HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 455, September 2, 1919'I� n t;' .f. r�'•�',r" .-•. .rG+rj�lf} .nn C!;<,p-,^I+t.4r, r*� . r- - r. _ _-r:-+:.z....� ice•-----...+: ..`.w...-.. ._.1....-.. .��.... _ ..i....aw-c..�..i•.� 'v - 4' f Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah August 86th' 191 9 r :. .'...d On'motion of Member Tully, that the. a000unis for the first half of August, :l .amounting. to $4,086.96. as per report of Comer ,of Pinanoe. Ae. snowed and payment of .L . some approved= carried npon'oall of the sol3,by 4 yeas. f y On motion of the above, that .payment of pay rolls from the Department of rubliel Works for week ending August 83;.1919. be approved as follower .. I Streets .....$398.66 ' Spooial Bower 871.96 ++ , d carried upon call of the roll by 4 yells. > Refund to p On motion of .the above. that ths'sum of 58.40 be refunded to Will I. Levy, to +' Will I. Levy. correct ;the assessment on property on tax bill #1844 paid by him- carried upon call of, r 4' the roll by 4 yeas. s' J. Wee S. On motion of the above, that, J. Iles Troutman be appointed City Assessor for theTroutl ' ;•' appoin�taidor balance of the year 1919, to begin wore September 1' 1919; at a salary slaty of $100 pe:'nonth- Assess: r, carried upon call of the soil by'4 yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the'roll by the following vote% Yeas. Oarttnir. Haselip. Tally and Wooldridge; 1. :;� -•> rte, • � i 'fit �' _ < • 1. , upTELUM 1. 1919. At a regular-meeting of the Board. of.0ommiseioners held in the Comrs'.Chamber.a :the City Hall Paducah Ky..on September 1 1919 upon call of the roll the following answered their names: Gardner, Haselip. Tully and.mayor pro tem Wooldridge, 4. Labor Day.. On motion, the Board. adjourned to meet again'on September 8, 1919, at lour.,o'clock l Y. M.- this being Labor Day.and.a legal holiday, upon call.of the soll'by 4 yeas., r tv►.� �PPROVIDD y w� . j 'gip I ryY N I ate MAT I :. r September 8. 1919. At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comm' Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah. U.. on Sept. 8, 1919.:upon.osll.of the roll the following r oneWered their names: Gardner. Haselip. Tully and Mayor pro tem .Wooldridge- 4. ' On motion of Member Haselip, the .minutes of the meetings of Augnet 86th and'. Sept. 1, 1919 wereadopted as read .upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. I 1 of, On. motion of Member Gardner, that the City Enginear'e'estimate of approximate..zetimato oost.o! Turves on '. cost of reconstructing the driveway. on Broadway from east curb line of Pountain Ave. Bdway 17th to city westward to the city 'limits. with Tervia•, be received and filed. carried upon Gull of.+. ; y limits. the roll by 4 yeas., !# Open. On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Works be inetruoted to open up ditches •'' ditohee.. on Pool road. ;. in osnjnnction with the County, in front of the School house on the Pool road. in y, Littleville, and to drain the water back towards the Railroad track from Said road- oad- " - carried upon call'of the 'roll by 4 yeas.' 1 • Gerdnor'e' " On motion of the above, the oommnnieation of.Member Gardner requesting immediate - ' oommunioa-. tion in re actiou on motion made April 21. 1919 regarding ordlnanoe.for bond.lesue for enlargemeat.of bond issue for light. city light plant. which motion was referred te.00mnittee of the whole, was received and lant :. ialasgo tiled upon call of the roll by 4 yeas• Ment.. • __ �.`�i.:•wnst4%., ::-%-':^=+?Oi.34++.ffi'r.: :Y. .... 4.4h .. <.v?+:a+w.. •.rn:xv ,t � h' . .. , .� .• a _ _ ^Wr•,a�ne �7-"r'�ST.'i ivesF #•C.: � s ?..cc�,rY''r ,+' 3 a+ +.rat .. a s w+ri � :. 'a 4 .. 1 1 Commissioner's ,Proceedings,' City of Paducah, September _jw_1,9jjL. On mdtioa o•t'Msmbsr Aardnar, that the City Solloitor_be inetruoto4L to bring in Bonds for an or6inanoo at the nut regular meeting, to provide.for the issue of $100.000 bonds'. Of enlargement o �. drawing 6% interest, interest payable eami-annually.principal due E6 years alts= date,L ' ht Plant. 4 the proceeds to be used in the enlargement of tho City light plant; said bond issue to. be submitted .to a vote t. of the people at the nest regular eleotion ou November 4, 1919-i . f lost the roll upon call of by the following vote; Yeas, Gardner and Wooldridge- C.' s �! Nay,•.Haselip and Tully- 2. Plans for h�h On motion of Member Haseiip, that the plans for Nurses' home drawn by w,, B, Dore Homs.' I! a received be seoslved and:filed, carried upon call of. the roll by 4 yeas. ' -,' Broadway 17th On motion of the above, that the City Solicitor be instructed to bring in an'ti•' ` 7 ''. •. to 26th Sts. ordinance authorising the reconstruction of Broadway'stroet from 17th.to Cath streets is with Tarvia. in accordance with the Resolution heretofore passed, same to be. paid . {' for by abutting property. intersections by the Olty- oarried upon Gall of the rpli'by is i, 6 yeas. 1 . h. On motion of Member Tully. that pay rope from the Department of Public Worts far) the week ending Aug..30. 1919 be approved ae follows:, Streets $318.06, Special sewer $142.08- 'carr'ieQ.upon'oall ot*tho roll by 4 yeas: ; t On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the followiiig v6te: Yeas, P; Gardner, Haseiip. Tully and Wooldridge- 4. nse,�cos 0. i' SEPTEMBER stn. 1919, �j At a regular meeting of the Board of Oommiseioaere held in the Comrs' Chamber (f -1 the City Hall, Padnoah'. ;fir. on September 8, 1919, upon call of the roll the following answered their names: Burns. Gardner. Haselip. Tully and Wooldridge- a. .j • �! On motion of Member Tully. the minutes of the meeting of Sept. C, 1919 were !adopted as reed upon call of the roll by'6 yeas. 4 Protests vs. On motion of Member,Gardner, that the protest of property oymere•agalnot the Broadway reoon-. 6 struotion. '.reconstruction of Broadway between 17th and 26th streets be received and tiled,, oarried.upon.oall of the roll by 6 yens. =' Action rasoinds4 ." On moti'on.ot Member Hasellp, that -the action Of the Board of Commiselonere on t' on motion to submit bond Sept. End on the motion to submit a bond issue; of $100.000 for improvement, to City issue for Light Plant imp. ;.Light plant, be rescinded- oarriAd dpon call of the roll by 6 yeas. . I On motion of Member Gardner, that the Cit Solicitor be instructed to.bri• F ng in an. City solicitor' ' bring In Ord. toe ordinance at the nut regnlar.meoting, to provide for the issue of $100,000 bonds bond issue for i Light Plant drawing 6interest, interest payable semi-annually, jr inotpal due 26, years after date, ''. ' enlargement. the proceeds to be used in the enlargement of the Olty Light Plant, "said bond iesue to be submitted to a vote of the people at the nest regular election on' November 4, 1 QL 9- �: carried upon call of the r.ol1 by 6 yeas, -•` Erwin Gillespie On.'motion of Member Harelip. that the communication from Erwin Gilleepia = oommunioation .be :referred in re. Salem Ave. to the Com'r of Works with the request tbat'the street mentioned Salem Avenue •. condition. be repaired- oarrIed upon call of the roll by 6 ysse. ORDINANCE FOR On motion of the above A9 ORD IN$ PROVIDING FOR THE•RBCONSTRQOTION OF BROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION OF BWAY FROM 17th FROM THE EAST CURB LINE Q FOUNTAIN AVENUE (OR SEVENTEENTH STREET) TO;THE,WEST.PROPRRTJ1 to 26th street. introduced. LINE OF TWENTY-FIFTH STREET, IN THE OITY OF PADUCAH, EENTUCIC,vAND PROVIDING THAT SAID I' IMPROVEMENT SHALL HE MADE UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN. 'was introduoed upon Doli of the roll by 6 yeas.'