HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 469, October 27, 1919- yri+Pc {` 4., .v >, 1,. - cSAJ:; 'i• Y'7�.,,.,.� t Yar.: a :c ..: '.'d'-r:.J .. _ . . ,.—..epi No� . t Commissioner's Proceedings; City of Paducah October 20th On motion of Member Tully. that payment of the pay rolls from the Department of Public : Works be approved as follows; for week ending Oct. 18, 1919t Beware $39.60, Engineering $26.96 Streets $378.78- Special Sewer 16.16 -.carried upon call of the roll b 4 i . . Pe $ Pc y yams.- On r,. Expenses. On motion.of the above; that the Com'r of Finance be"authorised to pay .the eaponse primary electin. 4 of the primary election held on Oct. 18, 1919, amounting to $390.00, same to be charged to the Contingent Fund- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. .r Member Haselip re-entered the meeting. Cemeterydeed On motion of.Member Tully, that deed be executed to Eldridge Freeman for lot #16 in -Eldridg$C Freeman. .'block #3 on north side of Miller street between Ford a Hannan Ste. in Oak Grove Cemetery he having paid "into the. treasury therefor the Bum of $40. as evidenced by recsipt herewith. filed- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Broadway're. On motion of Member Haselip, that all bide for reconstruction of Broadway from 17th oonstruotion t a to 26th etreeto be rejected, and that deposits on said,bide.bs returned to bidders- carried : upon oall of :the roll by 6 yeas. : q , a. "e rejected anmatter of NursesHme Nnreu Home. On motion of the abovethat all bids btd d ttf building 'o � .•; ',"; A be deferred until next year whon.same can be provided for and oompleted- lost upon call of... r ^, the roll by"the following votet Yams, Haselip and Tully- 2. Bay, Burne, Gardner, and Wooldridge- 3.. Bid o! On motion.of"Mayor Burns, that bid of Sherrill-Ruesell Lbr. Co. be sees and that ' Sherrill-Ruessl Lha Cit Solioitor be instructed to Lbr." Co. for y prepare contract to be azeouied..by tho.Mayor, who Is NURSES BOMB i accepted. i. hereby authorised.and inetruoted to execute same -.carried upon call of the roll by this li following Total Yeae, Burne. Gardner, and Wooldridge- 3. Ray, Haselip and Tully- 8. On motion the Board adjourned n n cell of the roil I j po by the following voter Teae. 1J Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6., s1 3Pp October 27th, 1919. k' At a regular meeting .of the Board of Commiselonere held in the Comre' Chamber "of.the �. city Hall, Paducah, Ky., October 27, 1919, upon call of the roll the following answered }. their namest Burns, Gardner, Haselip, "Tully, and Wooldridge- 6." I T On motion of Member Haselip; the minutes of the meeting of*Oct. 20th. 1919 were '! adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. �• On motion of. Member Gardner, that the Com'r of Finance credit W. A. -Gardner on his w W.A.Gardner + . tax:bill with the sum of,$8:61 for errors in his assessment as follows: one lot on'. tax "Bases - Langstaff Ave. not .owned, by him for 20.yeare-"ees block map 3 page 69; one lot assessed to,him at $300, block map 8 page."22,'and which is a public street- carried upon call of the roll by B yeas• j i On motion of the above, A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR.THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE. Resolution for sidewalks SIDEWALKS etc on N. 16 , CURBS. AND GUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY:MABHOLES;, INTAKES, SEWERS AND CATCH 't street. BASINS, ON BOTH SIDES OY 16th STREET FROM BROADWAY T0: JE'F'FERSON STREETS. IN THE CITY i �ee P OF PADUCAH, MUTUOKY, AND PROVIDING THAT BALM MAY BE PAID FOR UPON THE TEN YEdR PAYMENT " p PLAU was given its passage upon'oull of the roll By B ysae.. i 4 On'motion of Member Tully, that the pay roll from the Dept. of Public Works !or the 4 • week ending Oat. 26; 1919 be approved ss followet'8treets $483.46, So giasoring $19.26, " i. Beware $43.20 Beware Back Pa . . . y $230,70- carried upon call of the roll. by 8 yeas.6. r t.> i,heli•' r:',wl-••i%P!kh'br:'.. ,,s' .v+r'.:ew H a+ ... .�.. ... e:4,•A:.:x :.1r ..✓Vs1+••�a.. . ' - . � .4`ct "f }` � . j '.'t. J• F- T f T . v d u.•A r' ^`� `�G - _ r•" ` �'a5 r"�?4: v:�'!c?f o y,;•* W-' '+�:u. v . ' ' �.•..�_.--.'.... ' - _....'.wa.:_a..3-..-;•y.- . ,. -f. i ,.,.r:��.an...r�.,u.: _-..i _v:.t _ � s... ._.. �.J.. '. - ' .. .. _ . �• 1p+N'v0."'•'•1•(•arY�s�� •. .,,"!S,^i�snj v 7•fn�` F I . Commissioner's Proceedings, .City ofPaducah- October S9th 1y1,9 On motion of Member Wooldridge, that -the report of.comsr at Safety & city Solicitor Gravel regarding oontroverey between the Oom'r of Works and W. L. Yanoy relative .to le`loads eontroveray. of gravel sold to the City o! Pednoah, be reoeived.anQ filed, and that in pursoanoe.'`.I':';"', , i . thereof Mr. W. L. Yano be j y, paid for said gravel- oerriod upon cull of the roll by' I „ yeas. Pad. Elco. Co. I. On motion 0! Mayor Burns, the-communioation from A. B. Nichols, Mgr. of the geduoeh ( Electric Co., pertaining to a Aisouseion of the gas rate question, was received & i• it .filed upon call of the roll by • 6 yeas. On motion of the above, that license ordinance as to carnivals be suspended and �. Carnival M1 that the Union Encampment of Odd Fellows be permitted to.00nduot a carnival during Odd Fellows. i the week beginning Nov. 10th without payment of license lee, upon 'condition that the i; City be permitted to use the carnival band free of charge on Armistice day- oarriod upon call of the 'roll by 6 yeas. On motion the Board adjournod upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeas, Burns' Gardner, Haselip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 6. j Vit. •`, (�, 3 ' I, 'fie �''•d //�`--T1o1--Z 9PPR0 November Sd. 1919. i At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Oomrsl Ohnnber'o;' the City Half, Paducah, Kir., on November Sa, 1919,.upon call of the roll the following ' answered their names. Burns Gardner. Tal I : y ly, and Wooldridge- 4. ' Member Tully was excused from the meeting. On motion at Member Wooldridge. the minutes of the meeting of October £7, 1919 Ji were adopted is read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,. Burns, Gardner, , and Wooldridge- S. g GooH�Rank On motion of Member Gardner, the .00mmunioation.from Gus H. Hank, Jr... requesting request. permission to oonneot with eewor at 16th & Trimble Ste. and agreeing to pay his assessment for regular.. sewerage when same is oonstruoted in that section of the , o sty„ µ j! was received h files upon call of the roll by S'yees. 11 1 T Guo H. Hank h�i On motion of the. above, that Gus H. Hank, Jr. be allowed to oonneot with.sewer at oormitt nnectehiso the corner of 16th &. Trimble Ste.., as per his request, with the understanding that when property with w s e, sower tom is extruded to that r sewer at 16th & th .. part of the city that he will pay his pro rata for,,,,,�,a Trimble Ste. a' the construction of any such sewerage, oarrisa upon call of the roll by S yeas.Al I I, ' Member Tully re-Sateroa the meeting. ._. Ordinance for On.motion of Member Gardner, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 003.4 •�' sidewalk Son- CRETH:SIDEWAL.BB CUSBS AND GUTTERS AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES` INTAKES SEWERS AND struotion on N. y. 16th St. .:CATCH BASINS, ON BOTH SIDES OF SIXTEENTH STREET PROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OP BROADWAY. ' TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OP JEFFERSON STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND' 1 PROVIDING THAT BALM MAY BE PAID FOR UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYIWIT PLAN, was given its passage 'upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Tully,'aad Wooldridge -4 .. Errorin assess-' On motion of Member Tully, that the error in assessment of .Jae..L. Wooldridge and ment of ® s Wooldridge and ' Idonis P. Hay be referred to the Commissioner' of Pinanoe to adjust same- carried upon. " Ideate, P. Hay. Sall of the roll.Dy 4 yeas. .' OA'motioft at the above, that the pay rolls from the Dept.'of Pub. Works for the,' week ending Nov. 1, 1819 be approved as follows, Streets $491.91, Engineering $18.60,1 Sewers $43.E0- carried upon call :of the roll'by 4 yeas. L. Li