HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 476, December 1, 1919. � , '�'- ��� �!. >,^4 Pwd.� ls+t .4r.q.e:..l `k+ t +r w wv a+ - �. y-� alL. .'i< F� , k f �Yli ,l ' -t `C•p•. ,.-yy� ..
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Commissioner's Proceedings; City of Paducah Dsoember 1
I •a
F At a regular meeting of the Board of Oommissioners.held in the Comrs' Obamber
i ' ! of the City Hall, Paducah, U., on Dec. 1, 1919, upon call at ths:roll the following.._"I;
anowered their nwnss Barns. Gardner. fully, and Wooldridge- 4. .
On motion of Member Wooldridge. the minutes of the meetings of November 84th
' and 89th, 1919 wore adopted as read upon call of the roll by 4 yoga.
aqp� f On motion of MemberOardnear, tbat.ths OomIr of Works be intrusted to remove a
trN, N tree on Madison 8t. bet. 18th and 17th streets. which tree is on the dividing line f
between the City's property and the Palmar property and is dangerous to.the public -
carried upon sail of the roll by 4. yeas. .
"K gravel streets. On motion of the above. that the Comr of Works be authorised & instructed to
i~ pleas needed gravel at 4th & Clay Ste., Madison St. between 7th a¢d 8th, Harrison St. '
�i between 4th 4 8th, 18th and Caldwell Ste... Fountain Ave. between Broadway &.Jefferson
f. ."ate.- carried upon call ot.the'roll by 4 yeas. I
t On motion of the above, that the Comr at Works be authorized and instructed to
pat in two intakes and oonneot with the sewer in the alley between 11th & 18th and I.
.Broadway and Jefferson streets- carried upon Sall of•the roil by 4 yeas.
JIIo.D.Bmith F On motion of Member. lully.."tbat the action of the Comr of Pinanos in engaging
' opeoial audit•.I;.
3, Jno. D. Bmlth to maks an audit'of the City books'and accounts for the year 1919 be
ti approved- oarried upon call.of the roll by 4 yeas. I
Liberty Bond III*. On motion of the above, that the report at Oom1r of Pinanos regarding deposit R
at interest on Liberty loan bond* to the credit at the Sinking Fund be received 6
1! .
tiled- oarriod upon call of the roil by 4 'yeas.
Il. On motion of the above. that payment of pay rolls from the Dept. of Public
L Works for week ending Nov. 88. 1919 be approve& as tollowet
r.. ,
Str*Ste $287.98
Afi Bowers 48.80 '
acarried upon call ot'the roll by 4 yeas.
Bill for �i' on motion ot'the above. the report of the CityOolioitor concerning bill of
;i elootioa
:s !i Gus G. Singlstoa 'Oount Coma Oierk for election expenses was received and tiled
l szDensea. y
C upon call.ot the roll by 4 yeas.
A Non Ou sty Co. i On motion of Member Wooldridge. that the National Surety Co. be released trom� ,
releaeed'on bond
of Jae. Collins.' the bond of Jae. Collins, deal&. se of May 80, 1919, as per'r6quest,ot said
,'• p
y r herewith filed- oarried upon call of the roll by 4 y"o.
Parking Sara SII On motion.ot the above. that the.City Solicitor be 1notruoted"to bring in an r -
4th 8t.
oidinanos prohibiting the parking of oar@ on the went aids of Fourth strest.for a
4. , distanoe of 78 test north or south of. Broadway and providing a penalty of not lolls
than $8 nor maze than $88 tor.each offense- oarried upon call.ot the roll by 4 yeas.' 1�'!
Mrs.Louie Risks,; On motion of Mayor Berne. that Mrs. Louie Risk*. Jr. be,appolnted a member. of •a'
Jr.. Mrs. A.B.
1 Meyers appointed the Carnegie Library Board to suooeed•Mrs. A. R Meyers, to serve until Deo. 10, 1988,
Library trnotsa,
and that Mrs. Bdmon& Poet be appointed also as a Vember.ot said Board to ausoesd Mrs.
r Louis Risks Sr. her term to expire Dec. 10 1983- carried upon call of the roll
. by 4 yeas. }
On motion of Member. Wooldridge. that the oommunioation of Mayor Barnet showing
Carnegie Library.
!j F terms of respective trustees of the Carnegie Library. be resolved & filed b spread {
!{� ! upon the minutes of.this meeting- oarried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. j
Said oommonloation follower :
„1• .a.!'i`GFZ; Yl/�.� '1 Pte•,(. �7Ty� r _"'moi•.'y 2'�"Y�yt x'41 IL:L�I�p K.L `e'h'1i -4 4`"•fVti / 1"S S:Ltl .t4'lT 1 1}y 1,:.14( fi!Y%�.Rf )..1 i'E .�'.•�w�r J
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r f�
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Deo, 1 191
"December 1, 1919.
: "To the Board of Comniseioaers, i '.�";• ; .:
City of Paducah, Stir.
In ardor that the reoorde showing the terms of trustees of the O/RNEGIB LIBRA” .,+, '
may be brought down to date, that
so they will be readily aooeselble whenever any
Oarnegieinformation concerning the same is desired, I have to advise that the appointees and
their terms appear as follower
Libyasy. Ammott W. Begby, term espiree December 10. 1920
Chao.. Woille " w w 1981
r !rank Piehor " " ., w w 3.922
�h Mrs • Louis Rieke, Jr. " " " " 1983
Mra. sdmonA Yost
:Very truly yours,
y _ P. H. Berne, Mayor.
/�.'!• 'vette. On motion of Mayor Burns, the oommunioation of S. T. Bvetts regarding oompensatIon
for time lost by him on account of injuries reo Ived by him in July while working in 1
the Sewer Dept., was received and filed and referred to the Cam Ir of Warm for report S
and recommendation, upon call of - the roll by 4 yeas..
:•, ,,,; On motion the Board adjourned,npon call of the roll by.the following vote: Toss
Y. Barns, Gardner, Tully, and Wooldridge- 4.
�YOEL . •
DECEMBER 6th. 1919.
i' At a regular meeting of the Board oi.Commissionere held in the Coors' Chamber of
the.0ity Hall, Paducah, Irl.. DOG- S. 1919, upon Gill of the'roll the following answered
their aameet Bornoo Gardner, Harelip, Tally, and Wooldridge- 6.
On motion of Member Wooldridge, the minutes of the meeting held an Dec. 1, 1919'
were adopt*& as read upon *all of the roll by B yeae.
Graduate y' On. motion.of.Mayor Burns, that two graduate nurses be omployed by the Superintendent.
Contagion '•.•;t of. Riverside Hospital to attend patients of the contagion ward of eaid.hospital-• the'.
r '.9 services of. said two nurses (one day and the other night) to.be utilised in Rivereide
cr Hospital acob times to there are no patients in the oontagion ward-
On motion of Member Harelip, that yo
by way o! amendment. to motion of Mayor Barns to
: employ two nurses to open contagion hospital, that the building know as Evart Paroell
q Contagion Hospital be given beak, together with its asrs, management and control, to that
Womans Hospital League- said amendment loot upon call of the roll by the f allowing toter
" a
Yeas. Haselip and Tully, 2. Hay, Binns, Gardner and Wooldridge, 3."
Upon call of the roll on the motion as originally offered by Mayor Burne some
j. y'.oarrieQ upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeas, .Burns, Gardner and Wooldridge, S.
Ray, Haselip and Tully, B.
Pr irate bath On motion o! Mayor Barns, that a private bath room for nurses be install in the.'"
room for
nurses at ,.00ntagion Mord of Riverside Hospital, an& that bids be taken for 0110h work &lona*, oontraot
Cant Ion
Hospital to be
awarded to the.lowest bidder*'
Membsr.Tully.offered the 'falls" motion. by way of amendments that* action be
postponed until the next regular meeting- said smendment.leat upon call of the roll by .
•: ;.the following vote. Yeas, Raselip an& Tally- 8.. Hay,' Burns. Gardner Wooldridge,
and 3.
Upon Gall of tilts roll on the motion as originally offered by Mayor Burns same'',
the following votet To", Burns, 0ardner &'Wooldridge, S.. Hay. Haselip h Tully, 8•
Contagion; On motion of .Mayor Burne', that .the State Board of Health be requested to approve the.
use of the contagion wart of Riverside Hospital for the use of at leu! two contagious! i
. p ..
diseases at one time- carried upon .sall of the roll by 6 yeas.
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