HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 450, August 6, 1919'.v^->!n,?��a?; e t �. „+• .y.a.,,a'Y �.,,.t t � f,.s� �•ya�:a-.r:-.•Sv t'�:� z � •7P t .t 1 •i -_..r. _ +z'--;:,,:.•n-_,e_._i.:si "'..j_t' a..L.. 1 . .. ... , . - .. - �, R�Qs•�,,.•q,,. 'i'c�'S-', rK;Y1rT�'3 , C �.j.�, ,�!5� t' .� No,�-� tt Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Aug uat 4th 1911 i Abolish offices' On motion of Member Gardner, mmum8, there has been no Chain gang. toren& sine-' Of Chain gang foreman and June E, 1914; and therms* there are very few, If any. persons on the Chain gang o! •k; asst. late. I move that the City 6olioitor bring in a resolution abolishing the offices at L chain gang foreman. and assistant chain gang foreman, carried upon can of the roll by 6 yeas. j On motion of Member Haselip, that the petition of bench and 'stall renters at the Close Market on holidays. Paducah Market be reosived d, filed; and farther, that it is the sense of this Hoard 1 I that the,Market be @lose& on the following holidays$ Ohri'tmae, 4th of July, and Libor[. r Day- carried upon can of the roil by 6 yea@. Oa motion of.Membar Tally,'tbat payment of pay rolls for week ending Aug. E, 1919 i be approved as follows$ Department of Public Works- Street' �' $478.E9, Special Sewer � N $3.60, sewer $8.26, Raginooring $26.10. Department ofPablio ProperLy- iaoineraLorj f$199.61- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. { B•bWe ick 1 On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the Chicago Bonding & Ina., Co. be released i released. � from the bond of Be W. Vick as of Aug. 6, 1918, When he resigned from the Police Department, as per request of said Company filed herewith- Corsica upon onli of the roll .by 6 yeas. On motion of the above, that the commanioation of this date from the International International Aseln of , Aeeln of lire Fighters Local Union #168, asking recognition of said Association, be Piro lighters ' Local Union h received, filed and oonoarred in- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yens. 1 On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote$ �. Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tally and Wooldridge- 6. �! Ade A1112. 11 CUP 42" ` psAXl1K AUGUST 6. 1919. At a •called meeting hall in the OomreI Chamber of the Oity Hall, Paduosu, Ey., c A t6 1919.non IL ragas , , p Cull of the soli the following answered their Hamas$ Gardner, Harelip, Tally, and Usyor pro tem Wooldridge- 4. kResolution,4' On motion of Member Gardner, a Resolution abolishing the pm itione of Ohaingang abolishing positions of �' foreman and Asaistant,Ohningang foreman was given its peerage upon can of the so1z Chaingang b 4 Foreman m Aset. , y yeas. On motion of Member Tully, the accounts as per report of 0om1r of Pinanoe; amount �.... . { Lug d* $21,676.%8, were allowed and payment of came approved upon call of the roll by �j 0n motion of the above, the report.of Com1r of Finan' for the month of July, 1919_ received, file& and ordered published in the official newspaper, upon call of the 1c roll . by 4 year. �• , On motion of tbeL above, that the'following &*counts be allowed and payment of some.".— approved: Department of Public Property$ Riverside Hospital -Hunter Coal-Coo 0N.05 t Wharf -W. Ls Yanoy 686.60.E r Department of Publio Worke: Streets.- W. L. Yanoy 604.80 ' Department of Publio,Affairs: Incinerator -Coal Yard - 14.66.! Department of Public Worke: Light Plant -Coal Yard 49.68 II. carried,upon Call of the roll by 4 yeas. WA, A. BaLhal Oa moRioa of the abote, that deed be ':Canted to /m. A. Bethel to Lot E1 in b1cc Cemetery. deed. � , a #8 on north aide of Baker St.` bet. Pord & Hannan streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery, he '! having paid therefor into the treasury the eam.of $30 as evidenced by receipt heree6 th rj filed- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. ` 7F'C^!i"!}T 'j!rry'r"'•f': S, +*Zr' t+-+w•?�•1tt :ted Yr ,t., a. •.cls._. .AV.... ,�_n_..� ..... .... �..�..�..,.�_ .....'..u_' '. ' . �(j'i+l��' .. Commissi ner's Proceedings, City oPaducah Augunt 6th 191 Combine' Y, Ca motion o! Member. Gardner, that the City Solicitor bring in Resolution creating .,.. office of Chaingang the oie'ol.Chingang and Street Parents, at a salary at 486.per loath, from August Street fasemen 6th, 1919,,euoh foremen 0o execute Dour& in the am of 41,000, carried upon Ball of Ohba wall by 4 vena• On motion the Board adjourned upon .call o! the roll by the following voter �`1 Yua; Gardner,�Hatelip, Tally; and Mayor pro tea Wooldridge- d. APl'R f ne `L2.c_G'4'y L'_! mle,?iUi2 „r old Y ' AUGCST 11, 1919. I ,..' At a regular meeting of -the Board of Commissioners bold: In the Comrs' Chember.o! the City Hall, Paducab,,Ky. on August 11, 1919, upon oall of the roll the following answered their names: Burne, dardner, Haselip; Tully and .wooldrillge-'6." On motion of Member Wooldridge, the minutes of .the meetinge'of Angnet 4th and 6tb9j `r , 1919 were.adopted ae read npon'call'of the roll. by 6'yess... ' Public 9urse. On motion of.Momber Gardner, that the Com'r of Safety furnish Donaldson, Public _Miss ^' 'des City Bas. Health Nurse; one of the care in the Safety Dept.; .said oar to be used by her when ' ; necessary to make visits or to carry elok persons to the hospital, when said oar is na0 Y, in use. by'ihe Health Burse to be need by the. Safety Dept.. carried-upon`oall of the aulh P by 6 yoas. c , E.R.Pieroe p On motion of the'above, that E. R. PSeroe'be allowed the use. of the City's .mowing i. 's allowed use y machine to out the weeds on hie lot or Iota when said machine is not being .used by the: n of mowing ' machine. City- carried upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas.. ` CHAIHOANG b i..',On motion of -the abode,'a'Resolution creating the office of Chaingsng b Street Foreman �-t Resoln was given ite,paesage upon Dell of the roll by .6 yeas.' Baster Hliyken- . On motion of the .above, that Daxter Kuykendall be appointed Chaingeng b Street Foreman. dell appointed. : Chaingang b �.ealary to. date back to August 6. 1919,when_he began hie duties, oarried upon call ot'the t' St. Foreman. roll by 6 yeas.`..i Report of V On motion of the above, the report of Com'r of Public works tor.the month of July 1919 Com'r of Wks i, was reo'd'and filed upon call of. the roll by 6,yeas. w, J.A.Rillsl On motion of Member Haselip, the oommuniontion of J. A. Hills, offering to parohaes. ptopoeltion ti - two purchase city; two shade on Yeiser Ave. belonging to the City; vtas.referred to Com'r of Property for: ahedi. i investigation and reaommendatioa upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. r it On motion of Member Tully, that the pay rolls from the Dept. of Public Works for the : i week ending.Aug. 9, 1919 be approved as tollowet Streets $494.16, Special Sewer $74.10; ` carried upon call o! the roil b B P y vete. r "fs O.H.Pord j, On motion of Member Wooldridge, that C; H. Ford be allowed $16 for use of hie oar is it allowed 416' assist the o for use o! �g police 'in oatohing R. D.,Jones and Elmer Green, of,Memphis, Tenn., carried s?-. oar* upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. t. Mnnioiyal Coal On motion of the above, the oommnaioation of A. H• Stein, Booty. 'of Central Labor Union.. is � yard• embracing Resolution. requesting the rs-estebllehmen0 of the Municipal Coal Yard; was received and hied' upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. .. Q, . Ads: fos,eoai; On motion of Member Gardner, that the Mayor adverties for.bide for 100 oar'losda.of , ..coal,* to be purchased b the Cit and sold at ooet.to y y ptrtiee desiring cowl, said omni to be delivered to the city in September. October and November 1919- Bald motion: .."a, by Member Gardner: "Coal. City '�' On motion.of Mayor Burns, that the Com'r of works buy at cheapest.poesible.prios forty or .i ' pas°Mae• fitly oars of coal, or ae =soli as can be stored- to be stored at Light Plant, same•to .bM obarp d.. t fw '• t i Qo contingent fund- carried n n Da .Dell of the roll by.6 yeas• f 611 ;'•; io.+wii�u�tet * d r +w' M•.�.�' _. r .�. o i { :.;... ....