HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 454, August 25, 1919r,.r5. �'n#rn•'RY„ 14s"',i{ "�{"R•14..+('"" statr.\.rr - ,P� �°t� ' '�'�r`t'•�-0 I�'7 '' '�M 7 t Y \.. .K+� .'.y. fh 4tPaw-e
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Angnati' a 191".
."' At a Called.mooting.of.the Board of commissioners held in thn Comra' Chamber of
City Paduosh
i Y Hall , , $y.;'Cn August B0, 1919, upon'oall of the roll the followiig •°
answered their namost Gardner, Harelip,. Tully and Mayor -pro temWooldridgo 4. .ii
+ ' Pnruish til& ,!• On motion of Member Gardner, that the Street Inspector be instructed to furnlah.:•. ..{
to Mr.Paulknsr.
Wt PaUlkner five pieoea of.16 inch the to in ditch PAth
t put on street between
i. Broadway and Kentuoky Ave., carried upon call of the -roll by 4_ yeas. . •
,i . t
I� On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the Com'r of.Sefety, In the absence' of the". ParCbaee oar of; '
. coal for H Mayor, be instructed to buy one oar load of run of mine 0081 for the lnoinerat., t
{ inoineratore 11 ce
this Coal .t0 be unloaded at the Wooldridge Coal m Peed Co. yard, .way bill to be sent I•',`' '
'j.. to Com'r of Pinanoo, together with delivery.tioket, eo as to keep a check on this
i� coal
until all of same ie'oonenmad- carried upon call of the roll b 4
y yeas.
L. .� . On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the folio+sitg votes Yana,
Gardner, Harelip, Tally and 1'looldridge, 4.
l.. AUGUST 26th.' 1919.
. '• l At a regular meeting Cf -the Board of commissioner& held in,tbe oomrs' Obamber {.
of the city Hall, Paduosh, Ks., on August 26, 1919, upon call of the roil the foIIewios �
answered their namsat Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Mayor pro tem Woo]Aridge- 4.
On motion of Member Haselip, the minutes of the meetings of August 11th, 12111h, 14th, z.
lath and 20th, 1919 ware adopted as read upon.oall of the roll by 4 yeas'.
., HCaso: j�.. On motion of Member Tally, that the Hod Man's Lodge be granted free lioenet fort
the Carnival to be held under their auspices thin week-oarried upon call of the roll by
t y 4 Yana. ,
Odd Pellows' jl On motion of tho above, that free lioenee.be granted to the Odd Follows for a
ti carnival. '
Carnival to be given under their auspices the week of September lb, 1919, oarried i
i upon oa11 of the roll by 4 yeas.
street Inspeoui On motion of Member Gardner, the report of the Street Inspector for the manth
report for ;;
duly,. , of 1uly 1919 was received and filed upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
it On motion of Member Haselip, the petition of oitisens asking that a street `
Str 6% Light 4
-.•; 16 b Monroe. be pieced at the intersection of 16th and Monroe streets, tree received andilled'. ;. •-
F d referred to the Oom'r•of Works'for action, upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
PIS" for I 012 motion of the above, the•plano of D: Harry Jamieson for Korean' Home, City
!lures& Home.
Hospital, were received and filed upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. i
i I
W. ..r ." On motion of_the 'above, that the Marloet.Maetsr be inatruoted by thie.Hoard LC
Market House"
ordinnnee �: *acres the Market House ordinance,. and that Section 16 of said ordinance be inters- •" ;_ .
d prated in:these-"instructions to amid Market Master as meaning that grooery-mon with
"bons fide orders ere permitted to buy'Defore the regular opening of the market at
eight o'clock for the purchase of farm products for resals- oarried upon Call of
C the roll by 4 yeas.
P On motion of the above, that the Weights m Measures inspector be apeoifioally.
a Weights b. 1 "
Mansur so d Instructed to look after the weights of los, and to oarry"out the regulations, in regard
R to having scales placed upon each wagon, and to further ascertain that the blooks of
ice sent out by the factory are full weight•apon leaving eaid factory- oarried upon --)_
c call of the roll by 4 yeas..
, ice.
�-i.'�1N.r `."- V" _ .in+/.r°r�• �:r!� 'r'.y?i'.•?Jva'S.^`�`'`•i'r"3ir r'h( _� �,,D..'f*lc?•nFrfa �'N ,.
* '.°"'";' �, zc; 4�. �n. r �;•. �:�.. y,?�.'�5 *A. '%��.s�p�.x"�.w� 'air?�t
f4 t<
• _ J' v u.i..v..Ja��. ...•acuter.-suG. ..r ✓W.� _.A..., r..v _ ....r. ab.
r '
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Auguat 26th
" On motlon of Member Tully, that the. accounts for the tire* halt of August,
smoun to 94 088.98. as pas "port of Oom'r•oi Pi nano*, allowed cad of !
ng. • ' 0 ;
same'apprevod= carrle& upon'oall.of the roll by 4 yetis.
{ On motion of the above, that.payment of pay rolls from the Department of Public
r : Works for week ending August 83;.1919 be approved as follows
Streets .......$398.88 i..
Speoial Sewer 871.86 I /
as ': carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. `
Refund to On motion of.the.above, that the sum of 95.40 be refunded to Will I.'Leq,to
Will I
``';'•"Levy. correct 'the .asseesmenk on property on tea Dill #1844 paid by him- carried upon call of,
< f T 9 the roll by 4 yeas.
Was . on motion of the above, that. J. Nes. Troutman be appointed City Assessor for the
appointed P balance of the year 1919,'to begin work September 1' 1919; at a salary clary of 9100 per month- �
Assessar. A carried upon call of the roll"by'4 yeas.
I ,
ti, F On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the rollby the following vote: Yeas;": '
d ° OarQnir. Haselip. Tully. and Wooldridge; 4.
/ C" �
h {- SEPTEMBER 1, 1919.:
At a regular meeting of the Board, of.Commiesionere hold in the Comrs'.Chamber .of.
the Aity Hall, Paducah. q., on September 1, 1919; upon call of the. roll the following' "
answered their names Gardner, Hasellp. Tully anQ.Mayor pro. tem Wooldridge, 4. y
or IN k On motion, the Board adjourned to meet again on September 8, 1919; at four..o'clock
M.- this being Labor Day and a legal holiday, upon oall.of the roll"b
,• y 4 yeas: �
if t#�� iPPROV131D iUc
` s
' •.r , f �, �. MAY 7,I. F .
September 8. 1919. '
At an adjoined mooting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comre' Chamber h
s ; of the City Hall, Paducah. $y., on Sept. 8, 1919.:upoa.oall.of the roll"the following
� p
' r answered their namest Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Mayor pro tem .Wooldridge- 4. I �f
On motion of Member Haselip, the Minutes of the meetings of August 25th and
r Sept. 1, 1919 were adopted as read'.upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. 1
1 On motion of Member Gardner that the Ci
Estimate of ;' . LY Engineer's eetimata of approximate
cost of
ocet of .reoonetructing the drivewayon Broadway from scat curb line Ponntain Ave. ,
Tarvia on,
e o
westward to the city limits, with Tarvla•; be received and tiled. carried upon call of ," r
y iimite. the roll by 4 yeas..
open On motion of the above. that the .Com'r of Works be inetruoted to open up Altohes
aitohee on
Pool road. in conjunction with the County. in front of the School house on -the Pool road, in
Littleville. and to drain the water back towards the Railroad track from said road -
carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. .
Gardner's On motion of the above, the communication of -Member Gardner requesting immediate'oomm.
tion In. re sotion"on motion made April 81 1919
• Lion in re, , regarding ordinance .tor Dong isens""for enlargemrnt.o!" ?�
bona issue
for light. city light plant, Which motion was referred to: committee oi.the whole, was receive an '
plant 1
enlarge- .? tiled upon -call of the roll by 4 yesa. I
'rtk.':.yVii.i4ii. Y .•,".',y; �iSJ7tlii•Y'...w.z. µYu ...d.' •li ++ !a..+..+W: urn. - ,L..' '