HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 454, August 20, 1919• ' „q `°y{�t'.6V�1�+•'it. fir a.,�r�r �w�-.tirr rc�y� nl �SjY'��PN..�.i!, r. �'t'4 ..N 1 - � •tiF+tt � In ai .Q �`�� , ' i 1 ✓ . h I It (. 1 .w...�.:%a-JrS3+.r:�..a.L} 1. No -4,e . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Awmt 804h 191 . " At a called meatiag.ot.'the Board of Commissioners held'in the Comro' Chamber of i the City Hall, Paducah, Ky.,'on August 80, 1919, upon call of the roll the followirs t answered their namess Gardner, HissliP,.Tully and Mayor-pro tem Wooldridge, �. ' Furnish the !• t0 Mr.Fanl or. On motion of Member Gardner, that the Street Inspector be instructed to furnish.' Urt Faulkner five pieces '01 IS inch tile to in Alto' h PAth Pitt oa street between Broadway and Kentucky Ave., asarisd upon call of the roll'by 4. ysea. S s d Purchase oar of;•' On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the Com'r of.Safety, in the absence of the .'•,. .: 'j ooal for Mayor, be instruoted to buy ono oar load of run of mine coal for the incinerator., (, ` f inoinerator, ': I t•, r. . this ooal.to be unloaded at the Wooldridge Coal m Food Co. yard, way bill to be sent I to Com'r of Fluence, together with dolivery.ticket, so as to keep a check on this coal until all of same is•oonsumed- carried upon call of the by 4 roll yese.. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeas, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge, 4. y]]ID I • y ,oL .poi '� ale le ! �X Erin AUGUST 25th. 1919. At a regular meeting of=the Board of Commlesioners held in,the Oomre' Chamber -of 1' the City Hall, Paducah, ly., on August 86, 1919, upon call of the roil the m n owing i answered'their names: Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Mayor pro tem Wooldridge-.4# On motion of Member Harelip, the minutes of the meetings of August 11th, 18th, 14th,;• , } ti 16th and 80th, 1919 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 4 yeast'. Rod jj•. On motion of Mamber Tally, that the Boil Men's Lodge bs granted free lioens ford k aj the oarnival to be held under their euepioae this weak-oarried upon call of the roll by j 4 Yeats •On dd .' OFellows, i motion of'the above, that free liosnse.be granted to the odd Fellows for a I Obi711va1a , carnival to be given under their auspices the week of September 16, 1919, oarried ` upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. I ii Street Inspeotov On motion of Member Gardner, the report of the Street Inspector for the manth •`.'' ,t report. for �y• II '• of July 1919 use received and filed upon call of the roll by 4 yoae. `' S•, ., f<<. a On motion of Member Hasoiip, the petition of oitisens asking that a street Street Light 16 b Monroe. light be placed at the intersection of 16th and Monroe streets, was received andfiled: ,•E• and referred to the Com'r-of Works -for action, upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. ' Flans for On motion of the above, the plans of D: Harry Jamieson for Nurses' Home, City lluress Home. Hospital, were received and filed upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. i' On motion of the 'above, that the Market,Maeter be Instructs& by this Basra to Market House' i 3 ordinance �. onfadoe the Market Hones ordinance, end .that Section 16 of Bala ordinance be lubes- • ' � eaforosmsnt.' i•' ,. A {, pretsd in:these instruoticna'to said }Market Mester as meaning that grooery-men with :. ,." •" bona fide ordersare permitted tp'bny before the regular opening of the market at eight o'clock for the purchase of term products for reasle- oarried upon call of the roll by 4 Yeats. On motion of the above' that the Weights m Measures inspector be specifically. weight Mesaureae inetruoted to look after the weights of Joe, and to oarry.out the regulations in regard j. i f to having scales placed upon each wagon, and to further ascertain that the blocks of los sent out by the factory are full weight•4pon leaving cold factory- 'oarried upon . e call of the roll by 4 yoae.. 333 } - ' •y�A�^��