HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 496, February 9, 1920•,.,m 'Va.•;,,1." 7�:." t. tR .. :!'t'if,'i." �.•- mF t,' �... TY - T ♦.,4 `� .1:�.
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Commissioner's Proceedings. City of Paducah 191_ .
Report Com'r. M1 Commissioner Tully offered the following motiont That the Report. of Commie
IPinanoe month of
January 1920. 3. sioner of Pinonoe for the month. of January be received and filed and ordered published `
in the official newspaper. Adopted upon.oall of the roll yeas, Gilbert. Tully and s=,.
Williams. S. .6eye; Bhtterjohn,-l. j
On motion the'Boar& adjoarned,'yeas 4. ± °
Y. s Aso
F '
. FEBRUARY Btb. 1920..
E' At.a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners, ,bold " the Commissioners',
Chamber,in the City Hall,.Padnoab, Kentucky, on Pebrtlary 6th, 1920; at 2:30 P. M.
rThose present were Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert,.Tally, Williams and'.Mayor Eatterjohq.6,
The Mayor stated.reseons for.oall to -wits To give passage to an ordinance {
amending Sections d and 9 of an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance. Regulating and Govern
•ing Bartels, Disinterments and re -interments chargee in Oak Grove. Cemetery and addl- I
Ordinance '; tione thereto." approved October Urd, 1909; and also to advertise tor;bide on.the
Oak Grove
`rl Cemetery• ? City'@ property. I
On motion of Commissioner Williams said ordinanos was adopted upon call of
the roll, yeas, Paton; Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Eatterjobn. 6.
Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: That the Commissioner of I'
Property be authorised to advertise in the official newspaper of the City for at least I
Advertise- ;!three times, covering,a period of 10 days, all the vacant property owned by the City,'of
moat for
sale of ..:' Paducah and not in any wiee used by said City, ino]nding a. number of vacant lots and
w, s.' City proper- ?
a l ? by.. .. What Is known as the River' Perth and the Jackson Hill Paan, that said Commissioner of
t� Property be authorised to advertise for sealed bids, separately and collectively, on
'' I: eaid property, same to be opened at a time fixed by said Commissioner in said adver- 1 r .
:t'iieemeat, for the purpose of selling said property with the concurrence of the Board j
r � � •
of Oommisefoners, provided a satisfactory price is offered. Adopted upon call of ( '
the roll, yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and.Katterjohn. 6.
On motion the Board adjourned, yea@ 64 {
ti. �,r x ! •
At a regular meeting of the Board of Oommieeionere, held in the Commissioners';
Obamber in the City Ha11, Paducah, Kentucky, on_Pebrmry 9tb, 1920. Those present
were Commisetonere Eaton, Gilbort,,Tully, Williams and Mayor Eatterjohn. 6.
S Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion- That,tbe.minutes De changed .'
{; to read that improvements 'on ti. Sth Street begin at Monroe Street instead of Madison
Street. Adopted yeas 6.
{ , On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previone:meetings were
r '{ )+•adopted as read and corrected. Yeae 6:
Commissioner Eaton offered the following motiond That the oommunioation from i.•
': Communioation ' `
Piro Depart- {. the members of the Piro Department be received and filed, and that said communication I
',.. •meat.. ` ; �., �:--``�j
remain as-unfiniehed business before the Board of Commissioners until finally disposed
: - cf i ; Adopted yese 6.. '
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah
commissioner Eaton offered the following motions That the opinion of the city '
Opinion City Attorney upon the question. of the legality of the Twenty Cent leiy by -the Board of.
`< Attorney on 800
Levy by Board of
1i Sdnoation. Education for interest and sinking fund be'reooived and filed. .Adopted yeas 6.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion% That the deed dated 8/'/1980.
Traneter of . from Be R..Miller and wile SusEl]a Miller oonveying the south one-half of lot #19 in
Cemetery deed
from E. Be Millerblook #46 in Oak Grove Cemetery to Sam Robertson. be ratified and said transfer re
ti and SusElla. (.
Miller to Sam, oorded in the Cemetery Dead Book. in a000rdanoe with request of the party grantors
Robertson. .
herewith !ilei. Adopted yeas Be '
{, Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: That the improvements on
:0.1 N. 13th at. N. 13th Street be extended from Jefferson Street to Broadway to oonlorm to resolution
as drawn. Adopted yeas 6.
Commissioner Gilbert read a resolution providing for the oonstruotion of oon
orets sidewalks, ourbe and gutters, together with all neoessary drain pipes, manholes.
Sidewalk con-, ?;
atruotion N. and intakes on the Horth aide of Broad Street, from the Weat property line of Pourth
side Broad St.
Street to the East property line of Sixth Street, and on the South silo of Broad
�+F Street from the West line of Fifth -Street to the East property line of Henry Selb'e `I '
vj property. On motion of Commissioner Gilbert said resolution vasa givon its passage
ii upon oall of the roll, -yens Eaton, Gilbert, Tully. Williams and Katterjohn. 6.
Commissioner Gilbert read a resolution providing for the oonstruotion of oon-.:
orate sidewalks, ourbs and gutters. together with all neoeasary drain pipes, manholes
. Sidewalk eon- p and intakes on the West aide of North Twelfth Street, beginning at the oonoreta gids- '
., 180 St. ; walk on the property of J. DuPerrieu and extending to the conorsto oidowalk on the
•c .
i, property of the Henderson Brewing Company, a distanoe of approximately seventy lineal' `
!' loot. On motion of Commissioner Gilbert said resolution wag given ita,.paeeage Upon
f,- oall of the roll, yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn. Be
J i'
Commissioner Gilbert read a resolution providing for the oonstruotion of oon-
orete sidewalks, curbs and gutters, together with all neoeeeary drain pipes, manholoo ;
Sidewalk oon
• struotion. and intakes on Both aides of South Seventh Street from the South property line of
' S. 7th St.
Jaokeon Street. to the North proporty line of Jones Street. On motion of Commissioner
•i N
• I Gilbort said resolution was given its passage upon oall of the roll, yeas, Eaton, ,
03 ! Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn. 6.
ye 'I Commissioner Gilbert read a resolution providing for the.00notruotion of oon-
�i orete sidewalo, ourbe and gutters, together with all necessary drain pipes,,:manholes'
Sidewalk oon-.' and intakes on both sides of North Thirteenth Street, from the North property line of
#.. Be 13th St. ;j Broadway Street to.the South property line of Trimble Street. On motion of commie- .
p eioner Gilbert said resolution was given its passage upon oall of;the roll, yeas,
Eaton Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Satterjohn. 5. ;.,•
Commissioner Gilbert read a resolution providing for the construotion of son-;} .
orets sidewalks, ourbs and gutters, together with all necessary drain pipoe, ;manholes)
.i Sidewalk oon-i .and intakes on both is as of North Eleventh Street, from.:the North proporty line o! .1
N. ;
N. 11th 8t. N .Jefferson Street to the South property line of Trimble Street. On motion of
•. (� Commis-
eioner Gilbert said resolution was given its passage upon oall of the roll, yeas '
. it Eaton, Gilbert. Tully..Williams and Katterjohn. S.
Commissioner Gilbert reed a resolution providing for the oonstruotlon of oon-.I
orete sidewalks, burbe and gutters; together with all nooesoary drain pipes, manholes -
Sidewalk oon-"
R _yr etruotioa k. and intakes on both sides of North Bighth Street, from the North property line of
N. SLh St.
t.,Madison Street to the South property line of Trimble Street. On motion of commie-
A �pp .eioner Gilbert said resolution was given its passage upon oall of the roll, yeas,
I� Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Satter john. 6, t
- - - :T±:•L�:icA• ..�ai>:Yt�SR+ 'u.� "r��: �:yr.a'.]-sF 1 t.• C`.if:��" ..r; Y' -r �•l�''t'r•1
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Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah 19/_
commissioner Gilbert read a resolution providing for the construction of
concrete sidewalks, ourbe and guttere, together with.all necessary drain .pipes. man -
Sidewalk -4holes and intakes on both sides of North Seventh.Strest, from the Borth property line
Z; oonetruotion i
N..T..th.at. .•
,of Madison Street to the South property line of Trimble Street. On motion of commis-
R&loner Gilbert.aaid resolution was given its passage upon Gall of the.roll;. yeas,
( J
QEBton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn. 6.
commissioner Gilbert read,e, resolution providing for the construction of
;,r,• -
conorste sidewalks. curbs and gutters, .together with all neoeesary drain pipes, man-
,,holes and intakes on both sides of North Sixth Street from the North cine
property of
~+ Sidewalk
oobstruotion Madison Street to.the South
property line of Trimble Street. On motion of Commissioner!.
N. stn at.
Gilbert said resolution was given its passage upon. oall of the roll, yeas, Baton,
Gilbert, Tully. Williams and fttterjohn. 6.
Commissioner Gilbert read a resolution providing for the construction of ,•
t 'l.
concrete sidewalks, curbs and gutters, together with all nooeaeary,drain pipes man -
�holes.and intakes on both sides of of North Ninth Street. from the Borth property line
S. 9th St
of Monroe Street to.the South property line of Trimble Street. .On motion of'Commis-
sioner Gilbert said resolution was given its passage upon call of the.rall
g p yeas, Eatonl
tGilbort, Tully,.Willinme and Katterjohn. 6.
Commissioner Gilbert read a resolution -providing for the oonstruction of the
[,driveway on Fourteenth Street, from the North property line of Monroe Street to the
Gravel eta.
14th 9;.
_ [South property line.of Clay Street in the City of Paducah, Kentucky. at the cost of they
;abutting property owners, and providing that same shall be constructed upon the. tea
. year psyment..plan. On motion of Commissioner Gilbert said resolution, was given its
1paeea e,upon call of the roll as Eaton Gilbert i
g yeas, , Tully and Williams 4.
Katterjohn. 1.
Commissioner Baton offered the following motion: That an ordinanoe.entitled
' Automobile
Chief of
'DEPARTMPNT," which. was introduced at the last regular meeting of the Board of Oommis-
Mire Dept•.
;eloners,.bold on February 8nd..1920, and which was ordered to lie over as provided by
�a r
law until this meeting, be now plaaed'upon its passage. ,Adopted upon call of the roll,
hiyeao. Baton, Gilbert. Tully and Williams. 4.' Baye, Katterjohn, 1.
On motion of Mayor Katterjohn the receipt from Commissioner of Finance,
4 Harrison
.. ,Oo-Operative Tully, for a oheok for $106.04 from the.Harrison 00-O.perative Servioe was.reoeived and
`tiled. Yeas'6•
Commieeionor Eaton offered the following motion: That the Board of commie-,
�oloners now pr000ed to the investigation, trial and determination of the chargee that
'-have been preferred against Thomas P. Glynn for violations of the Civil Servloe.ordi-.
Glynn. trials
;nano* while noting as Chief of the Fire' Department. Adopted upon call of the ,roll,
rose, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and,Williame; 4: Nays, Katter John.- 1. .
Commiesioner Eaton offered the following motion; That the chargee preferred
i � Thou. P.
against Thomas P. Glynn for.violationo of the Civil Service dr di nano 9. and Rules of the
�. •
,..-Obargee;eto:0lty of Paducah, governing the Fire Department, committad nbile be was aoting as Chief
'of the Fire Department, be adjndged to be sustained upon investigation by the Board
}of Commissioners, and that the said.Thomae P. Glynn be adjudged to be removed as e.ush
tChief of said Fire Department, effective so. of the date of Janmry 6th. 1980. same
;being .the date on which. he left the Fire Department'.' Adopted upon call of the roil,
eae ' Eaton Gilbert and Williams 4.`
y , . ► ,Tully ,- . awe, Khtter'john,-1.
" �,':y1Y.'w:.rt"�, +i��::rl�� t=om -i� .12��" EL.T
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ii Commissioner Tully offered the following.motion: That the.communiostion of
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i:.. r (r 'l. ='fr777'. 7
., 2. r, •..� *' 7-7 - `. T
f of J. M. BradshawJ. M. Bradshaw be referred to the City Attorney,for investigation and report to this
#i11 i 1�,1 t• F rX,r4 y:f
y y fad Y 4Y e7
M` 4 y Tti 1' tr .aP
On motion the Board adjourned, yeae 6., I
: Ali U. ..
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t t?
s Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah X91_
f -
ii Commissioner Tully offered the following.motion: That the.communiostion of
.. ^ .v C -`r,.•,
i:.. r (r 'l. ='fr777'. 7
., 2. r, •..� *' 7-7 - `. T
f of J. M. BradshawJ. M. Bradshaw be referred to the City Attorney,for investigation and report to this
Board se to,the liability of the Cityof Paduoah. Adopted yeae 6.
On motion the Board adjourned, yeae 6., I
: Ali U. ..
f FEBRUARY 16th. 1920.
At a regular meeting oi.the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' .
,Chamber in the Oity Hall, Paduoah, Kontuo1w. on February 1BLh, 1920; those present
i .
;were Oommissioners Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn.
On motion of Commissionor Eaton the minutes of the previous.meeting were
adopted as read, yeas 6.
Commissioner Tully offered the folloWi tg motion{ That the report of the commis-
Purohase of four`sioner of Finanoe regarding the , ng , ,
, g ng purchase from the Sinking Fund of four �1 000
$1 000 P.T.b A.
R.A. Bonds.. ', P.T. 4 A.R.R. bonds, be reoeived and filed and approved. Adopted upon oall of the
:roll, "yeae Eaton Gilbert Tully.Williams and Katter ohn B
Commissioner Tully offered the follows ng motion;. That the report of. the City
yt J. M. Bradshaw
Opinion,' Attorney regarding the olaim of J. M. Bradshaw'. be reoeived.and filed. Adopted yeae 6.
commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: That the Oity Attorney be
Anstruoted to bring in resolutions extending the time for oompleting the improvements,
Extension ofsidewalks, eto. on Goebel Ave. from Deo. 16th, 1919, to July let, 1920: On Husbands'*'
i time completing
L• improvements on Al Tth 8t. from April 2let, 1920 to July let, 1920, said work having been ordered and -
Goebel Ave. and
$ Husbands & 9th tho. oontraotor being•unable to oomplete same in time given in ordinanos. Adopted
upon oall of the roll, yeae. Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, 6..
Oommissioner-Eaton offered the following motions I move the adoption of the
'' .•
Resolution .resolution protesting against the ohnnge in schedule of Illinois Oentral Passenger*
ohange of time Train 4601. 'Adopted upon oall of the roll, yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams.
of I.C.Train
#801. 4. Hays, E%tterjolty, 1.
Comm' sionor Eaton offered the following motion: That the oonsideration of an'
Parking ordinanoo to furthor regulate the use of oertain streets and parte of etreete by
automobiles and other vehioles, and preaoribing penalties for violations thereof, be
d. 1laid over to the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for oonsideratioa.
Adopted .yeae 6.
!• Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: That hie bill of $34.33 be"
jy Bill of. Mayor
Katterjohn allowed; said amount was for.his expenses on trip to Louisville, Kentuoky, to invests- A
II - a,
Louisville. Sy.
tripo gate road improvements.. Adopted upon oall of the roll, yeas, Eaton,. Gilbert, Tully,
.' Williams and ratterjohn, 6.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motions. That the reportof the Board
Report of of Supervisors for the year 1920 be reoeived and filed, and that the members of enid
Board of
Supervisors. Board be relieved from further duties at this time. Adopted. yeae 6.'
• On motion the board adjourned yeae 6.
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