HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 455, September 8, 1919r r "}4a a ',,.rr r''t I , t•a. xa,..t j•v. .r,t7 Jan �^'-, N > �«' .. - - —s _. --•_::s=_.:..:. '.-.w._...--=-�•i•%....tt. '.� r-r..::ii::•7._..c...__'�'3i.-......_udLi; 4 _ i - - _y Nu.4.,CL M1. Commissioner's.Proceedings,' City of Paducah A.ntere . 8a on mdtion o.f'Member Gardner, that the City Solioltor.be inetraoted'to bring in. Donde for an ordinanoe at the next regular meeting, to provide. for the issue of $100.000 bonds. enlargement of drawing 6% interest, interest payable semi-annually, principal due P5 years after date,:., Light Plant. the proceeds to be used in the enlargement of the City light plants said bond issue toj be submitted .to a vote of the people at the next regular election on November 4, 1919-1 . lost upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Gardner and Wooldridge- 2. ' r 1; Nsy,'.Haselip and Tully- E. y. a Plane for a On motion of Member Haselip, that the plane for amreea' home drawn by M;, B. Gore l Hureee'.Hams. ` o be received and:filed;oarried upon call of. the roil by 4 yeas. f Broadway 17th On motion of the above, that the City Solicitor be instruoted'to bring in an, A to 26th Ste. ordinanos authorising the reoonetraetion of Broadway street from 17th.to 26th striata R with Tarvis, in accordance with the Resolution heretofore passed, same to be,pald'`' . T. ji.for by abutting: property, intersections by the Olty- carried upon call of the roll"by !` 4 yens. On motion of Member Tully. that pay rolle from the Department of Public Werke ter ( the week ending Ang...30, 1919 be approved ae follows:. Streets • $313.06, Special Sewer $142.08- 'oarrieA.upon'oall of'the roll by 4 yese. I y ! On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vdteu Yeas, P. Gardner, Haselip, Tully end Wooldridge- 4. Ate to Icg buxoa. 1 1 - i° BEPTEltBER nth. 1919. At a regular meeting of the Board.of Commissioners held in the Oomrs' Chamber ct p A :the City Hail, Padnoah, $y. on September 8, 1919, Apon call of the roll the following answered their namee: Burne, Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. On motion of Member Tully, the minutes of the meeting of Sept. E, 1919 were isdopted ae read upon call of the roll by 6 yens. Protests h. On motion of,Member.Gardner, that the protect of property ownere*againet the Broadway r000n-. ! straotion. 1.rsoonstruotion of Broadway between l7th and 26th streets be received and filed,' carried upon.oali of the roil by 6 yeas. Action rescinded ." On motibn.of, Member Haselip,:thnt•the action of the Board of.Commisgioners on on motion to _ submit bond Sept. 2nd oa the motion to submit a bond lssue;of $100,000 for improvement. to City issue for Light t Plant imp. (Light plant, be reeoinded- oarribd +dpon call of the roll by S yeas. t- On motion of Member Gardner, that the City Solicitor be instructed to.bring in an. • City 801161tor' bring in ord. fes ordineaoe set the as:t regular meeting, to provide for the issue of $100,000 bonds ' bond issue for I Light Plant drawing 5% interest, interest payable semi-annually, p:inoipal due 26.yeare after date, enlargement. :.the proceeds to be used in the enlargement of the City Light 'Plenty"said bond issue to ` be submitted to a vote of the people at the next regular election on* November 4, 1 SL 9 - ^•: carried upon call of the roll by 8 yeas. Erwin Gillespie Gua:motion of Member Haselip, that the oommanication from Erwin Gillespie •" ' ' aommnnioation .be • in.re. Salem Ave. referred to the Com'r of Works with the request that'the street mentioned ',•8elem Avenuet oondition. be repaired- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yens. ORDINANCE FOR On motion of the above, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THH•RECONSTRUOTIOH OF BROADWAY i RECONSTRUCTION OF SWAY FROM 17th FROM THE EAST CURB LINE CP FOUNTAIN AVE= (OR SEVENTEENTH, STREET) TO.THH,WEST.PROPERTY1 to 25th street. introduced. LINE OF T'HENTY-FIPTH STREET, I9 THE CITY OP PADUCAH, EENTUCX.,rAND PROVIDING THAT SAID t, ' i i •• IMPROVEMENT SHILL BE MADE UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN, was introduaed'upon oal1 of the roll by 5 yeas. /` s�,tl,ntn•. 4,. •r, ennw,c't;.,,r-v�•ra•�.Ac�fy++•lY��'?"rir* ".�"'".ns•"ryr,r �'+^'". :a:al:... _ i. l^'t! ,'?'fle4'9i` +tx 1'>< .}..vitt ,..M1�V n;.. t. 9c v .n "J�, , yt K{�;. _ tN• t'��. iit,M�rc�. . ' ,o -`•r Y •. i•. r •i• r `N �r 1R'G •7.;we..' r .v -'No Ae , . a �i Commissioner's Proceedings, Cify of Paducah na;t,,n,>,,,, ft>. 1919_ 4 On motion ,of Member fully. that the a000unt@ amounting to $14,971.69, as per report; of_Com'r.of Pinanoe. be allowed and payment of same approved- carried upon can of the, .•` roll by 6 yeas. On motion of the above, the report of'the Com'r of Pinanoe for the month of August 1919 was received, filed and ordered published in the official newspaper upon call of.' r. the roll by 6 yeas. 1 r Y •' ` On motion of the above,. that payment of the pay rolls from the Dept. of Public Works' r.- c 6. a for the week ending Sept. G. 1919 be approved as'followet.Stroets $277.88. Speoial' 'o i Sewer $84.06..oarried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Oemotery Dead G On motion of the above, that deed be executed to Wm. Greek for loth, #2 on f �� to tr west side of Hannan St. bet. Baker and Miller street@. in Oak Grove Cemetery, the arm of. Wms ��.. $40 having been paid into the treasury as evidenced by receipt herewith filed- carrl @d upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. 0n motion of the above, that the City Solicitor be instructed to file with this ! Board.: and furnish the Com'r of Pinanoe a oopy of same, a legal opinion as to. the ft tiM r.: of the Com'r of Pinanoe in:regard to paying the pay rolls and accounts in the Street and City Bolioltori Sewar Departments when the balances of $820.60 .to the credit of the Street Dept. and to report on $9yf -' 2.13 to the credit of the Sewer Dept. have been exhausted-- 'i duty of Goer` � Member Gardner offered the.following motion by way of amendment to the motion of >'. of Pinnace N Member Tullys That the City Solicitor shall report also as to the duty of. the. S to paying p. Commissioner of Pinanoa to.pay overdrafts in all other Departments- I ;; ovesdrafta. k { Upon call of the roll the motion as originally offered by Member Tully oarriel,by the following votot Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Hasellp, Tully and Wooldridge- 6.. . ry Upon call of the roll the motionae amended by Member'GarMer carried by the'. v Ifollowing votes Yeas, Burne. Gardner. Haselip, Tully.and Wooldridge- 6. ti Upon motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote I.. ye" , 4 Barns, Gardner, Haselip. Pally and Wooldridge, 8. t i l,fr• 1Ct1¢. 'moi' O'VSI � ; _AffAYOCO- �. 4 r SBPTMMR'16th. 1919 a `. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the+ Comrs' Chamber of the � nw.R •. 0ity'Hall, Paducah, Sy., on Sept.. 18, 1919, upon oin *of the roll the following answered TL their namees Burns. Gardner. Haselip, Tully'and Wooldridge- B. On motion of Member .Wooldridge', the minutes of the meeting of Sept: Sth, 1919 were '. t adopted as read upon call of the roll by 8 yeas. Ordinance to N. on motion of, Member Gardner, an Ordinance providing for submission to .the votere on submit bond N. issue for M Hov: 4th, 1919 the queetion of issuing $100.000 in bonds for enlarging the City Light ;. LiOHT PLANT Plant, was Introduced and laid over one week before passage, upon call of the roll by b ' enlargement. 6 yoga. L. deport of On motion of the above, the report of Com'r of Works for the month of August,.19191.. ' Aft -.f umr Works for August'. was received. afiled upon call of the roil by the following vot@t Yoga, Burns, Gardner <•. ' and Wooldridge, S. Nay, Haselip and Tully,'2• . ,;. Drinking. a On motion of Mayor Burns, that ons.of the drinking iountaine made by the Murdock Mfg•'' Ponnfsln." r;. ' E'b Supply Coo of Cincinnati; be purobae+ed and installed .in the city for public service-! ' j' carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas• (, 4