HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 49, May 3, 1915. •t'AC•{l'?%a"�LS?�J,ti "-::i sir :iti5�lii�•-'pfE^'1FiF: - i'M.+k-'i. IX4.;, t.� lt'►..� - 6 1.i . .t x t t y -
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Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah Mav 34
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Council
Chamber, of the City Hall, City.of Paducah, Kentuaky,Ms.y 3d, 1916, upon call of the
C roll the following answered their name i Burns, Hazelip, Marton. Wallace and, 4
Washington - 6. i
On motion by Member Wallace, that the minutes of the previous. meeting
in regard to Noah English's doctor bill, be reooneldered, lost upon call of the .
roll by the following votes Yeae, Hazelip and Wallace . E. Haye s Burne,Marton
hand.yashingtou - 3.
On motion by Member Burns, the minutes of the provioue'meeting were
adopted as read, upon.call.of the' roll by the following vote; Yeas, Burne, Martoa.
4� ; .and Washington - 3. Huye : Hazelip and Wallace.
On motion by Member Burne, transfer of the saloon license of Geo. Willow.
•; 4
k. from 113 S. 4th SL. .to lE7 S. Ed 9t., woo granted upon call of the roll.by the
following vote: Yeas, Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington -.6.
p i On motion by the above, transfer of .o. saloon license was granted from
0. W. Kelley, 119 Broadway, to J. W. Ivitts; ut the same locution -lir. Ivitte
.Ap offers as hie bond the Equitable Ins. -Co. of St. Louis, Mo. . carried upon call of.
the roll by the following vote; Yene, Burne, hozelip, Barton, Wallace and•C'ushington.b
j �Y,/ On motion by the above, a petition to open 24th atreet,in O'Brien Addition)
24th that is deemed
and Jaakson street; and any other street paralleling street t.
neaessary - same was referred to the Commissioner of Public Lorhe, carried upon'oall
of the roll by the following vote: Yeas*, Burne, Hazelip, Murton, Wallace and.
.' wnshington-
';• On'motion by Mayor Hazelip, that the Weights and Measure ordinance be
.+' amended giving the Inspe of the fines oolleoted b the onfosoement of the .
g ng P f Y
ordinance, carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Youe, Burne,
r' Hazellp, Marton, Wallace and Washington
On motion by Member Burne, the monthly report of Chief .of the Fire Dept.
was received and filed upon call of the roll by, the following vote: Yeas, Surae,
Hazelip, Murton, G'allaoe and Washington
On motion by the above, the monthly report of the Ohief of Police of
the City was received and filed, upon cull of the roll.by.the following vote; Yeas,
T'L Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Walluoe and WashingtOn .,6.
on •motion by Member Murton, the report of the Colleatiohe and Disbursements
`' was raeoived and filed and. ordered published in the official newspaper, upon call'
of the roll by the following vote: Yene. Burne, Hazelip, Murton, Wallace and
Washington - b.
A On motion by the above, that the amount of yT366E.20 from the General*
. K ' Fund, and the umount of $200.00 from the Special Sewer Fund be allowed for the month
of npril,and checks Issued for eame,. oarried upon call of the roll by the following
vote.: Yeas. Burns, "Hazelip, Marton. Wullaae and Washington - 6.. .,
�� �f On motion by Member,Wulluoe,.that the bill from iingel & Moyere for 0,100.00(
F. for the maintenance of the City clock was referred to the. Commleatoner of Finance. to
lnveetigute upon cull of the roll by the following vote.; Yoas, Burne, Hazelip,`'
lMarton, Walluoe and Cnehington - b.
ln;ve+- .n�J On motion by Member Lorton, the Comr..ios.loner of Publto Safety was in-
' �— struoted to.eee that the-ioe wagon drivere live up to the ordinunoe in regard to
�t weights, oarrled.on,call of the roll by the following vote: Youe, Burne, Hazelip,
Murton, Walluoe and Washington
j. .
'+.y'�.p'a��'YL't'TM..,t_... t 1 �.. "" 3 'c^t>s. �e r r'pi'°"wnisK p,+n• '..`,r _"^ �/ t,! � . f'. (�,p'^^'q ''�5 v. y 7_ s.'7:�r" d'7.7F � �•;.! f..-•:
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Lay sd 191-1 continued.
•%�f��^ On motion by Member karton,the matter of investigating the Fire Hydrants
elf/j and meter•rent,and minimum rate for llPhting and power, was referred to the
Commissioners as a whole to be takdn up for investigation Friday morning at ten i�
!! f
4 - o'clock May 7th - carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Burne',
Hazelip, .Barton, Wallace and•Waahington - 6. I `'
On motion by Member Washington, the payroll for. the street department fore •f ,
the week ending May let; amounting to $166.76, not covered by ordinance, :paid by
... ;
cash order, was received and filed upon callof the roll by the .following voter
Yeas, Burne, Hazolip, Barton, Wallace and Washington - 6. s:
On motion by the above, the matter-of frontage in regard to the Speck
lot on the oorner of 12th and Caldwell street, some sae,reoeived and filed upon.
call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and -"
f Washington 6
i,IQ�G,v i. e2e.Ct On motion by Bomber Wallace, that Lot 162 inOak Grove Cemetery be trane-� _ {
N ferrod from Bre. 011ie Elliott to Urs. Lillie Young, carried upon call Of the roll.;
b the following vote: Yeae, Burne Hazeli Marton Wallace and We - 6.
y g �. P..
On motion by the .above, that the south half of Lot 27, .blook 47 in Oak
Grove Oemetery, be traneferred to Walter Burrows from F. W.. Mooney,. carried upon .
oall of the roll b the follows vote:. Yeae. Burne Hazelip* Marton 'Wallace and
Y ng . p.
r' Washington - 6.
On motion by Mayor Hazelip', warrant was ordered.draysn on the Commissioner � 1
of Finance for X194.69, for balonoe of n000unt of Katterjohn ve'Speck and City,
carried upon call of the roll b the following vote Yeas Burne Hazeli Barton
� P Y g P. . ,...,
i Wallaoe and Washington - 6. x.
".�On motion by Mayor Hazelip, that the 0ity Solicitor be instructed, to bring ,c}
in an ordinance prescribing regulations upon the recommendations of the Board .of
" health and Lent. and Milk Inspector, granting permits to butchers when theirelaughter!,
houses comply with said regulations, and giving the Board of Health, thrn the health.
officer, the right to revoke said permit when said slaughter houses do not meet
the. roqui rem onto of Said Board ofHoulth regulations, no-preeor,iDod by this ordi-
i. nonce, carried up on.oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae; Burne, Hazelip, f
f Marton. Wallace and Washington— 6.
On motion the Board adjourned; upon oall' of the roll ,by the following �' f
r i 1
voter Yeas, -Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington -.6. >
. A Tpi'
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61 I 6;
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