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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 482, December 23, 1919' _ r....fiy � r�J, r -u ,..�� �fY * t 'r, t r , r i r ae+Y. •ti ri,"� -r,' r7:: �ti ,+.:'y�'C a++, Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Dsoember 8t 1919 On potion of Member Wooldridge, the communication from the State Board of Isolation ,r- Hospital. Health, concerning the opening of the Isolation hospital for contagious diseases, we j receival and filed upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. ,u I Upon motion the Board adjourned uponcall of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Mayor pro tem Wooldridge- 4. pro tem. a December 23. 1919. At special meeting of the Board of Oommlesioners held in the Comral, Chamber of .s I. a !the City Hall, Paduonh,,q., On Dec. 23, 1919, at 2 o'clock P..M., upon call of the �..'t. roll the following answered their namess Harelip. Tully an& Wooldridge- 3. On motion of Member Tull Action reeoiadel:?. y. that ths'aotion o! the Board aY Comre.of Dec.Deo22.. In amendment to t 1919 regarding the passage of an ordinance amending the Automobile License ordinance t= automobile ' ` ' ordinance. :•: ; be rescinded; and that said ordinance be not recorded in tha.ordinanoe book- carried; ,.; upon .0811 of the roll by S yeas. On motion of the above, the rales requiring copies of ordinances to be fum ished! ;. the commissioners S days prior to meeting, were temporarily suspended upon'oall of i •x� the roll by 3 yeas. Ordinance On motion of .the above, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CLASSIFICATION ttJD LI- iloeneingOENSING OF VEHICLES PLYING STREETS OF THE CPPV aH PADUOAH, SENTUCHY,.AND PRS-' If 1 automobiles, etc. �;. (• SCRIBING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE was adopted Upon" oall o2 the �.. roll by 3 yeas.( a On motion the Board adjourns& upon call o2 the roll by the following vote= .�' Use, Heaslip, Tully and Wooldridge- 3. , � '`�% 1 ,•' .... ;i .A it . 3 _1���� 1.. AIAXUit• pro tam.'.' ;, • DEOE)SER 29, 1919, ,q At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the C*mrs' Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Sy., on Dec. 29, 1919, upon call of the roll the following 11 answered their names; Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. :;� '•? On motion of Member, Tully. the minutes of the meetings of December 82d and 23th were adopted as read upon *all of the roll by 4 yeas., ' On motion of Member Gardner. the petition of property owners & residents living '+ near 8th &Monroe streets fol n light at the intersection of said streets, was Street light k.. received & flied upon call of the roil by 4 yeas. et. On motion of the above an aro light was ordered placed at the earner, of 6th & _ 6th & Monroe 4. Monroe streets as per petition therefor- upon call o2 the roll by 4 yeas. ` On motion o2 the above, that the following n000uata be paid & charged to the Special eewar..: • 4. . s Special Sewer a000untt Barry'& Henneborger $83.79, J. B. Rothrook, JPs:$6.03, : accounts.. P Sherrill-Ruesell Lbr. Co. $12.26- oarried Upon *ell of the roll, by 4 yeas. j On motion of the above, that the bill of Cumberland.Telephone &.Telegraph Co. o!`,. r _ - i