HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 483, January 3, 1920P_.?'NyR1,yj.[JL.•Y+J.. 13.`�t'lir!.'>�5��t.:af„r ...�,i,�^..N�i,if`l}Yi4a:•FwA A..rl.i:.�SY., .T_YC+y4:'�:4.:5rL. ,:JtiE r:. M.1 _ _ i.,f•3?Y.�4 .r, �..1Y'tia`!h�:l `. - _/::..i..,.'r:. i, ':�dSJ �T^�i'1l'?�:`�
No. 9,E
Commissioner's Proceedings; City ofPaducah Deo. 29th 1919_
Sept. E6, 1919 for rental on attachments from Deo. is 1918 to Dec. 1, 1919, e. i.
amount of $102.66, be allowed and ordered. paid and charged to City Light Plant- oarrled
all of the roll by 4 yeas. i ,•. ?,
On motion of Member Tully, that the pay roll for the Dept. of Pablio Works for the
week ending Dec. 27, 1919 be approved as follower Street@ $209.27, Sewers $36, carris0
upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.' t .r
RR H. Burne as Ma to Dec.8th `
l.s.Btsraa'. ,.. � • on motion of the .above, that pnyment.oi salary of B. ycr, .
salary* •.,:• 1919, the date of hie resignation, amounting to $77.42, be approved- carried upon oalh
of the roll by.4 yeas. .
., Da motion of Mayor pro tam Wooldridge, that the resolution of 1E/E/19 adopted by thr '
school } Board of Education of Paducah, Sy., requesting the Board of Commie a toners to issue at
bonds,.. once the $260,000 of bonds for school purposes,, pursuant to the vote oast in favor of.
such iseuanos at the election held on Nov. 4, 1919- be reosived As filed, and that the
p City Solicitor be instruotea to.bring in an ordinance for the isssual of said bonds-
carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas._
lilghmsin, s. On motion of Member Hasslip, that the City. Solicitor be, instructed to bring in
Bros: resolutions properly expressing the gratitude of the oitisens of Paducah to'FilghmmD
gift.. ;'':: Bros. for their gift of a eight fora high school to the City- carried upoa..oall of the
roll by 4 yea@.
On motion the Board, adjourned upon call of the roll by the following totes Yeas, _r
Gardner, Haselip; Tully and Wooldridge - 4.
4,F.F' kGU 'v ri .i
.; pro tem.”
V i January 3, 1920.
At a called meeting of;the Board of Commissioners held.in the oomrs' Chamber of the,
kk City. Hall, Paducah, Icy. on January 3, 1920, upon call of the roll the following
answered their namess Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4.
Report of On motion of Member Gardner, thereport of,0om'r of Public Worke.for December 1919'
Oom'r of Wks.
and for the entire year of 1919 was received and filed -upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. "
Report on On motion of Member Tully, that the report of Comlr,oi Pinnace regarding the shacking .
'Special Bower , .
Pund with City, a000unt of the Bpeoial Sewer Fund in the City National Bank, be received �, filed
Nat' 1 Bask
A carried,upon oall of the roll by 4 yeas.
On motion of the above, 'the aoocunt@ amounting to,$E6,E78.79; as per report of Coma
Of Finanos herewith filed, were allowed and payment of same approved upon call of the
:. !: roll by 4 yea@. i tt
On motion of the above, the report of Com'r.'of Flinn 'a for the month of: December 1919 t,
r was received, filed and ordered published in the officialnewspaper- upon call of the ''• .
roll by.4 yeas.
0n motion of the above, that payment of 'the pay rolls from. the De
pt. of Public Works
[ for the week ending Jan. 3, 1920 be approved as lollowey streets $264.87, Sewers $76.Eo,
severe $39.26- carried upon call -of the roll.by'4 yeast..
Resolution of ','On motion of Member Wooldridge, .a Resolution vas adopted expressing the thanks and; s.
thank@ to r
V'llghAR- Bros. gratitude of the entire population of the City of Paducah to Messrs. Tllshstaa Bros. of
How York for their.reoent donation to the city of Paducah of a valuable site for the
+, location:of @'now high school building, and a oo
y.^ py of nems ordered sent to Miles".', t•
,TSghlman.Bros. upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
q�ReporO o! O.ty r On motion of the 'above. the report of Jno. MoGuire; city 'ai1�, for the year 1919r �
1 Jailer. h,;.
was received.and filed upon.oall of the roll by 4 yeas.
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