HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 487, January 12, 1920' _ . �N t _.:�•R 1-'1h�.,+5'L`L�-H�7�'�i:i1@"�ty': ir7rrlYYt'^�+Y>r+:..�.�'�f?.Z.Ne1:.. f r't. ..y':, ne'hl "•�'=a ry'• „r'' ') �
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j Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah_ January a.' 1920 191
JANUARY 8th, 1920.
1' At a called meeting of,the Board of Commissioners, held in.the Commiesioners';-,Chamber ,':•t
! in the City Hall. January 8th, 1920, at 4 o'clock P. 11, Those
1 i ' present *ere Commie-
( eloners Luton, Gilbert, Zilliams, Tully and L'ayor Katterjohn: S.
11 r
I' Mayor Kettarjohn stated reasons for yell to -wit,. To'reooiva the report of
i. Auditor Smith and tho report of Commissioner of Finance for 1919„ and 'any'other, L'
j �•business that may, come before the Board.
i . �I
5eport John D.'' j Commissioner Tully ofrered the followins.motion: That the report of John
} Smith, in re,
1 ronort Ccnnr, of. -.k D. Smith, 000untant. in regard to the audit of ti,e books and records in the 'depart-
F inane Tully for - _ i
1919. ment of the Commissionar of Pinsn3e for the year 1919. bo' received. `and'f.11ed, and '
L ordered published in the Official Newspaper. Adoptad upon oall% f•the roll,.yeas. '
{ ;.Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn. 6.
Commissioner Tully offered tho following motion: That* the,reports of the i
Report Commr. of
Finance r000fvod, Commissioner of Finance for the year 1919 be rooei'vod and filed, and -that the Commie
filed and publlehed
kstoner of Finanoo be instruotad to have 600 copias of same published in phamplet,form;-,1'.; '':.:..
for distribution.. Adopted up,)n call of the roll, yeas, "a to n, Gilbert. Tully.
IWilliams and Katterjohn, 6,
On motion ti;e Board adjourned, Yeaa, 6,
4 I, ddtrpl
Giq as AddXO
JANOA1fY 12th; 1920, i r
At a'regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the CommIaatonors.
Chamber in the City Hall January 12th. 1820; those present were Commissioners Eaton. 1
ji Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn. 4, i
h lfinutea of the previous meeting stand as read.
Appointment L'ise Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the appointment of
Boike to assist in ,
Treasurer's offloei, Liss Teresa Boike to assist in the office of Commissioner of Finance temporarily be 11111!1
ii confirmed.. Adopted yeas 4:
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the bi11 of John D.
Allowance of bill �' +
John D. Se�ith for Smith for auaiting the books of the City of Paducah for the year 1919, amounting to
nun itinv books for; $100.00 be allowed. and that the money be appropriated from the general funds and
ii the'payment of the same approved. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Tully; .
" Nilliams and Y.atterjohn. 4.
4 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the resignation
Reelvnation .C. L. `, ,
Vanl'eter, Bor-re ofl•.of C. L. VanUeter as a member of the board of supervisors be. accepted. Adopted yeas
t 4.
j Commissioner Tully offered the follorinv motion: That the appointment of fII
A. ofntmont C. °. i C. E. Jennings as a member of Che Board of Supervieors be ratified. Adopted yeas j
Jenninp Board of 4,
Supervfuors, T e
it Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: ,he sum of X30.00 having a
i been paid into the Treasury as evidenced by the receipt filed herewith, I move that,
I` Cemetery deed -to (
i Ed Ftoode, i deed be e:eoutea to Ed Woods for lot No. 14 in 91ook. No. 2 on the East side of r
! r �
+ !filler Street, between Ford and Hannan Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Carried yeas 4 t
jm r i�
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"I Y" s Janua 17th, 1920.
Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_• .
I �
cp Commier3loner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $30.00 having r
Cemetery deed been,paid into the Treasury ae'evidenoed by the reoeipt filed herewith, I move that
�.,'.to M. J. Grief deed be executed to It. J. Grief for let No. 83 in BSook No. B on the North side Of
i( Baker Street, bet", en Ford and Hannan Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Carried yeas 4 }; .,
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; That the communication
CK" .'of L. D. Potter with reference to renting the farm known as Jackson Hill be referred
L. D. Potter. rt �Yii' c
aJ oomr:uniostion i. to the Commissioner of Property. Carried yeas 4:
reference rent-..
Ing Jackson Hill.. Commissioner Tully read an ordinance entitled ^AN ORDIN:.NCS ISSUING BONDS
;<_ School Bone _ _
�_',: • MATURITY:
5 1, On motion of Commissioner Tully said ordinance was given its passage, upon call of t
the roll,: yeas Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn. 4,
pld ;• �J ;
:Opinion City Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the opinion of the
r Atty. refereno�' 1 r,• L.
License Ordi- A Oity Attorney with reference to the License Ordinsnoe.be received and filed: Carried
On motion the Board adjourned, pens 4.
' JANUARY 17th, 1920. 1111 p'
F tt_
g At a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'
Chamber in the City Hall. January 17th, 1920, at 11 O'clock A. M. Those present i t '
r N. were Commiseioners Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn.
3 - The Mayor Stated his reasons for call, to -wit: To adopt a resolution of m S
-t Resolution of
thanks Bernheim thanks to Bernheim Brothers, and the resolution extending time of the Board of
= i Supervisors, and
receiving and filing the communication of the News -Democrat and I(�
Sun Publishing Company, and .to adopt a resolution appointing the Paducah Evening sun',1'�
I' so-tho official paper for the year 1920, and viving the Oommiesioner of public torke
a"instructions to close contract with the Austin Weatern Road Maebinery.Company for I` i•^�
:r•road roller.
Commissioner Tully offered the followinP motion: That the compensation of (.'.
t 3xtention of the respeotive memosru of the Board of Supervisors be fixed at $6.00 per day. Adopted
.time Board of
Supervisor t
P upon call of the roll, yeas, Eaton, Gilbast; Tully, Wi111eme and Katterjohn. 6..-•`:•''.,,
:and oomponeation.
r Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the time be extended
for session of the Board of Supervisors. Adopted as read upon call of.the roll F
i.....•yeas. Eaton,,Gilbert. Tally. Williams and Katterjohn. 8.
++ On motion of Commissioner Eaton a. resolution of thanks to I. M. and. Bernard `
?° j
Bernheim Broe.k Bernheim was adopted' au read upon, call of the roll. yeas, Eaton, Gilbert; Tully,
+ tiillisms and Katterjohn. 6,- p
..On motion of Commissioner Tully 'a resolution deeignsting the Paduoah Evening 1 �
i-Paduoah Even- f._.
Sun.as•the official newspaper for the Cit of Paduoah, Kentucky, for the year 1920
Sun as official,y y. Y
t`. newspaper., was adopted as read upon *all of. the roll, yeas, Eaton,.Gilbert, Tully, Williamsand
Katterjohn. 6.
On motion of -Commissioner Tully the communication from the Newe=Demoorat and N'. ,
r 'Agreement Sun. .. _ I. il•.
"'pabliehing Co. b
the San publishing Company in regard to•tneir agreement was received and "filed. Yeas t,
'end Bowe Demo -•.6.
prat {i{
.d. ..[. •:'S 4 .+'. cl '.r' 1 .+.. 1! . .tti. -i- t• r 1 �J.
77, u:fw' ✓:i%':I.'f�i.•�.itw:::Jkn:;t •F . .. •�A'1. �1... li ,iiG •ht. .I -:.e aw .»Nf.S.�.iw�. ;.y+r,.vt.:�J' i•.y .C' '