HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 451, August 11, 1919.�+'�ryR i �'••,�, R` ^tiF. - •"� F. „�• S. �1'2i 5�'.Y(•^1 �; f,yf - i• hr` :aryl . rofyLi�'y '1� i.,µ1 •� \, 't'�_� . T�_.-+.....+..8a....,,�d..r.�....._-a-F_t:..i+hirtiuur.r..r<�-. .r.i..._•...�.-+.....L'rci �.._L..-•.r.+.�i......_..J..n..w�_�. � 1 .q No.42 L Commissi ner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Angunt 6th 1914 Combine r, on motion of Member Gardner, that the City Solloitor bring in e, Resolution or stingy office o! Chaingang 6 the ollioe o.f.0haingang and Street Poremmn, at a clary of $Q5 per month, frae August' Street F fore rtma 6th, 19199 such foreman to sseontn board in the am o! $1,000, oarried upon call o! Cha d. roll by 4 yeas. 0n motion the Board adjoi3rned upon call of the roil by the fell*" vote: , Yeas; Gardner,'Hasslip, ?ally; and Mayor pro tem Wooldridge- 46 :' Me + i Z AUGUST 11. 1919. :.At a regular meeting ol.the Board of'Cor®lesioners held'in the Comrs' Chamber .of the -J.' City Hall, Paduoah,.Ky. on August il, 1919, upon cell of the roll the folia►ing.nnewered their names: Burne, Gardner, Haselip,' Tully and .Wooldridge on motion of Member Wooldridge; the minutes of.the meetings'of August 4th and 6th,i 1919 were.adopted'se read'.upon call of the roll.by 6 yeas... y: Publio Nurse. On motion of.Momber Gardner, that the Com'r of Safety furnish.Mios Donaldson, Public .'. ; ^ use city oar. Health Nurse, one of the care in the Safety Dept.; said oar to be used by her'when rV neooseary to make visits or to carry sick persons to the hospital, when said oar is not WA i' • in use. by the Health Nuree to be used by the. Safety Dept.; carried upon-oall of the :ro11 P by 6 yeas. �h. . I.R.Pleroe On motion of the'above, that-H: R. Pierce be allowed the use of the City'e.mowing is iY . i allowed use s machine to out the weeds on his lot or.lote when said machine is not being .used by the. of mowing machine. City- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.. CHAINGANG b ' ..' On motion of the above, a Reeolution creating the office of Chaingang a Street Boreman ST. BORkUp n Rseolu was given its,passage upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Beu[ter Suryken- . On motion of the above, that Baxter Kuykendall be appointed Chaingang a Street Foreman, >: dell appointed. Chaingang bsalary to.date back to August. 6, 1919. when, he began his duties, oarrled upon call of the h" St. Boreman. ; roll by 6 yeas. : Report of On motion of the above, the report of Com'r of Public Mone for the month of July 1919 com'r of Wks j' was rood and filed upon call of. the roll by 6.yeas. 1};: J.A.Hills' On motion of Member Haselip, the communication of J. A. Hille, offering to purchase y propoeition to. ! purchase city two shode on Yeieer Ave. belonging to the City, wae.reforred to ComIr of Property for {Y - sheds. p investigation and recommendation upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. .F. . i, On motion of Member Tully, that the pay rolls from the Dept. of Public Works for the } ' week ending.Ang. 9, 1919 be approved is follows: Streets $494.16,, Special Sewer $74.10; carried upon' pall of the roll by B yeas. 0 H.Bord r On motion of Member Wooldridge, that 0: H. Bord be allowed $16 for use of his mar in allowed 018aseieting the police 'in catching R.' D•.Jonee and Elmer Green of Mem his Tenn. carried for ase o! n8 . p . • • s`' ' , oar• upon call of the roll by 6 yeas: ' Muniolpal coal On motion of the•above, the communication of A. He Stein, Sooty. of Central Labor Vnion,, ' embracing Resoiution•requesting the re-establishment of the Municipal 0os1 Yard; was received and filed upon call of the roil by 6 yeas. t. Adv. for:oo,al, motion of Member Gardasr., that the Mayor advertise for.bide for 100 oar'lcads.of . ,• "Aids. ooal,' to be purchased by the City and sold at ooet. to jartiee desiring coal, said coal to.' be delivered to the city in September, October and November 1919- said motion..was 1thdrawi: by Member Gardner: i "Coal. city '�' On motion.of Mayor Bu ne,'that the Com'r of Works buy at oheapeet.poeeible.prioe forty or purchase• { f �. linty oars of .00al+ or as muoli' as can be stored- to be stored at Light Pkat, same to oharip d.- i"AJ: x t , r+ ,bi i, to contingent fund- carried upon . Deli of the roll by. 6 yeas. l r ` }. ti .. '`." 'KI}i .+iLd Y' wv:k':i•':A.S,:M .,�;�,y:r•.•,..1 t+'4r�^.::.,:'. .. ?..... � r•r''•' �?. ala % ' ' ,:, .:• . ----- - - --. - . - ......... ,....r. � 9 y,Sy,�h �.?e � q�."�� n y,� rr i�.yJna r1sn'�!•_d;'?t`na?y�?rF 0,•?_y,.,.w.. trey:.� err+.:� 3° �if";• r?s, .. - • --i-1-�. :1.��+....'-..'. r --•f' - --•:.:i_-`.. al"�s:1c.�.��. Gl, t . 1• i Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah August uth i. On motion the Hoard adjourned upon call of the roll by the following voter r Yeae, Burns, Gardner, Haselip,'Tully and Wooldridge- 6.' �i SNASOA- �rn "M . 1 i AUGUST 12, 1919. J ; i I At a'called meeting bald in the Comrs' Chamber of the City Ball, Padioah,'$P.;` on August 1E, 1919, upon call of the roll the following answered their names Burns, .. 1; Gardner, Hosellp, Tully and Wooldridge- 5. Diamiea ooademoa� On motion of Member Haselip, that the 01t tion proceed - y Solicitor be directed to dismiss _any •. ' Logo, condemnation proceeding he may have instituted against property betwoen Jefferson and. } Broadway streets- carried upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, Burns,. e r HaDellp, Tully and Wooldridge, 4. May, Gardner, 1• . On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following.vote3 Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge, 6. - : � r Wim. • , . -ti `` � �i u.�,c�.•� yup a'. r� (., U ' ii AUGUST 14: 1919. . At a call ad meeting of the Hoard of 0ommissioners held in the Oomre' Ohambor of the City Hall, Paducah, Xy., on August la, 1919; upon call of the roll the folloting 1( . answered their .nameet Burne, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. Right of city r On motion of Mayor Burne,Whereas, the question has been raised as to the lsg%l . to purchase Irothe Cit coal for re-salel. right f y to purchase Goal for royale, moved that the Com!r of Works be { 6instructed to withhold the purobsee of any Gael until.further instructed by this Hasr�, ;,carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas, On motion of the above, that the City Solicitor be instructed to investigate the . City purchase r coal for re -sale right of the City to purchase coal for resale and the right of the City to engage is 4i0 -right of city. referred to City coal business, that Is buying and calling coal to any and all persons, and to report hl' •S' !!! Solioitor. §' 00401uelons at the next regular meeting- carried upon pall of the roll by 4 yeas.. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following-votel Yeae, , tBurns, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4 ii. CIV ..... . . . . . . .: •t."6A it{���I .; j,. w ..(k• :+. }'.�. �' '+. 1 'x h i F.+ I1 i � fR}�).d;..' �. ( l' __,� •�,7771