HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 457, September 15, 1919T R�w�wra• �fm� � . +�6 y�pP�L��"•"_—.' 1`T i +cf ry �7i5"�"' `'�. , i /} �a�•-a _ . `.[ .,• tit; ".•3, eta.\hl Y, 4.-r+t:.'�1, i' \, r l �j 'ac :Ee'1�4.J,�, E. 1 - r .. Vit:• e _ - tr�rp Z 111 ::1_!AY.r• - No.. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah s,. .mbar jt* 1919-- on 919_ On motion .of Member Tally, that the accounts amounting to $14,971.69, as per reports " of Com'r.of Binanoe. be allowed and payment of aams approved- oarrled upon can of the, :..L 1 roil by 6 yeas. sG On motion of the above, the report of the Oom'r of Finance for the month of August P 1Y 1919 was reoeived, filed and ordered publiahed in the official newspaper upon call Of s? the roll by 6 yeas. i 4 •,= ' uy On motion of the above,. that payment of the pay rolls from the Dept. of Public Works F for the week onding Sept. 6, 1919 be approved ae follows t. Streets $277.68, Special Sewer $64.06..oarried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas• f'. cemetery Doo& fi on motion of the above, that deed be executed to Wm. Greek for lot ¢8, 'Block $2 on to i, west aide of Hannan St. bet. Baker and Miller streets. is Oak Grove Cemetery, the aim of pm. Greek. j! $40 having been paid into the treasury as evidenced by receipt herewith filed- oared e&I: upon call of the roll by 6 yeses ( . On motion of the above, 'that the City Solicitor be instructed to file with thio j ,Bosrd,: and furnish the Com'r of Finance a copy of same, a legal opinion as to.the fhutiM " .of the Com1r. of Finance in.:regard to paying the pay rolls and accounts in the Street an& city 8olioltor? _ s Sewer. Departments when the Lalanoea of 620. " p $ 60 .to the credit of the Street Dept. and : to report on $92.18 to the oredit of the Sewer Dept. have been exhausted duty of Coat` �. Member Gardner offered the.following motion by way of amendment to the motion of. ',. of Finance as Member Tullya That the City Solicitor shall repo" .also as -to the duty Of. the. to paying G Commieeloner of Finance to.'psy overdrafts in all other Ds tments- r Pte' everdrafta.0 '. Upon call of.the roll the motion as originally offered by Member Tully oarrlel by y the following votes Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Harelip, Tally and Wooldridge- 6.. . Upon call of the roll the motion as amended by Member Gardner carried by the + following votes Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Base,lip, Tully.and Wooldridge- 6.. E Upon motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votes.Iate; { , Bmns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge, fa.v ! ' MAY j rtfi, f SHPTMUM 16th. 1919.. At a regular meeting of the Board of. amber held In the Comre' Chamber of the City Hall, Peduoah. Kv.. on Sept.. 18, 1919, upon oi71'of the roll the following answered. C their nameas Burne, Gardner. Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- S. 4 On motion of Member .Wooldridge', the minutes of the meeting of Sept: Sth. 1919 were' . rr,,F, adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6 y"84 {r r`rOrdinanoe to j. motion of'Member Gardner; an Ordinance providing for submission to .the voters on.: submit bond y. ' issue for Nov: 4th, 1919 the queetion ofissuing $100,00o in bonds for enlarging the City Light enlargemLIGHTent. PLANT Plant was introduced and laid over one week before passage, upon call of the roll by 1 o;? nlargeme�. •. �8 R. 6 yeas. Report Of on motion of the above, the report of Oom'r of Works for the month of August. .1919 Comr Works for ^:1f wag received. and'file& upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Barns, Gardner August'. and Wooldridge, S. Hay, Haseiip and Tully, TOn motion of Mayor Burna, that one, of the drinking fountains mads by the Made Mfg.' Drinking. { .& Supply Co. of Cinoinati, be purchased and installed .in the city for public service f carried upon pall of the loll by 6. Fees. a � •., t a rf, t'c'�?4'�Fit�` �4�Cz'r..a �7;w'' +,�.n:.t N- 7� ��ag a,-�+tr fir• r� a.� n r,,.:.p x,. �,,� , i Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah September 1150,1.91_L Report of Street Inspector for On merlon of Member Gardner, the report of .the Street Inspector for the month of �) August p August,1919 was received and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. fLetter of 00mr On motion of the abovo,.the oommuniaation of Oom1r of.Works regarding ehortags of of Works regarding shortage of funds. funds in various departments of the city, was received and filed upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns,,Gardner, Haselip:& Wooldridge- 4. Bay. Tully,! is Protests vs. 1s On motion of the above, that the petition of property owners on Broadway bet. . Broadway reoon- struotion. 17th and .26th streets, protesting against the proposed reoonstruotion:ot'Broadway, be reo'd and filed, carried upon call of the roll by S yese., S; ' Credit SL. Dept. On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Finance credit the Street Department with money spent for oiling with the sum of $3.4V.95, expense of oiling streets, and that said sum be charged to 1 purposes.. j ;i the contingent fund- oarried upon call of the roll by the following votes.Yeae, Burns'.l. I! Gardner and Wooldridge- 3.Nay, Haselip and Tully- 2. F Audit Dept. of l� On motion of Member Tully. that an audit be made at once of the Dept. of Public Public Finmoe. I;• Finance by a aertified s000untant. to show that the accounts have been properly kept,l } oarried upon sell of the roll by the following voter Yeas, Gardner, Hasellp, Tully and `f 3 a! Wooldridge- 4. Nay, Burne- 1. Opinion•in. vs. .' On motion of Member Gardner, the city Solioitor's opinion regarding duty.of Oomtr duty of Oomr of I' ,.. Yinanoe in paying: Of Finance in paying overdrafts in the various departments of the city, was received overdrafts. and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. "" �•,, '. Submit bond issue, On motion of the eDow., that the city solicitor bs, instructed to bring in an 3. to vote for S sewer oonatruo- ordinance, to be submitted to a vote of the people at the election on Nov. 4, 191,9 ;r �,y a tion. i providing for the issual of bonds to the amount of $260,000, bearing 40 interest, ii t I, payable E6 years after date, for the purpose of building trunk line sanitary sewers in f,'?A 4 sewer district #3 and in the southern part of the city between Jones street and , Island Creek and in Meohanioeburg- oarried, upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. .i.` :. Ordinance for ?' On motion of Member Hasolip. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REOONSTRUOTION OF Reconstruction' of BDWAY 17th to BROADWAY FROM THE EAST CURB LINE OF FOUNTAIN AVENUE (OR 17th STREET) T0. THE WEST ,+ g 26th streets. PROPERTY LINE OF 26th STREET. IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUOIiY', AND PROVIDING THAT i' SAID IMPROVEMENT SHALL HB MADE UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN- was given its passage !I upon Onil of the roll by the following votes Yaas, Burns, Haselip, Tully and Wooldrid� •4 l. Nay, oardner- 1. L� j. Amend Market On motion of the above, that the City Solicitor be instructed to bring in as Hones ordinance.. j; { ''•r '.: i amendment to Section 16 of the Market House ordinance and other sections so may b ti designated by the Oom'r of Public Property and the Police Judge, So.se to make Sold '., ordinanoe legal and effective- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of Member Tully, that payment of pay rolls & accounts from the Dept.'o!', �`'• ' .. Pub. Works for the week ending Sept. 13. 1919 be approved as'tollowei Streets Pay Roll $296.77, Supplies Standard 011 Co. $28.43, Speoial Sewer.$97.66—oarried upon �I call of the roll by B yeas•' #. Refund to Jao• o.h on motion of.the above, that the sum of $13.76 be refunded to John Q. Booker, Beaker. same being for taxes paid on property on Husbands street on Tai Bilis #135. and 44068,. � !-:.a '.:. . •• the property having been doubly assessed- carried upon call of the.roll by 6 yeas.;''' Mre. SsLe OlsytonF On motion of the above, Whereas, it appear@ that an error was made in calm lating' taxes. } tax Dill #690 assessed to Mrs. Sate Clayton for the year 1917, the amount; of Lases having been given as $203.60 when it should have been $218.02, tho @mount of seeeesmeit it i having been $11,766 and the rate of taxation $1.86-- that the Com'r of Finance be P authorised to accept the difference $14.62 in full settlement for the year 1917, r= µ !I carried upon call of the roll by 6 yess. •� IgC'1 'rj'r'��` • • i Nux :^°S1o: , �!� w"': , .�'r;`�., r�R. }� �'-'r� ay' T y-%�1.'w13= t 4li%'�Sy+, 6Y°j( +S'�i ..e., ., l``r-'n, h.rt� No.� Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah " santembar la 191 ; On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the salaries of all employees in the Dept. of Inoreaes ! , f. t,•'... . emeries in { Safety be increased $10 per month, same to be retroactive ae of Septa 1, 1919; the funds' Safety i contingent Dept. to cover this raise. to be taken from the or general fund, or in the event there are no such Lunde, that the Com'r of Pinanoe be instructed to borrow enough money,'• " pledging the City's taxes therefor; -to cover this rates and the deficit created thereby-:; . G oarried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Salary due On motion of Magor Burne, that, book pay of tour menthe at S25. per month of Miss Mise Donaldson. i,' ,• . Helen L. Donaldson, Public Health Durso. be advanced to Anti-Tuberculoeis Society'. Gams + ' to be refunded to City upon allowance from the State, being forthcoming this Poll- carried,' - Y B upon call of the roll b yesa. 4, Jho. J. on motion of the above, that the resignation of John J.-Dortan as a. member of the :r ,., . Doriatr. , *9 tion City Board off Tae Supervisors, be sooepted- oarried upon can of the roll by 5 yese.. uj On motion the Board adjourned upon.oall of the roll by the following votet Yese,'' �f Burne, Gardner, Haselip, Tally and. Wooldridge- S. LPAA--t- r t \ 1 ` SEPTEMBER 22, 1919.. X 4. At a called meet �. sting of the .Board of Commissioners held in the Cotore Chamber of the Y Yr City Hall, Paducah, $y., on September 22, 1919, at eleven o'olook,A. M., npon,onllof the roll the following anewered.their names: Burne, Gardner, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. ' On motion of Member Tully, that the Mayor and Com'r of Finance Dd authorized to •t �= . Olt y borrow from the city national Bank for the nee, end 'benefit of the City of Paducah; the Borrow. MONEY eam of ten thousand dollars, to be paid October 31, 1919, pledging ae.seourtty the City ?' r taxes to be oolleoted for the eeoond halt of the year 1919 and due in October- oarried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. �r On motioa.oi Mayor Burne, that the City Solicitor be instructed to bring in at the L <r Bond ieene " meeting this afternoon, an ordioanoo.to submit a bond le sus of $260,000 for construction X„ :`:• for, t i SCHOOL and repairing of sohool.properties acquired "d -to be acquired. ae requested q . 4 by Reeolntion t: �'• of Board.of Education In -its meeting 'of September 20, 1919 co , , copy of said Reeointtan.having �' k. Dt>i'poeeei .. been presented to the Mayor. on Sept. 22,:1919 and Which to filed herewith- carried open' �t. Y. ` :call of the roU. by.4 yeas. r. :• On motion the Board adjourned upon call. of thethe following votes Yeas i[2i$tf a' + .roll , Burne, Gardner, Tully and -Wooldridge- 4., d • i f Ate I d�t91:�, , 1_1137I*60 Y i F c., MAXO>fr VY . -� - - i r :+ 1 f { � d. -i,':.tiic++la•... , l iFv:.+:max+.:` i:�.!Ni ii..+, ..:+«:' .w<✓ « � ... �.. w W: ...•:-.,.,uu. ,a,,, ary :,s;; _:.:n:a.;- ,I