HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 500, February 23, 1920' +,�,
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commissioner°s. Proceedings, pity -of. Paducah 791_
FEBRUARY 19th. 1920.
At a called meeting -of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commisoion-
ere' Chamber. in the.City Hall, Paducah; Kentucky, on February 19th, 1920, at 2 O'clook
P. M. Those present were Commissioners Baton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Mayor
)Katterjohn. Be
The Mayor stated reasons for call to-vitt To show salaries and to enter-
?4Iain any other business that may come up before the Board of Commissioners.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motiont That the scoonnta for
Report Cob'r.±the first half of Fobrnary,;,as.per report of Commissioner of Finance.filed herewith;
Finanoe for
t-; First half of be allowed and ordered paid, and that the amount thereof be appropriated from the
1990. tgeneral fund. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams
and'Katterjohn,- B.
' I'• ' On motion the Board adjourned. lass Be
Ado �d
c, + FEBRUARY 23RD. 1920.
r , 4.
At s regular meeting of the Board of. Commissioners, held in the Commission -
are' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on February 23rd., 1920, at 2 O'clocki
P. M. Th_osa present were Ootimiaoioners, Eaton, Tally; Williams and Mayor.Katterjohn. �
' $ Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion - That the regular meeting
of the Board of Commissioners of the 'City of Paducah, Kentucky, be adjourned from 2
o'clock P. M., on Monday February, 23rd, until: 10 O'olook.A. M. on Tuesday,,February
r p 20h, 1920. .Adopted yeas 4: .
t th d B d drn yeas 4.
On motion e oarajoue
c.; ..r MAYOR.
FEBRUARY 24th, 1920.
' At an adjourned,meeting'af the Board of Comideeioners, hold in the'Commis-
eicnere' Chamber In the 01ty Hall. Padnoah, Kentucky, on February 24th; 1920, at 10
o'olook A. M. Those prosont.were Commissioners, i6ton, Gilbert; Tnl1y;.Willlame and
: '
Mayor Katter john.'
" The mtdautee of the previon.e meetinge.were adopted as read. Yess..B.
4 .
Communication Coimmiesioner Gilbort read a communication from property owners on Cedar
ere on Cedar'' 8troet and Lincoln Avenue,'aeking that Cedar Street, one square Last from Mayfield
`, a..,
St. & Lincoln
•.. Ave. ;Road and Lincoln Avenue. one square North from Cedar Street be graded and graveled.
!' r On motion of Commissioner Gilbert said petition.was received and filed. Yeas B..
t Commisaionor LGilbert offered the following motion: Whereas, the majority
City Atty. x
; t• ,
instructed to of the property holders oh Cedar St. & Lincoln Ave. desire the improvement of said
';� bring in resp-
�• lution in ret etroote, that the City, Attorney be instructed to bring in resolution for the grading
Cedar St. &
.i, Lincoln'Ave., and graveling of said etroote', and all improvements to be charged to abutting property
holders.. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams. 4.
Bays, Otterjohn, 1.
.- D. Harry .,'
a Commissioner Williams offered the following. Mott on That he, as CommissLon-
plane, eta.
"er of Pablio Property be instructed to hnve.D. Harry•Jamieon, Architect to draw.
t•� .1•w. _ rpt.
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