HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 491, January 26, 1920:
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the roll, yeae,- Eaton, Gilbert, Cilliame and gattorjonn.= 4. Naye,Tully..-l.. I, i
Commiseloner Gilbert offered the'following motion; The t.the Supt; of the
Street light 19th doCity Lipnt plant be instructed .to place a. light at th0 intersection of 19th and fir.
Harrison Ste. i K.•.c' ;._ v
4 1� 14 .i ..
vt`^.a7 !,carr. rrnyr� S-'�T.r✓n �'."+r�
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah JANWXY 26th ;1920
JANUARY 26th. 1920
(,r At a regular meeting of the Board ofCommissionors held in the Commieeionere
�! Chamber in the City.Hall January 26th, 1920.. Those present were Commissioners Eaton,
F Gilbert, Tully, tilliame and liayor Katterjohn. 6.
Oommieelonor Tully offered,the follWheree, t ie neaeeear.
blow _Typewriter to be
I; for. the purpose of making out the tax bills. that a nowmaohlne.be purchased, I. move
purchased by Com -r.
of Flname,
i, that the Commiesion,ir of Plnanoe be authorized to buy a new typewriter or to Oxahanize .
one of the old machines for a new one,.wlohevor 1n his judgment is the desirable
jfor the City, adopted upon call of the.rall yeas, Suton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams
and Katterjohn. 6.
Tully.offered the following motion; That sum of one dollar, Lie
W. D. Roark,dupli-.
I required by ordinunae, having been pule into.the Treasury Lie evldenoed.by reo'cipt
oato.0emetery Deed.
herewith filed, I move that a duplicate of the deed executed on February 10, 1886 to
jiLot 43.1a block "Co. in Oak Grove Cemetery, be issued to W. D. Roark, the original
deod'having boon destroyed. Adopted upon oall.of the roll yeae-, daton..L Gilbert,
Tully, tilliams and Katterjohn. 6.
II Cobnmiseloner Eaton offered the following motion; That the Commissioner
..Purchase. of nev auto- ;hof Public Safety be authorized to Immediately obtain blas on Suitable automobile
mobile for Chief -of
for use of the Chief of the Fire Department; said bide to include the cost of a'
nor oar and the prioe that could be allowed b the dealer for the
`I Y present ger now
In use by the Fire Chief, to be taken in as a payment on the purchase priae of a new
y oar; said bids to be reported to %no Board of Commissioners as soon Lie aonvenlant.
Upon.oall of the roll yeas.- Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn. d
" Commission;ir Eaton offered the following motion: That the Commieeioner.of
:• 13mp1oymenY Botor
11e0hanlo for 1920.
rFubllo Safety be suthorlsed to employe competent motor mechanic to take charge of
superintend and 'perform all of the work neoeasary in malntaininp motor repair
Shope for all motor vehiules belonginp Lo the City; said motor mechanic to be under.;;'
the Chief of the Fire Department, at a salary not to exceed 4150.00 per'inonth
Hefrootive as of the 16th day of.Junuury 1920. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeae,_'
'Eaton Gilbert, Tully, Williame and Katterjohn. 6.
Commissioner Eaton offered the.folloring motion: That the following offi.:
1ppointment C. M.
rcare and employees or the Polios Depurtmunt hereto.furo doeignutoa by the Commissioner
'�•�' ,
Dorris and .g. ]'r. Ste-';
wart as patrolmen, end of Public Safety be nog appointod by the Board of Commissioners, to -wit: G.'1t. Dorrle,
Henry Hale us night
patrol driver.
puna 9. 1:. Stewart as patrolmen, and Henry Hale us night patrol driver. Adopted
;upon call of the roll, yoae,- 3uton, Cilbort, Tully Lino P.Ylliums,- 4. Nays,- Kutter,-
WP ..
j ohn. 1.
Commiaaiodor Eaton offered' the following motion: That John M. Slaughter
Appointment John If.
!be elected as Chiof of the Piro De partment, and tnet P.'. F. McCormick.k, V. F. ltaehmeyer.l
Slaughter us Chief of,
Fire Dept; and T. F.
;anA Ed Merritt be elected as fireman.' Adopted 'upon cell of the roll yeae,- Eaton,.
1ioCormiok, V..F.
1;behme er and Ed
iGiltiort, Tully and Williams. 4. Buys, Katterjohn 1: '
$erritt ae firemon.
�I. Commissioner tilliams offered the .follow1nF,, motion: That the Commiaslone r
pof Finance be instructed to pay the judement in favor of J. Bell Gardner Lieainst the
Payment judgonontINt=t•-
J.Boll Gardner •o
City of Paducah, topother'uith the bill of L'arahall Jones for traneoribina plaintiff's
*City of Paducah.
tovoth6r w1th bill of ieviasnos.in.the above styled suit, judgment to be oharped to the 3peoial.3ower Fund.
i;orshal l Jones.
e, ;
land the coats, together with bill of ilarshall Jones to be ahurgea to Coate and 'Suits
i;and the money appropriated from those accounts to pay Same. Adopted upon dell of.
f.•: .
the roll, yeae,- Eaton, Gilbert, Cilliame and gattorjonn.= 4. Naye,Tully..-l.. I, i
Commiseloner Gilbert offered the'following motion; The t.the Supt; of the
Street light 19th doCity Lipnt plant be instructed .to place a. light at th0 intersection of 19th and fir.
Harrison Ste. i K.•.c' ;._ v
4 1� 14 .i ..
�*a'ia�3-:Yti6 i.•.:,^t;xn t"_Y•rnn,..- vow--..0-h�-'-�'hli�,2L:Y,�A!1r.��i-n-•b'�i1Yw�-l. .i•�`i•�+'•_a �' )t _. .i -'al.., '•,h:^ �"�{T' .t � 4 tit 'Yr �I.W�;I+l(a+: ^r... r
r � c r" a.-- .. -SIF+" ",� •rre ( da r r r - +.i ,P :.: +r�•a'+1-%V•:er wr t t', n� v v, .rqr•: ro� :. ,ei re'.rs*fvA
r,. -y'"•.- r._ .:.:ate. ...:.C..a::ca,:...r:..r`.,._ .c..ar.i.� v.. :w:.J- «..:v.+ -- ":t,.. :w«'.a-rJa..+;..' ! '
�. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah
-Harrison Streets. Adopted upon oall.of the roll yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally and !'
aillieme...4. Hays, Kntterjoha, 1..' , r
[ 5' On motion the Board adjourned, yeas 6:., a
FEBRUARY 20D.'1920. s
r At a regular meeting of the Board of Commiesionere:hold in the Commissioners
Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Xentucky,.Fobruary 2nd; 1920;.those present wore..
Commissioners .Eaton, .Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn:'6. ;
On motion of .Commissioner Eaton the minutos of the previous mooting were adopt-
ed as. read; ees-6.
West Ky. Indue•'. Commissioner Eaton .offored.the.following motion; That the aormminication from
trial College,
communication the West Kentucky Industrial Colloge be reoeived.and filed and referred to the Mayor:•..
for attention. Yeso 6.
ommunication . Commissioner Eaton offered the.folloving motion; That the.communioatioa from
County Judge
_;James M. Lang. ,:County Judge James M. Lang relation to the County Sanitorium bo rooeivod and filed. l
'Concrete side.-.' ' On motion.of'.Commissioner Gilbert the petition ,from Iroperty owners and rest=
walks, oto.. -
North 12th St, dente in regard to the ,concrete :sidowalks and gattero with granite -curb across -old ' 1
&.Cairo Road. -A
' ,Cairo Road on North 12th S"troot was received and filed. Yoas 6r
' r Oommiseionor fully offered the following motion;'.Tho sum of ;y30.00 having l
R,. -W. hitoholl 4 boon paid into the troaoury,,an evidenced by the receipt filed horvaith, I move that
Oemebery deod aqI1
y, N, .0,6 o.& be executed to R..VI.- Uitohol-1 for Lot. J'91 ,in Blook V8 on the north aide of. Baker i ..
� ),
?r Stroot botvioon Ford C, 1Iannan utr.00ts., ,in Oat: Grove Oomotory. :Adoptod.upon call of the!
it i roll yoas,'Baton, Gilbert,'i''ully, Williams and Kattorjohn. 6.. s ;
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: VIRbtAS, on the. 23rdday, of
R..Sohooni to lot.,14 in; Sootion.2 'on the eastr
Dec. 1918 a deod: orae granted to'.A. ng 2,
� •• �-., :;
:Cemetery deed side of. Miller street between Ford & Hannan streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery, when the
deod.ehouid have boon to lot #16 in,Seotion 2,' on the. oast side of.Millor Street
w d between Ford &Hannan streets, I. move that the correction to this effect be made in .
tho records of Oak Grove Cemetery,: and that the deed _issued to A. H. Sohoening be
oorrooted.. Aaoptod upon, call of.tho roll yeas; Eaton; Gilbert., Tully; Williams. and .
t�Kattorjohn. 6. .
Commissioner Tully.offered-the following motion; .It appearing that L. C.
,L..0 Ualk Walker, of.tho Terrell Apartments.. paid'two poli taxes for the year 1918, one. on`,po11,I
^poll tax $1.60 s�..
refunded. tax receipt ' 11 and ono on poll taX receipt f63_1 move that the sum' of 01.60 be re-
fundod to him:' Adopted upon oall of .t'ho roll yoasi Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams.
and dattorjohn.:6.
iti k a
Commis8ionor Tully offered the.folloviing••motion; That tho doed. 'of Young Taylor
Transfer of r
Young Taylor to �. to Tno. E: Grief of this date,, conveying the rear half, 16 x. 16 ft.., . of -lot ;279 in '.
John E. Griot
:of Oemotory lot: block "18" in Oak Gro.co 0emotery, be.'ratifiod'ae per written. request of. Mr. 'Taylor;
tand that said tronsfor be recorded in the oenetory deed book.. Adopted, upon call of
#�tthe roll yeasms , Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, William and Katterjohn. B. 2
4. � 71 • - P '
• ,L:3rl :.�ks?:.t r',-,L:e4:yC-ern :Ss'-"�L$� a..:.. S:eYw.ixi•• - .m.w fuer, i. .�:tt•.w:aLy:'. s.tr:.h _. Y� 9.:."•.�? .r ;