the rollgene, ,• +: Barnott Ste.. , Eato6, Gilbert, Tully, Williams, 4. Naya, Kattorjohn, 1. R• `. i .. Commiouioner.Tully offered the following motion; That the Mayor. and Commissioner - Borrow Monoy $20,000 from City of Finanue.be authorized,to borrow from the City No Dank for the use and benefit .. National Bank. (of the City -of Paducah, the eum of $20,000 in anticipation of the tax oollootions to be e Meda in June, to' be repaid June EO, pledging as security the good faith and credit of : .. ':the City of Paducahand the tax collections for the first half of the year 1920. I• ' iAdopted upon call of the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbort, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, 6.. Commissioner Tul.ly_offored the following motion; at the laboratory equipment Th . Laboratory equip- .;loaned to the UoCracken County Health League be turned over to the Superintdtof Superintendent a�...: ,} Ment. �Rivorsido Hospital, Lt b000ming necessary to make use of this equipment at the,hoepitali °`R% 9 'Adopted upon call of the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, 6. I . . i Comnissiongr Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $87.60 having boon t' Amanda Strow 'paid into the treasury, as evidenced by the receipt filed herewith, I move that dead bar Cemetery Dead.- executed to Amanda Straw for.lot f12'in block A3 on the south aide of Hannaq Street i:. _�• r "between Baker and Hank streets,`in -Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon. cell of the roll,., y !yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, 6. i' 4. Oe:aninuionor Tully o.efcrad tho followlnq motion; Tho sum of ,x`30.00 having been �X '.y R. B. Lay000k, i.. paid into the treasury, as evidenced by the reoeipt filed horowith, I move that deed �.. Cemetery Deed. be executed to R. B. Laycock for lot n18 in Dlouk.P..on the south aide of Miller street) A botneen Ford and Hannan etroets'in Oak Grove Comotory.. Adopted upon call of the roll i ' i yeas Baton, Gilbort,.Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, 6.' ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Whoroas,'the Isolation hospital (; . Isolation Ward. is now being operated under the supervision of the Superintendent of Rivereide Hospital and as a gait Of that hospital. I move that for convenience it be named and known as. ;the ISOW2I01I WARD While so oporatod by the City. Adopted upon call of the roll yeas: #, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, 6. I 't Salaries inoreae- Commissioner Baton offered the following motion:. I'Move that'tT.o salarioe of the ed- Police Dept. and Fire Depte. Polioe.Departmont and Piro Dopartmonts of the City of Paduoah, when fixed -in the Ordi- 7, canoe retaining oertain employees for tho City of Paducah for tho year 19P,O, shall be'. �•`; offootive. and tho salaries fixed as of tho.date of March let, 1920. Adopted upon oall'i '• of the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Kaiterj.ohn, 6. �...' �. .. A } f.. .w.• ;.Sr'4„ �`"3'�'� yc .r _ °in .:'.!?:=?�PC''R�••j +'3 'wviagWi7ii T,• g`fi``x'e .r�; ! J , �{t.. p ;%�j3T'?di�'. ,�.�� ' i w'1• s. .m r s.;"_..a- . ,r,r �..... .uc. ... _. .l.v �.x -xJ..•-..�..�iJ.:_..,.. .,._.__.a.<...._::i•. j,.n,.,:ra_�k•y CL�,�_ i' C 1 No. T. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ ;Report Chief of Commissioner- Eaton offered the following motion: .I move that the Report o! the' Police Pebruargy :I 1920. Chief of Police for themonth. of February 1920 be received and.filed. Ado pied � 1 : `,•.4 i ' Report Ch'iof of Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the report of �. .. ;'ire Department the Chief 'of the Fire Department for the month of Februa 1920 be received and filed."• [February 1920. ?9 'r ;Adopted yoas 6. 7 •� Commissioner Williams offered the follow; ? ng motions I move that Dr. W. E. ,.Dr. W. H. Par. kPersons and T. L. Coleman be elected as members of the Board of Health of the,City of i sono and T. L'. n Colomnn, oleo; -!Paducah, Kentucky, to fill'tho.vaoanoios occasioned by the expiration of the terms of ed members of Board of Roalth.'offioo of Carl Nelle and Dr. M. M: Cooley, effeotive as of January 6th, 1920.. Adopted I!' a upon call. of tho ' roll yeas baton, Gilbert,. Tully, Williams and KaLterjohn. 6. � 4' Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I.move that the salary.I'' of Mrs. Cola Harmon Martin Sn erintendent Hospital*, of the Riverside Hoe , be inoreased, 'Uri. Cela Harmon • P P iincreaselnry ed.060.60.per month, effective ae of this date; said increase 'in salary being made to.pay her for extra services and duties devolving upon her in the superintendency of the j. Isolation Hospital. Adopted upon oall .of the roll yeas Eaton; Gilbert, Tully, Williams, p' ^and Matterjohn, S. •. Resolution con- �' Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; That the City Attorney sbruotien aide= ; walke;.ebo. p, ;be inetruoted to bring in a resolution for the construction of both aides of Horth 16th o "... ' 16th St. bond. Jeiferaon and ",Bt. from Jefiorson.Stroot to Trimble St. with concrete walks; concrete ourbs concrete . � Trimble. ;gutters, together viith all aeooeearq drain catch baelae.anQ.fpLakee, etc., to be paid for by abutting pibperty.holders on the Ton Year Plan. Adopted upon call of the. roll yoae Eaton, Gilbert, Tully; Williama,4:: Nays, Kattorjohn', 1. Oommieolonor,oilbort offered the following motion: That tho City Attorney Resolution con -..`be instructed to bring in a resolution for the oonetruotion of both aides of 4th Street f. laide- If Broad Street to Elisabeth Stroet with-oonoreto walks, concrete curb, concrete: walks wa.eta. 4th B; from' from, :Broad ;guttore; oge b Elisa- together erith all necessary catch basins, intakes and drains, etc., tote paid ' beth. for by.abutting property.. holders on Ten Year Plan. Adopted, upon call of the roll yeas. Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, 6. 1 Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: That -the City Attorney LeI Resolution con-. I. instructed, to bring in a resolution for the construction,ot.oonorete walks, concrete struotion aide- walke,'eto.', .. curb,concrete gutters; oast iron draine;.eta.'on both sides of Broad Street; between . Broad 9b.,, betn.'. an 6th Std Bridge Street with all necessary 6th 8L. and together .intakes, catch basin, drains,` Bridge St..:' "eta., .the new can orete walk., eta. on.tho south aide of..Broad'St. to start. where.the''' :. I. } •.•' old concrete walk stops in front of the reeidenoe.of J. C. Kolb and.on the North side T ,of Broad Street from the West property line of 6th St. to a point where the East pro- V•: . cperty line of Bridge street would I torsect the North ourb line whoa extended, :to'be Fpaid tor,iiy Property holders on Ten Plan. Adopted t• Yeah' upon onll of the roll yeas + 'Eaton, Gilbert, Tully., Williams and.Katterjohn, Ordinanoe. Mayor Mitterjohn road an ordinance providing that city employee shall not City Employees, absent themselves from their .work' o'r leave the City of Paducah' without fila; having', abeenting them- . Y i f' ' aches from :obtainod.leave of absence and, 'providing a their work.. " r P ng: ponoltq for violation thereof: Coimniesiorier, i' ., �•,.. ;Tully offered the following ordinnnoe ea a.eubabitute� to the above ordinance, to -wit:' .; ,1 "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE GRANTING OF PERMISSION TO APPOINTIVE EMPLOYEES THE CITY'' ..' � ,OF I.OF PADUCAH,-KE11TUCKY, TO BE ABSENT FROM THEIR EMPLOYMENT,- and offered the following.' 'motion: I move the adoption of an ordinance entitled, "All:ORDLNANC$ REGULATING THE.. GRAPTING'OF PERMISSION TO APPOINTIVE EMPLOYEES.OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH,:KENTUCKY, TO BE !'ABSENT FROM TREIR EMPLOYMENT," Adopted npoa.onli of the mil yeae,Eatoa, Giibarb, Tulhy and Williams, 4. Hay@, Mattei'john, 1. i i w'Mil J'S;�'te+eHU.e+i4i:',1.3ia:t• 'r:;N - .` X.- `.wa: - .r.•a:.a.s .. .. A�/�':�uir'(+, %�ls3!'Ni'.^.Sc:..:�.:J:I► '�^•:i:\ 6•. �••%v`.f,';J Y^i :.) �' . _ ,�a.. !i"'i{ 1"� it{"? `•a.0 .Y} R� �'� ` `r`Fi ,X '•'• P ""'� C ti''"% fry 'a.,.(J � NT . �r s . T. i. r .•'n„}�t 3 No. r '5 y Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah )y)_ Commissioner Eaton offerod the following motions I move the adoption.of. an ordi- ! I Or dlnaaoe provid- nanoe entitled, -AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT THE OFFICES OF THE commiSSI0Nm MAY CLOSE: l Lag 0103ing.0i �T....'a• rs. City cirrose at ;AT ONE O'CLOCK ON SATURDAYS,- adopted upon call of the roll yeas Eaton Gilbert Tull 1 o'olook P. M. . .', Saturdays. Williams and.Katterjohn, 6. ? '' Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion -*I move the adoption of an ordi- nanoe entitled, -AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED, 'AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING. Ordinance pro- VEHICLES. OF ANY CHARACTER FROM PARKING ON EITHER SIDE ON BROADWAY STREET BETWEEN FIRST � i hibiting parking Broadway, beta. ;.AND SIXTH STREETS, IN TM CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING PENALTY FOR VIOLA- If' let. and Sixth St. If r TION OF SAME,WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY TO BOARD OF COLOasgiolwis ON SEPTEM ER 23rd, 1916.: ::Adopted upon call of the roll yoas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, 6. j . p• Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Mayor and Commis- XI J ('sionor of Public Finanoo bo instructed to execute and deliver to the Board of Education school Improvement !of Paducah, I(y. the School Improvemont Bonds heretofore authorized � to be Issued by the I (` � • •r � s. Bonds. City of Paducah, and spread on the minutes. Adopted yens 6.• -At a meeting of the Board of Education of the City of Paduceh. Kentucky' a3 ' held in the office of the said Board of Education in said City on Thursday, the y' y L twelfth day of February, 1929, at 4 P. M., there being present the following i membere, to -wit: Dr. J. T. Heddlok li Dr. M. Steinfeld, Mr. J. L. Wannor. The said Board having been duly called to order, and the :purpose of the meed the follows ' ng stated. ng resolution was introduced by Mr. Wanner, seconded, by I! Dr. Steinfeld and unanimously adopted: J o 'Resolved that the bid.for the School Improvomant Bonds of the City National a. ! Bank Paducah Kentucky.thru its President Mr. J. C. Utter'baok •be aooe ted b the Board of Education of Paducah. Kentucky, provided that satisfactory security ra U` !� be given by the City National Bank to the Board of Education for all payments of :rl I money as stipulated in.its bid, Whiah bid is filed herewith and made a part of the resolution. f a ..•..• - 'We beg to submit the following bid for the Two-Hundred-Pifty-Thouennd Dollars (' 5.' School Improvemont Bonds, dated January 16th, 1920,- $260,160.00 with soorued in- ', tercet from January 16th, 1920, to time of delivery, to be paid for as follows: i Cash $ 160.90 }' Aprli let., 1920, 26,000.00 II: July let, 1920 26 000.00 '. October let, 1926, 60,000.00 January let, 1921 76,000.00 April 1B t, 1921., 76$BSb�I6a�66 ' Total, , PWe also agree to pay our own'attormys' Yeas and tho cost of printing said `? bands, and to give approved bond guaranteeing the payments to be made on the dates I above specified. 1 , � I In the event the money should not be used on the dates spooi'fied, we will allow' .0i interest upon any deforrod , paymentsand in the event you should noel the pay- _ �� .. _. � I . j p Monte to the dates above specified we will pay same upon demand, charging 6% inter. i oat for unexpirod time. - We horowith enclose Cashier's.Chook. ,$2,600.00, pledging our good faith in tho'; # above bid.' .". Mr. Wanner offored the following resolution: Resolved that the Board of.Eduoa. tion, of Paducah. Kentucky, accept tha offer of Mr. J. C. Uttorbaok; President.o! the City National Bank, offering. said Bank as security for the deferred psymente pp and as further security the ifs I n" y personal bond of.eaoh of the board of directors of the , 'I P 1 �� I' v�-•K�I ' J:! •\N r' :l', ;' Slid fr'�F'•Sl♦iT1� Z iWi.,..- 4.�.r•, .r'}�•VipqsTH'FI.-,„, F. Mei$• n J ' i ' "rte. .4. Ill - ,. ' U a r f I � . . . 4 ' �• Commissioner's: Proceedings, City of Paducah l91_ Said City National Bank.' Said resolution was seconded by Dr. Steinfeld, and. on roll, e call vase unsnimously adopted. 3�1; �. We, tho'undereigned, J.'T..Reddiok, President of the Board of Education, and. Marguerite Redd, Seorotary, do duly oertify.that Lhe'foregoing resolutione.were adopted! rby the Board of Education of the City of Paducah, it a meating of Said Board hold in the. ." jsaid City of Paducah, on the twelfth day of February, 1920, and is certified to the ., city National Bankof Said Oity. This thirteenth day of Febtuary, 1920. a 4ATNST J. T. REDDICK < President Oar O uefl On =0 Marguerite Redd the City of Paducah. Kentucky:^. soorDTary. • S. M. Smith: On motion of Ma j ga „ Mayor Katter ohn communications from S. M. Smith in regard = re- Peel i'iy, ioation In to the OPest House were 'received and filed. Yoga 6. ' In re; t House. On motion of Commissioner Eaton the City Milk, Most and Live Stock In- ' . city Milk; .: Meal gad tepeotar was instructed to enforce an ordinance in regard to tuberouloaie.00wa was . Live 8took. Inspector,-in-PadoptAd upon oall.of the . rollyens Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, 6. r.e : Tuborou- . . ... .. leers Code. On motion the Board adjourned 'yoga 6. " Adopl�e' 19yG g'P 1R,OV3M -MATO& MARCH 4th. 1920. is ,`• At a Calls Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners! Ohamber in the City Hall, Paduosh; Kentucky, at 2 o'slook P.'�I[., March 4th, 1920. ' Upon call" of the roll: the fol owing answered Yo their namedt 'OOIISRtea10n6f LBtone br••., t _.. , TUXX and Williams, and Mayor Katterjohn, 4. The Mayor stated reasons for osll',' to-reit: To allow salaries and accounts for '. ., the month of February, 19209 and to take up any other, business that may come before'. the Board of COmmiGeionors. k;%Y- Commieeioner Tully offered the following motion: That the report of.Commiaaloner. old - l `Typowrite r.',,G' of Finanoo regarding sale of the old Underwood typewriter of the City of Psduoah.to I ._.. t, the Paducah Labor News be.r000ivod and filed. 'Yeas 4. Ro�iart pom'r..y. Commissioner. TAly.offered the'following motion: That the g000unts for the last f� % Finance for. i half of February, 1920, ae per report of the Commissioner of Finance filed herewith - Accounts. .. , be allowed and ordered paid,. and that the money'be.appropriated from the general fond ✓t . .' '. a to pay same. Adopted-yeae Eaton, 'Tnlly and Hillieme, a. Hays,. Kstterjoha 1. ' Report',Oom�ri- Commissionor Tully offered the following' motion: That the report of the. Commie- ;;Finance for"""15 ' `, stoner of Finanoe for the month of February 1920 be received and filed and ordered .. Feb. 1920. } = .:Y" ,'''• = ':r..publishe.d in the official newspaper. Adopted yoga .4. Commieeioner= Gilbert -entered the sheeting. t, t - ' Fire Alarm Commissioner Eaton offored tho following motions I move that the Chief of.the ' Fire Department be authorised to order on behalf of the City one Peerless Non -inter-„ Bo=, �:• M;;•,j:, foring Sector Fire Alarm Box,.. Model M-26 at 8120.00. Adopted yeas Eaton, 011ber4,. "'�: '- ;• Tully, Williame end Katter john,, 6:' , on�mootion the Board adjourned yoga 6. ZI city n TOR •, K' i' d •' S i