HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 495, February 5, 1920_, ; q� ` � a .. '! .. s� t^,t.'Ri'�+t�t?t�-fxy,.,.ry�:• 7S,} ::.�x•��.•,t,�...,,.e...-.-• �4 t: y d._ .� a �Y�,,�,Y�„ e .. .+7�z'.!Yti�„}•x il+.•i• �-\-' \•7^`x7.�.E'n A Y. V is fin fia ... J Y' .. []I Commissioner's Proceedings, No.. t•. of Paducah 14 allow Board as required by law, is hereto attached. �ou are respectfully p ly requested to add same to and include same In the regular `• tax bills of the City, containing the ordinary leby, and have same ' law directs.. collected as the Respectfully submitted�• J. T. Reddiok Preuident, Board of Educa-. j ; Lion Ity of the CoY,Pnduoah, Kentucky. ATTEST: �.,. Marguerite Redd, Secretary." ® J "BE IT RiSOLViD:- By the Board of Education of the City of Paducah Kentucky, that there be and is now imposed and levied an ad valorem tux the upon all real and portional pronorty in the City of Paducah, Kontuoky, subject to taxation tor,tho year 1920, of oixiy-five cents on the y100.00 valuation of said n000ssary.in the opinion of said Board of Education to property, uce for id year f 19a ! , the total ostimAod sum ne000nary to be raised to su Jortcand maintaindtheBPublic' iSchools of .the said City of Paducah, I:ontuoky, less he estimated'uum to be received. 'from tho State Common School Fund." n, We, tho undersigned, J. T. Roddick Provident of the Board of sties and 1•, +farguorito Rodd, Secretary; do duly certiduc Dfy that the foregoing resolution rise adopted i by the Board of Education of the City of Paducah at a mooting of saidhold in t .Board ii the said City of Paducah, on the thirtieth day of Januarys 1920, and is.00rtifiod to Board of Commissionors hthe of said City for the attention of such Commiesionors, as., the lair .dlraote. This'thirtieth day of January, 1220. ATTEST: J..T, Roddick Presidont, Board of 4d4oa- �. tion of The City of Paducah, Kontuoky. a Msrguerite Redd,,Seoretary; • At a meeting of 'the Board of Education of the City of Paducah Kentucky held the officeof said Board of Education in said City on. tho Thirtloth day of January, 1920 , g present the following members 'to-w1t: Dr. J. P. floddiolc Mrs L D ; Sanders, Mr. J. L. ,,issuer. Tho said Board havint, boon duly called to order, and Lho# ! purposes of the meetia; statod,.the following resolution was introduced and unanimously " adopted; 'Iii: IT RESOLUD;- By the Board of'Pdiwation of the Cit 'of Paduo Kontuol 'that there be Y, ah cy, ' 4 and in now .imp000d and levied on ad volorom tux upon sill . -he roJ.+l and ppersonal property in the Olty oP Paduouh, Kontuoky, subject to taxation for the year ,:1920, of oixty-Vivo cents on the 0100.00 valuation of said pluporty, the same baing neooseary in the opinion of said Board of Education to produce for said your of 19208 ;,the total ostimutod aum necessary to be raised to eupport and maintain the Public Schools of said City of Paducah, Kontuoky, loss ti:o ostimatod'anm to be from received yt1!o Stato Common Sohool Lund. Roport Chief of Police. Commissionor Eaton offered the following motion: That the report :of . r Chief of Police be rogoived and filed. Adopted yoas S. Report Chief. of Biro Commissionor-Paton offered the follorrihg motion; That the report of'tho Departmont. • i i:Criof of the Piro Dopartmont bo received and filed. Adoptod yoao S. !` Commissionor Tully offorod the follot'ring.motion: That the Mayor, Cornmiuslon-..I'., is ,+ American Road Builders f'or of Public Works and the Superintendent of Puh11u Improvmnonto be authorised to p Aseo. meeting, Louis- ,vlllo, Yy. attond.tho annual convention of the American Road BuildoruJ Acoociation to be .hold in '.:`•. ( ' '. ;:Louisville, KY., February 9, 10, 11, 12.and 13th, the oxponas of the trip to.be borne,:I"'',.'° iby the City. 'Adopted upon call of the'roll yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and I,Katterjohn. 6. I On motion the Board adjourned, yeas 6, • 't�.�aVFUD � 1! U a� j . Cly c; :. YIHt PHBRURY 6th. 1920. }.. i1 .. At a called meeting of the Boaad of.Commissioners, held Pabruary 6th. 1920 • jat 10 ololook A. M. in the Commissioners' Chember; those preeent.were Commissioners l ��• ;Gilbert. Tully, Williams and Mayor Yetterjohn. 4:' i•'` .' N The Mayor etated reasons for onll to -wit To 11 1 I pnyro ed ernes, ova*! • it 1 .. J 'i •. �._ �. Commissioner Tully offered the following motions That+ the e000unts amount - Report Cos•r of , ing to $ib 861.81 as ' t > , , per report of Comr of Finance herewith tiled, be allowed and )notice, -Payroll. ordered paid and that the mono be a f ! . y appropriated from the general fund to pay same. N ;Adopted upon call of the roll yeas. Gilbert, Tully and Williams. S. .Haye-Matterjohn •1�'-r;;'.: 1 b -,l"I•+'. „-; ,A �•• rn�. !+.n^'�^, .,7 any; �r,;k .�.'�-_ 5 y -s. +ak 771 Iawn: •f..{ rr. � c r+r•4.�,;;��;�, _ , Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ Report Com'r. .i commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the Report. of Commis Finanos month of + `January 1920. ? stoner of Finance for the month. of January be received and fUsd and ordered published in the official newspaper. Adopted upon .es, ll of the roll yeas, Gilbert, Tully 'and t y: -;. Williams. S. Nays; Bgtter john, -1. eOn motion the Board adjourned,'yeae 4. ` r D Agopl � ; � ..• • AYOit I . , t , _ I FEBRUARY 6th. 1920. At a called meeting of the Board of Commieeionere, holdin the 0ommissionere' Chamber in the City Hall,. Paducah, gentuaky, on February 6th, 1920, at 2;30 P. M. Those present were Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert,. Tally, Williams ""Mayor Matterjohn.6 M The Mayor stated reasons for -call to -wit: To give passage to an ordinance . t'' I amending Sections 6'and 9 of an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinanoe.RegulatIng and Covern- i'•ing Burials, Disinterments and re -interments chargee in Oak Grove.0emotery and adds- i Amended Ordinance , tions thereto." approved October 23rd,. 1909; and also to advertise for:bide on. the i •.. Oak Grove Cemetery. "city's property. At' On motion of Commissioner Williams said ordinanoe.was adopted upon call of ?` the roll, yeas, Eaton; Gilbert, Tully, Williams and'htterjohn. 6. I �` t L Commissioner Williams offered the following motions That the Commissioner of ! •; i �• • i Property be authorised to advertise in the official newspaper of the City for at least f Advertise three times, oovering.a period of 10 days, all the vacant property owned by the Oity.of. ^, moat for q. sale of .•A Paducah and not in any.wiee used by said City, ino2nding a number of vacant Iota and proper - what is known as tho River Fa:m add the Jackson Hill Farm, that said Commissioner of z a ItProporty be authorised to advertise for sealed bids, separately and collectively, on. property", same to be opened at a time fixed by eaid"Commissioner in said adver- i e'tieement, for the purpose of selling said property with the oonomrenoe of the Board j f,r !' + of Oommiseionere, provided a satisfactory price to offered. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally, Williams and".&attar john. S. r r ?` On motion the Board adjourned, yeas B: Y` S Ade 1APFROVi�D i {ti , at► a�4f MAlUR Il FEBRUARY 9TH. 1920. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the.Commissioners ` ~ 'p chamber in the City Bali, Paduoah, Kentucky, on February 9th, 1920. Those present y. {* were Commissioners Eaton, Gilbort,.Tally, Williams and Mayor Eatterjohn. B• Oommissioner Oilbert offered tho following motions That,the.minutes be ohangad' y.to read that improvements on N. Sth Street begin at Monroe Street instead of Madison rd Street. Adopted yeas Be •. iesioner.Eaton the minutes of the previoaa:maetinge were I On motion o! Oomm . ? adopted ae read and corrected. Yese 6: l I, Oommiaeloner Eaton offered the following motion: That'the ,00mmunioatioa from ': communicati s Fire Deparb- [• the members of the Fire Department be received and file&, and Lhat said ocsmnanioation i Moab.: •..,:'� romain.as•unfiniahed bnsinese before the Board of Commissioners until finally disposed of. Adopted yeas 6. uyyLL r� t ' b. Lljt jJl l i 4 , ?• L 4t +`. /- > i - \ + Y 4 a ' M. ,!',L -,i rv, a+FA r ✓ h- I �i: y 4v .LT.Y� t�..�. �,.. .,�.y-J .tit.._ ..1.n. '.u•;.':v2_.-.! _ ..,•«.,,, x .l,K .,-, .,. .. ,�..,... ;'s w...r ., ,. _ ,.: r. ..—- .. f • - �•.�4it�y*•W!L:.rdF,eJ:Ftx:,"�Y;.• "US.J�, ls.`«a' .. .=v:sc..:.t. u:.:iCwy ww•sc> ..rxt§ .. '