HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 5, January 11, 191577,
Commissioner's Proceedings, •City�ofPaducah
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Council Cham.
In .the City Hull, 'in the Oity of Paducah, Ky.,.January 11th, 1916Upon call-
the r
roll the following aneaered to their numee;., Mayor Haeelip, Burns, Marton,
and Vushingtoi. (6)
On motion by member Marton, the minutoe of the previous moetinge were adopted
Ise read, upon call of the roll by the following votes,. Yeoe Mayor, Burne, Marton,
Wallace and Washington, Ibl
On motion.by the above, the Annual report of L.A.Vuehington City Engineer for
Ithe your 1914, ras received and -filed, upon call of the roll by'the following vote=
Yeue Mayor., Burns, Marton, tallaoo and Vashington. (5)
On motion by member Burns, a oomunloation from Judge.Lu4 In referrenoe to
;Probution Officer wue referred to the Commissioner of Finance and City Solicitor.
for report on Legality of the matter. upon cull of the roll by the' following vote;-
Yeua Muyor, Burne, Murton, Wullaoe and Tuahington. (5)
I On motion by member Burne, u oomunication from the Mangaotorp Record Pub. Co.
;wee referred to the Commissioner of Public Property, upon call of the roll by the
follo'::Ing veto;- Yens Uoyor,'Burns, Marton, Wiluoe and Youshington. (6)
On motion by momberl•Marton, a refudfwue grunted'the Paducah Murine Waye Co.
r:.��aye�twas refunded "20.00 for over aaeeeament on personal property, upon callof the
;roll by the following vote;- Yeue Mayor, Burns, Marton, tall noe and Waehington,(b)
On motion by member Burns, the muttor of settlement of the Old.Toloohone Oo
C/ 6 s,
!was referred to the Commisalonor of Public Safety Oommiosione 'and Finance/ with '
!City Solicitor, to if possible arrive at an adjustment eutisfaotory'to both portico
in the event of such failure to eettlo the matt er,tho.Cltq Solicitor was
;: ..
instructed to proseotute the pending suit to'a final detormnation. Committee to
'report baok,upon call at the roll by the follow!'
ng,voto;Yone Mayor.. Burne, Marton;
it'allaoe and Washington. (5)
motion by Mayor Hcselip, the Fidelity and Dopoelty Company of Ma'
ryland .was .
(released off of the Polioe'Bond of Oeorge.T. Gish, upon cull of the roll by the
-roll by the following voter- Yeas Layer, Burns, Marton, Wallace and Washington.16)
II• On motion by member Wullaoe, the City Solicitor was Instructed to.bring in an.
ordinance, amending 9eation 43 of the Building Ordlnunoe, so that the thickness
Valle for one story buildings not to exceed the hight of lE feet be 9 inches "
of 13,Inohes.'upon call of the roll b the follows vote;- Yeue Ma o
Y ng . ,. Y r. '
Borns, Murton, aallaoe and Washington. (b)
On oti n by member Burne, the request of Oscar Demmiok formltranefer of e'
`enloon license, was referred to the Commissioners of Plnanoe and 8aferty pith the
9olioitor, for further reoomendution of the Board,. upon call of the roll by
following vote;- Yens Mayor. Burne, Marton, Wallace and Washington. (b)
motion by the ubovo•. the action taken in regard to grunting L.M.Stephon b
Company Quest Liquor license at 9th &Kentucky Avg be reoindod and thrt present
application for removal of liooneo'at old place located on Bridge Stroot botweeOA
T1ppTe and, Mill Streets be granted ln,liou thereof. carried, upon cull of the roll.
by the following vote;.- Yoae Mayor, Burnd, Marton. Wallace and Fashington. (5)
•_ ro:. � y . P 4 granted
) On motion -by the above that the transfer of ate hon, liquor lioonse be
requested in petition subjeot to agreement therein embodied, ourreid, upon call
of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Mayor, Bursa, Marton, Wallace and Ylneh;
On motion by the above. the City Solicitor was inetruotod to bring !n an
: ordihanoe great: ng to the estate of B.H.SoOtt the udo of certain property on ' a
.r Fri::
, .
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_
Horth 8th 'street for Spur trook or switching purposes, and that said ordinance oonfon
to the plan to be submitted by the Railroad Engineer, same carried, upon call of the .
_. roll by:tho following vote; -Yeas Mayor, Burne,'unrtoa, 6'alluoe and Washington. (6)
On'motion by member Uarton. the City Solicitor was instructed to bring an amendment
to the Function Ordinance, so the Finance Commissioner will be pormittod to deposit +i
of the Sewer Fund of the City in another -Paducah Bank .than the City Depository. upon
cell of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Burne, $arton, Wallace and Washington.
(6) Saye Mayor. (1) 1
Prap�� On motion by the Mayor, that the Commissioner of Public Yorke be instructed to . Ii
9 adveriiso for bids for the construction of a Section of the Third District Serer and
r and the 060.000. nor: on hand be expended in said work. Same rue amended On motion of
member'Burno, by.roforring same to the Committee of The Whole for full disouesion and
dation to bo taken at next regular mooting, Upon call of yho roll by the following {
voto;-Yeas Mayor, Burns, Wallace. Murton; and 1:aehington. (6).
On motion by mombor Burne,the City Solicitor was instructed to prepare aeoes-
.:.a-c•? eeary�!dooumontefor.;:tF,paesnBBea, enableing the Commissio,or of.Finanoo to borrow monr
by from Sinking Fund for immediate use, carried, Upon cull of the 'roll by the
lowing vote; -Y ae Mayor, Burne, Marton, Wallace and tiyashington. (6)
On motion by the above, the appoi'ntipont of J.F.:Flournory, Frank Augustus as eztr�!
.. .1
,f,� It/ patrolmen, and the appointment of'a Detective also the appoint ofd Grisham to take*! '
1 .. R.
the plaoeof William Hill, same carried, upon ooll of the roll by the following vote, �� r
Yeae Burne, Marton, Yallaco and Washington. (4) Mayor not voting. I '�
.�/ On motion by mombor 'haehington, That the Purohueing Committee be lmpwered to
pudohase u second hand Ford Machine for the Department of,Publio::Worke at an expense
j.of not to'ezoeed 4276.00same carried, upon call of the roll by the folloring vote;
Yeas Mayor, Burne, Marton, Wallace and Washington. (6)
On motion -by member Burns; the City Solicitor rue instructed to bring in an 4
• "�" ordinunoo. making it unlawful. to oporato motor vehicles in the City of Paducah with �.
'r opon'out-out, except in Garage for testing motors, carried, upon call of the roll -by I. Fa•, '�
the folloring vo.to;-Yoae Yuyor, Burne, Marton,WAll000 and l;ashington. )6( 4;
On motion'by th'o.abovo, The Soup House matter me referred to the Layer, Com-
, �..
misoionor of Safety and Jailer, with instructions to compile data.eto., and report E'
ar. back to the Board of Commiscionors,-ourriod, upon oull of the roll by the following
v h
Toto.-Yeue Mayor,.Burns, Marton, Wallace and YaohingLon. (6) '
On motion by the abovo, the muttor of Logitmato Brokoro, the City Solioitor, was !:
(Ji1 yb inctruotod to bring:in an ordinunoe.fixing the lioonoo at.y60.00.por month, name
£ carried Upon call of the roll by'tho folloring voto;=Yeas Mayor, Burns, Marton, ( 1
1Fallaoo.and 17uohingthn. (6) ;
t// / On motion by member Wallace, the hoiuebf, the Commissioners, meotings, •was.ohanged t
It �,0� rte. g '
from 10 Oolook 6.M. to 3 Oolook P.M. each monday, upon call of the roll .by the fol
lowing voto;-Yoae Mayor, Burne,.Marton,,Wallaoo and Washington. .(6).
On motion by,membor Burne, a reread bo. -taken, until 2 Oolook'P.M. oarriod; upon
call ofthe roll by the folloring voto;-Yens Mayor, Burns, Morton, Wallace and ;;as
ington. (6)`
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