HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 477, December 8, 19192 .1'Yy{vy''`; • Lv� '�'n ' T'"Ta !"FFs9tr. Y=+:.y!',:3 0 ;J L1 .if y � :+. -; 1.. t -ale .'r : ••`^ !'J.e • .•.r1s.�k.•—:.._...., s.�.-..._.. _ .. w_ .ua.._n_.-.e t.._.t._._.-....�._.__.. ...�..�... ......r._.v.. w...r.._•!h _ � Ly _ A. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Dec. 1 1914 " "."December 1, 1919• To the Board of Oommiseioners, City of Paducah, Kyr. gentlemen In order that the records showing the terms of trustees of the CARBSGIR LIBRART S: ,. may be brought down to date, so that they will be readily nooeeeible whenever any 4 „•;,'_ ,:, Carnegie information concerning the Game is desired. I have to advise that the appointees and r their terms appear a s follow Library. ,•'' Dmmett W. Bagby, term expires December 10, 1920 Chas.. Weille " a w " 1923. ! , " " " " 1922 : Frank Fisher • w; }t Mrs. Louis Rieke, Jr. " " " " 1928 ' Mrs. admond Post " " " " 1928 i y ;Tory truly yours, i r'. (Signed) P. H. Burne, Mayor. "' t•'T• srette. On motion of Mayor Barns, the communication of S. T. Bvetta regarding compensation ' for time lost by him on account of injuries received by him in July while working in F f � .• 1 the Sewer Dept., was received and filed and referred to the Oomir of Rork@ for report f. and recommendation, upon call of - the roll by 4 year.. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by.the following votes .Teas, i Burns, Gardner, Tully, and Wooldridge- 6. '; y gppR'p�B3 . P �19i2 ' A d o . d-�sYOit c. f d� ,. DEC eth. 1919. q• At a regular meeting of the Board of.Commiesioners held in the Qoumre' Chamber of the City Hall; Paducah, Ky., Deo. S, 1919, upon 0411- of the roll the'foll6,wind answered their namees Burns, Gardner, Haselip. Tully, and Wooldrillge- a. t �.> On motion of Member Weoldridge. the minutes of the meeting held an Dec. 1, 1919 . A `' were adopted as read upon call of the roll 8 . `' ... ' . p p by . yeas. graduate On. me tion. of. Mayor Burns, that two graduate nurses be employed by the Superintendent nurses Contagion = oi.Aiversids Hospital to attend pattento of the contagion ward of eaid.hoepital-- the f Hospital 1. services oi.eaid two nurses (ons day and the other night) to be utilised in Riverside Hospital such times as there are no patience is the ooatagion ward-.: On motion of Member Haselip, that a =• ''. ' i by way of amendment to motion of :Mayor Burns to a r' employ two nureeo to open ooniagion hospital. that the building knom as Swart Puroell i, Contagion Hospital be given back, together with its care. management and control, to the. T Womane Hospital League- said amendment lost Upon 0811 of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Haseilp and Tully, 2. bay, Berns, Gardner and Wooldridge, S. Upon 0611 of the roll on the m6tion as originally offered by Mayor Burne, elms ` carried Upon call of the roll b } y the following votes Yeas, .Berns, Gardner and Wooldridge, S. Hay, Haselip and Tully. 2. Private bath On motion of Mayor Burns, b room for hat a privats 'bath room for nurses be installed in the:. nurses at „ contagion ward of Riverside Hospital, and that bids be taken for such work.st.onoo, contractcents ion pp'' Hospital ;.' to be awarded to the.lowseb bidder" Member.Tnlly.offered the following motion.'by way of amendments that action be �:'• postponed until the next regular meeting- eald amendment .lost Upon Wal'of the roil by s the following votes. Teas, Raseiip and Tully- 2.. Hay, Burns, Gardner ant Wooldridge, S. . Upon call of the roll on the motion an originally offered by Mayor Bnrno, same GenW:Iky the following voter To", Burne,. Gardner It Wooldridge, S. Hay, 8aselip 6 Tully, 8• Contagion On motion of Mayor Burns, that .the State Board Hosplttal,.ef Health bs asgnseted to approTe the. ' :�• use'of the oontagion ward of Riverside Hospital for the dee of at,least two oontsgious J1 1 diseases at one time -carried Upon eall of the roll by S you. } f. 'f `• II:Z�•.4ASCI..rk 1,.,.'jiSY}!.w- :l i_/'w.a{/y' .Nkw. �:1 w.ZL"i. ., :YI'•r 19 .1 �:11s�. t.n o.,. ._ W rnn �•� w••a�+c�{n n s>;.Jte..: m, ir?r c '� ," tar r fk a} F•�,rrer .u''as�{ �nrh, r,�; �'�zi ,. _ ' .. . .. � r�,,,P� ,� C•,VM9}'�}Ci XIT'"! 1' M Y l,'y`"r'A'a � .It, 't I iaRinn.-r',a Prnr,—#-f in6a- rity of Parl:jrah DmeMntmr nt% 1O1 a ,.,.. ��•• Rospi al i on motion o! 'Member Gardner, that' the Ewart Yuoe]1 Ieolsi1on Hos ital 'De ' • ; p ; declared open I deolared to be open to two contagions diseases at this time- f - I Member Raselip offered the following by way of amendments that ill action on contagion hospital opening be deferred until the State Board sate upon request of this K board- same lost upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Haselipand Tally: A. •` Nay;• Borns, Gardner, and Wooidridgo- S. Upon call of the roll on the motion as offered by Member Gardner, same carried by the following vote= Yeas, Burns, Gardner and Wooldridge- S. Nay, Haselip & Tully- S. I.• o Ordinance for I; improvement 'o! On motion of Member Gardner, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDISG FOR TO IMPROVEMENT OF 25th'1 . �} Stith street. L, STREET PROM ATKINS AVE. .TO THE CAIRO GRAVEL ROAD, A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 890 FEET, IN T$/ < Ij CITY OF PADUCAH', KY., BY GRADING AND GRAVELING SAME, was adopted upon call of the roll by S yeas. } i Pipe joints.II Demented. On motion o! the above, riot the oomr of Narks have the points of the plpes.on fob .- �.:. 814 Caldwell St. carrying the city's storm water drainage #hru said lot, cemented, and If any of the pipes are broken that he replace same with good pipe- carried upon call of the soil by S yeas. P&A. Electric Colila schedule . On motion of the above' that the Paducah Electric Co. file its sohedule of rates;' ;i r now b for electric light. ung charged gpower, and gas. with the Hoard o! Oomre of the. . a (. city of Paducah on or before Dec. 18, 1919- oarried upon call of the roll by 8 yeas. } .- I' Dr E• we Jaokeon letter On motion of the above, the oommunl*ation of Dr. Be We Jackson, Otty Physician,' { in ss Be T. ; Evetts. fl and r000mmsndation of Comtr of Works regarding injury suffered by Be T. Nvette in ' k July while working in the Sewer Dept., were received and filed upon call of the. roil4. by S Zfts 8• T. Evetts. G. On motion of the above, that Be T. 8vette be allowed the sum of $180 in full of eny y damages suffered by him while working in the Bawer Dept. last July end by way of oom-� I promise and settlement at any claim he may Dave. If any, against the City by reasonof . said injury, a release to be drawn up by the City Soli*itos,and signed by said.Evetts, carried upon Doll of theroll by the,tollowing vote: Yeae, Burns, Gardner and Wooldridge, ,Se Nay, Harelip and Tally, 8. , Ehank ■hale On motion of the above, that the communication of Frank Whale respecting injury rsoelvet by him while working for the City.of Paducah on Hove 2, 1919 be received & s II filed, and that he be allowed his wages for•sight weeks and two days, and hospital ' charges, in full settlement for said injury and,. lose of time by 'reason of said injury.' and that be be required to sign release drawn by City Solicitor before he gots his Mr, money- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Boas & An motion of Member Haseli that oemets record be *arrested b clerk i D. ry y provided ` Daughters Association. !acts stated in petition of Ada Gray By..Jnoe We Egostor, Atty., regarding Lots numbers 198, 199, 800, 8010 808 and 808 in block #13, conveyed by the Oity of Paducah to the...! } ; SONS AND DAUGHT03 ASSOCIATION in July 1860, are. correct- carried upon call of the roll . by 6 yese. Lunch stand ''' II Member Haselip offered an ordinance making it unlawful to permit any lunch stand - Oki ordinanceor I. ,• r'a8 on to remain in any one place on certain streets of the city for a longer period ' than live minutes* Mayor Buns offered the following amendment: that the passage of the ordinance be postponed indefinitely- tams carried upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeas, Burns.% Gardner and Wooldridge, S. Nay, Haselip and Tully, 8.. j On motion of Member -Tully; the accounts amounting to #16660.69, as per report of 4 l Com'r of Finance, were allowed and payment o! same approved upon call of the roll by 6 ru ,.. ._- ILL'•L=X11:'JiY�S::::•i.e3•Y:.:iL•%.:a�.'1•4"21�`t�.' •r...- .,. i:t'�+::LS.C�^.ti �:4_lt'hiii �ftl2�.,. .irl::tir .._: _: f`:SnZt34.+i:r lt:.s.'.L.S.:�;r]:1.i+r1:•.'.:;d..�":'l.S u: t.:A'1.: - Wo Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah December 8th 1919 On motion of Member Tully, that the report of Com'r of Pinang for the month of A November 1919 be received, filed and ordered published in.ths offisial nowspaper. carried j ,r t.. t upon *all of the roll by the following votes Yeas- Burns, Gardner, Rase lip, Tully. and' S Wooldridge- 6. � Etil ,• .. .. E On motion of the above,.that payment of the pay rolls ,From the Dept, of PIIblio Works a for the week ending Dec. 6, 1919 bs.appreved as followee Streets $290.41, Sewers $48.20, •�� `. „` n carried upon call of the roil by 6 yea°. l Unpaid On motion.of the above, that the report of Comr of Pinanoe regarding sale of the a prop'er'ty 1unpaid property tax bills for 1919, he having advertised gain in the.offioial news tact bills. paper as required by law and sold same to the highest bidder, they being bought by the City of Paducah for the sum of $6340.36, the amount.of the bills, be received and .filed- oarried ; upon call of the roll b Do y .6 yeas.' K Yr' J.Wes On motion of the above,.thst the salary of J. Was Troutman. Assessor, be fixed at Troutman EE L °°fir: 4125 per month an of November 1, 1919- carried upon call of the roil by 6 yess. HnbsrL On motion of the above, that the action Of the"Comb of Finance in employing Hubert Hasolip � 8asoiip as Assistant to the Assessor or such other &alias a. may be assigned to him fes, *`L G the month of December at a salary of $100; .be approved- carried upon can of the roll by 6 yeas. Sherrill -R.1 00 motion of Member Wooldridge. that Sherrill -Russell bbr. Co. be allowed $2600 for ' paymeno.on ;work done on construction of Hurese' Home pursuant to contract of Oat. 27, 1919, as par Hurese' s'•' Homs ` certificate #1 of W. H. Gore, architect, herewith filed- carried upon pall of the jell by "the, .Eellowing votes Yes°, Burnt, Gardner, Haselip h Wooldridge, 4. Nay. Tully, I. . : Dean firs On motion of the above, a Resolution disoontinning the: Dean Eire alarm system„ alarm and maintaining the polios alarm system'for both police and Eire cella, and providing the System roost tobs paid per month for each bons, was adopted upon call of the roll by 6.yeas. �.1. Dr.E.W. On motlom of Mayor Burn, the resignation of Dr. 8: W. Jackson as City Physician,, . Jackson a resignation' tendered this day, was accepted upon call of the roll by 6 ysae. Dr.C.E. On motion of the above, that Dr. C. R. Harkey be appointed to the position of C14y Harkey appointment. Physician; carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Burns. Gardner and ;Wooldridge- 3. Nay,.Hanelip- 1. Msmbor Tully ezoused from voting. Rod' Cross On motion of the above, that the City purchase $60 worth of RED CROSS "seal , carried goals i .jupon *all of the .roll by 6_yeas. Prank N• On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the resignation of Prank,N• Burns as Mayor of. Burns. rosigaation.Ythe City of Psduioah,,sffootive at midnight of this data., .be accepted- carried upon *all, of ,. 1, the roll by 6 yeas . . On motion -the Board adjourned upon eall of the roll by the following.,votes isss.i . Burne, 4arduer. Haselip, Tully and. Wooldridge- 6. l P1R,0V1R1) .' : .� fig•• .. GA • i I - u/ k 7.�1 .,bt!:, 4 ._•�'� ..1 . fs_ ^' u .t :t •-.r" +. .4 1 f Y .i. _ � f _ . � ..