HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 487, January 8, 1920sG,.',.:,.;:•wi...... ::..r.,.,.RA_r:...LAN z*tf"-.y'..,.gM,!'�tY.',tSf�'v"'L"�s_.+ynts , .t' f+ t -- t .i i to + t_ h r :"` -. tJ ,t, 4 .t+-. 4 a.,�Y f � , "•2' � 3 tt' + '>' , 1;- it _ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah January S.'1920 jgj 1 j JANUARY 8th, 1920. v At a oalled meeting of -the Board of Commissioners, hold ln.the,Commissioner a'..Chamber j } in the City- Hall, January 8th, 1920, at 4 o'olook P. It. Those pre sent .rere'Comm is eioners.Faton, Gilbert, t"illiamD, Tully and iiayor.Xatterjohn: b. Mayor Batterjohn stated reasons for oall to-wit:','To reooive the report of Auditor Smith and tho report of Commissioner of Finanoe for 1919,..and'an>,y'other. X I business that may some before the Board. 1 i 13 i RepoJohn D. < p j'' Commissioner Tully ofYgred the followinv. motions ,That the ;sport of John �, Smith, in re, j ro,nort Cor:r..r, of N D. Smith, ..000untant, in regard to the audit of tPe books and reoorde 1n the depart- } rinunoo Tully for 1919ment of the Commissioner of Finan3e.for the year 1919. be.reoeived and filed. and A. ordered published in the Offioial Nawspaper. Adopted upon cell% f the roll, .yeas, i;. Baton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Hatter john, b. , I , {; Commissioner ^.ally ofi'erod tho following motion: That the reports of the I r Report Commr. of I Finbnoe received, Commissioner of Finanoe for the year 1919 be rooeivod and filed, and •thut the Commis filed and published;, Diener of Finance be instruotad to have bG0 dopios of same published In phamplet,form i for distribution.. adopted upon oall of the roll, yeas, L'aton, Gilbert, Tully, �- r Williams and Ratterjohn, b, On motion Lne Board adjourned., Yeas, 6 II ttgpU lothVATOW . V. t i JANUARY 12th. 1920. t� ' At a regular meeting of the Board of Commiseionere held in the Commissioners' r Chamber in the City Hall January 12th. 1820; those present were Commissioners Eaton. �( Tully. Williams and Mayor %atterjohn. 4. f { h Minutes of the previous meeting stand as read._ Appointment USiee Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the appointment of Boake to as Dist in , Y. Treasurer's offioe�, Miss Tereea Boake to assist 'in the offioa of Commissioner of Fineaoe temporarily be _ oonfirmed.. Adopted yeas 4: t �t ` Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That, the bill of John D. Allowanoe of bill E' I .John D. Smith for Smith for aualLing the books of the City of Paduoah for the year 1919, amounting to sun It in books for 100.00 be allowed, and that the.money be appropriated from the -general funds and 1919. ! the' payment of the same approved. Adopted upon ball of Lhe roll, yeas Eaton. Tally; r Tjilliame ana Matterjohn. 4. "r •, Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the resignation ' 4 Re'aianation.0 L of C. L. Ynniieter as a member of the board of eupervisore be a000pted. Adopted yeas T Van!'eter, Board of Supervisors. 4, a, j Commissioner Tully offered the follorinR motion: That the appointment of Appointment C. °. 1' C. R. Jennings as a member of the Board of Supervieore be ratified". Adopted yens 1 ' JenninRa, Board of'r.. " Supervlcsora. i, 4• R Commissioner sully offered the following motion: .he sum of $30.00 having I -+ been paid into the Treasury as evidenoed by the reoelpt filed herewith, I move that, I ICemetery deed to deed be e:eoutea to Ed �'oode for lot tie. 14 in §look. No, 2 on the East Bide of k Ed Hoods. � x Miller Street, between Ford and Hannan St in Oak Grove Cemetery,. Carried yeas 4 n 1 f •/3'.'(`1"4. (:-:""�'+�1 7'iF ,sl* +ir_ F'C''Yu '7�i4 i r'�«S'd"Y v -:� T; -ii-. F .u. 1.7.. \T 7b .2�{':i`.(t3:7>$5}:ti « i'n+,�'jZ;-7 : x r ... ..: ., ...c.... ti::.rl .L•' `1 - „ .:ter ._: .7.3�i..> _ i. ,. ,. �iiih .. .,. •.. .... .. _... _ - __ ... .. . ... ........_ - _ ._. _ ..