HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 454, August 20, 1919•
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No -4,e .
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Awmt 804h 191 .
" At a called meatiag.ot.'the Board of Commissioners held'in the Comro' Chamber
the City Hall, Paducah, Ky.,'on August 80, 1919, upon call of the roll the followirs
answered their namess Gardner, HissliP,.Tully and Mayor-pro tem Wooldridge, �.
Furnish the !•
t0 Mr.Fanl or.
On motion of Member Gardner, that the Street Inspector be instructed to furnish.'
Urt Faulkner five pieces '01 IS inch tile to in Alto'
h PAth
Pitt oa street between
Broadway and Kentucky Ave., asarisd upon call of the roll'by 4. ysea.
Purchase oar of;•'
On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the Com'r of.Safety, in the absence of the .'•,. .:
ooal for
Mayor, be instruoted to buy ono oar load of run of mine coal for the incinerator., (,
f inoinerator, ':
this ooal.to be unloaded at the Wooldridge Coal m Food Co. yard, way bill to be sent I
to Com'r of Fluence, together with dolivery.ticket, so as to keep a check on this
coal until all of same is•oonsumed- carried upon call of the by 4
roll yese..
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeas,
Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge, 4.
I • y
,oL .poi '�
ale le ! �X Erin
AUGUST 25th. 1919.
At a regular meeting of=the Board of Commlesioners held in,the Oomre' Chamber
the City Hall, Paducah, ly., on August 86, 1919, upon call of the roil the m n owing
answered'their names: Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Mayor pro tem Wooldridge-.4#
On motion of Member Harelip, the minutes of the meetings of August 11th, 18th, 14th,;•
} ti
16th and 80th, 1919 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 4 yeast'.
Rod jj•.
On motion of Mamber Tally, that the Boil Men's Lodge bs granted free lioens ford
k aj
the oarnival to be held under their euepioae this weak-oarried upon call of the roll by
4 Yeats
.' OFellows, i
motion of'the above, that free liosnse.be granted to the odd Fellows for a I
carnival to be given under their auspices the week of September 16, 1919, oarried
upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
ii Street Inspeotov
On motion of Member Gardner, the report of the Street Inspector for the manth
report. for
�y• II
of July 1919 use received and filed upon call of the roll by 4 yoae. `'
f<<. a
On motion of Member Hasoiip, the petition of oitisens asking that a street
Street Light
16 b Monroe.
light be placed at the intersection of 16th and Monroe streets, was received andfiled:
and referred to the Com'r-of Works -for action, upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
Flans for
On motion of the above, the plans of D: Harry Jamieson for Nurses' Home, City
lluress Home.
Hospital, were received and filed upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
On motion of the 'above, that the Market,Maeter be Instructs& by this Basra to
Market House' i
3 ordinance �.
onfadoe the Market Hones ordinance, end .that Section 16 of Bala ordinance be lubes-
� eaforosmsnt.'
A {,
pretsd in:these instruoticna'to said }Market Mester as meaning that grooery-men with :.
,." •"
bona fide ordersare permitted tp'bny before the regular opening of the market at
eight o'clock for the purchase of term products for reasle- oarried upon call of
the roll by 4 Yeats.
On motion of the above' that the Weights m Measures inspector be specifically.
inetruoted to look after the weights of Joe, and to oarry.out the regulations in regard
i f
to having scales placed upon each wagon, and to further ascertain that the blocks of
los sent out by the factory are full weight•4pon leaving cold factory- 'oarried upon
call of the roll by 4 yoae..
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