HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 464, October 3, 1919.e'*p j3q"�Y+ `j `Y"'SS F✓. nt+'s.K T ji' . .'T'^1.1i �.i PF Gii� Ci J 1-yF r✓ 5'dh �" } i....L�i tit:J+�,` ..
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Commissioner's, Proceedings, City o1 -Paducah • October sd 191; e
} At a special meeting of Wu Board of Commissioners held in the Comms' Chamber of
the City Hall, Paducah- lqi., an October 3d; 1919, at 10f80 A. M., upon call of the
roll the following answered their moment Berne, Gardner, Haselip, 'Pally, b Wooldridge r. 6.";
�� i . • �'�
On motion of Mayor Burne, the communication of Oct. 2, 1919 from the Paducah II
Engineer to I
make appraisal Water Co., advising the Board of the appointment by said Company of Mr. John W. Alford, ;
of Water Works-',.
jof the firm of Alvord b Burdick, of Chicago, Ill., as the engineer to represent the
Paducah Water Co. in the appraisal of said water works-- was received and fled upon
S' I! call of the roll by 6 yens.
jI Engineers I! On motion of the above, the communication of Member Gardner of data April 9, 14n 9,-,•
suggested by Mr.?
Gardner. ;;+ suggesting the names of three water works engineers, was receive& m filed upon call of
f1 �� the roll by 6 yeas. ;
Ij On motion of the above, the recommen"tion of the Mayor aonoerning eeleotion of
Mayor's .
®ndation I�. an expert engineer to represent the City in the appraisal of the Paduoeh Water Works,
in ra
ppraisal !
of Water Werke. I;. was received and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
j On motion of Member Haselip, that the reoommendntion.o; the Mayor be oononrred
r Berne m
. II in, and that Burne a McDonnell be retained as the City's engineers, provided that
appointed r,
as City's they will do this work for the same maximum fee that a Mr. John W. Alford, of Chicago,
engineers. s
Ill.. the engineer selected by the Paducah Water Co., agrees to do it, exolueive of
+ '.the payment of the preliminary survey which has already been made, to -wits $2,000
plus traveling expenses- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
'On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by the following voter
Yeae, Burns, Gardner, Hasolip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6.
Ae r 3PPRD
«ka _.191..G
5 October 4th. 1919. ;
At called meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comrs'• Chamber of the
City Hall, Paducah, Ky. on October 4, 1919, upon call of the roll the following
anewered their names: Burne, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and.Wooldridge-•6.. j
0n motion of Mayor Burne, that day lettor.of Oat. 3, 1919 signed Prank 8. Burns;,•
Rater Works,`,
appraisal- j+Mayor, sent to Burns b McDonnell, and the roply thereto by said firm, be received d ';;I:'•..,;•:
Burns m
ff. McDonnell h filed, and that Messrs. Burne & McDonnell be and they are hereby retained andemployed
retained to
;Z represent City. r, as the engineers to represent the City of Paducah in the valuation of plant of the
Paducah Water Co., and. fortheir serviooe Choy shall be paid a minimum foe o! $1;000 '
plus traveling expenses for ten days, and their maximum fee shall not be over $2,000 ,
plus travel 1
ing expenses-- the time
I, consumed over and in e:osee of Len &nye to be paid
at the rate of $75.00:a day, but in no event shall such fee exceed $2,000 plus traveling
expenses.• and that the cit oolioitor prepare contract as
� y per above, and that the 'r.;..•,:�
I Mayor be and he to hereby authorized to execute same for the City- carried upon call
l,.of the roll by 6
Liability of On.motion of Member Tully, that the City Solicitor furnish the Commissioner of `r
payment of city
taxes. .Pinanos with a written opinion'advising him as to who is liable for the payment of
a .!!city taxes when property has ohangad.hande during the year- carried upon call of 1he''=
i roll by B yeas.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roil by the following votet.Yeae,
O Burne, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6, 1
X191 �'PPR+O
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