HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 499, February 16, 1920. _ 1 �'" wrtn4C�Ey71•$=tP'T'ru"1 ^'k�>M1�-`'°�t� t"'''..%'-�.„��,z^•S�ic..lj�TT.I'y1f T�('+.;"44,N'7•.Crir:.
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Commieeioner Tully offered the following.motions 'That the. oommunioation of
of J. M. BradshawJ. M. Bradshaw be referred to the City Attorney investigation and report to
,for .this
Board as to the liability of the City, of Paduoah. Adopted yeas 6.
yV. On motion the Board adjourned, yeae 6.,
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FEBRUARY lath. 1920.
dAt a regular meeting of.the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners, ,
;Chamber in the Oity.Hall, Paduoah, Bentuoky, on February 16.th, 1920; those present
were Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Mayor KatterJohn. 8..
: On motion of Commissionor Eaton the minutes of the previous meeting were
. 'adopted as read, yeas 6.
-j Commissioner Tully offered the following motion= That the report of the Commie-
' : ,
Parohaso o! lour`sioner o! Pinanoe regarding the
� - , g ng purchase, from the Sinking Fund, of tour $1,000
,� $1 000 P.T.b A.
R.A. Bonds.. '. .P.T..A A.R.R.'bonds,,be reoeived and filed and approved.. Adopted upon oall of the
: droll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion;. That the report of.the City
J. M. Bradebaw
Opinion,' Attorney regarding the claim of J. M. Bradshaw; be reoeived. and filed. Adopted yeas 8.
' Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: That the City Attorney be
instructed to bring in resolutions extending the time for oompleting the improvements,
Extension ofsidewalks, etc. on Goebel Ave. from. Deo. 16th, 1919, to duly let, 1920: On Husbands
time completing
improvements on i 7th 8t. from April 21st, 1920 to July lot, 1920, said work having been ordered and
Goebel Ave. and .
Husbands & 9th tha..'oon.tractor being,unable to oomplets same in time given in ordinance. Adopted
t' upon pall of the roll, yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, 6..
Commissioner Eaton offered the following motions I move the adoption of the
Resolution resolution protesting against the ohnnge in sohedule of Illinois Central Passenger
:1 ohnnge of time Train 4801. Adopted upon oall of the roll, yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams.
of I.C:Train
#801. 4. Bays. Katterjohn, 1.
i Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: That the oonsidoration of an'
e Parking :ordinanoo to further regulate the use of oortain streets and parte of streets by
ordinanoe. ; ..
automobiles and other vehioles, and presoribing penalties for violations thereof, be
;laid over to the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for oonaideration.
• 'Adopted .yoae 6.
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: That his bill of $34.33 be
Bill of.Mayor
ratterjohn allowed;said amount was for.hie expenaea on trip to Louisville, Kentuoky, to inveeti- '{
Louisville, 0.
trip. gate road improvements.. Adopted upon oall of the roll, yeae. Raton,. Gilbert, Tully,
,i Williams and ratter john, 6.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:. That the reportof the Board
Report of of Supervisors for the -year 1920 be reoeived and filed, and that the members of enid
Board of
t Supervisors. Board be relieved from further duties at this time. Adopted. yeas S. -
On motion the board adjourned yeae 6.
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