HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 449, July 29, 1919.S-w,.;-4Twit'.f.nlh.a.,l.;a:�•;.-sT�+'l:�t�' 7.! �-:7:;�!.: a=.7??�_iC:-+t.4� •u�Y,.'t.:"a'LS•iuJ"?,at-L•2?•.. r -R R. �-'r-vt�r, •r*.. ..f ;. z .:t:..x::A.�:at;a.tii r _ y^Y� - ,_1 r -._c -:r7,5 .._s•.•T.. �.d ; ' , ' ''f. � ,. T dY�h(�rV..I '!n ?ry•rir .. '.i h, ,R:'•.lft•.Gl` ! •.r. F --, =rrin-.in "t1 '11. :+t;di'. - , t Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah July 29th 191--2 R r �.:.. At a moOting.oalled.by Lfayor.pro,tem Wooldridge and Member Gardner, in the absence 0f Mayor Burns, on July 29th, 1919,held in"the Comrs' Chamber of the City Hall, paduoah 4y., upon call of the roll the following answered .their names; Gardner, Tully and . .' Wooldridge - 3. ,:. Loan.Oounty .� ;'' On motion.of Member Gardner, that -the Com'r of Works be authorised to loan one' 'Of. City:.. the city sprinklere to the County for Use on West Broadway, any time during one month) Sprinlilers from this date, when there.is a oily sprinkler not in use by the.City,.same to be 1, returned in'goo& condition- carried upon.oall of the roll by S yeas. city Cteno. On motion of the above.; that the city stenographerbe granted.a two -weeks'. vacation.. _ with pay, oarried.upon call of .the roll by 3 yeas. ;. Ori motion the Board gdjourned upon call of the roll .by she following, vote= Yeae;. ;fir Gardner, Tully, and Wooldridge- 3: Ad �" 3PF'RO I Y MATUX .. AL s meeting hold in the Comre' Chamber of the City Ball, Paducah' "Ipr., on July :. 318t, 1919, called by.Mayor pro'Lem Wooldridge and Member Gardner, 'in the absence of ! Mayor Burne, .upon call of'the roll the following answered .their, nameer Gardner Basa11 ;,,• Tully and Wooldridge -4. i Sam Evitte. .. On motion of Member Gardner. that Sam Evitte be allowed full - time for the last halt. J• 3;,.. of July, during:whioh time he was -off duty:several days on acoount of injury received] while working on sewer at 10th end.Ky.. Ave.- carried upon can of the roll by 4.yese.�. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeae, ,it . Gardner, Baselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. .. .�.. • ._ ..� , ' , ( � �/ :1913. ,..;, ►1e 1 aPPRO � �,I: � WAYOI: AIIGDBT 4th. 1919. i t At it regular meets ng o! the Board o! Commissioners held. in the Oomre' Chamber al.LIIe. ' _ 1 r city Hall, Paducah, Ky., on August 4, 1919, upon oall o! the roll the following answered their nameet Burns. Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- Be On motion of Member Tally, the minutes o!'the meetings of July. 88th, 2M and 3Lt .... -• • .. is were adopted.es road.upon call of the.roll by 6 yeas.. +; . " Belay On.motion.o! Member Gardner, the opinion of city solicitor John S. Hendrick regarding o: Gutters: :;. City Sol. ~bather it is the duty Of the City or property owners to correct the !salty condition of opinion:: r. gutters -on Trimble street between 16th and.16th streets, was received -and filed upon call' ,;-' '• of the roll by B.yeas. Bob Hale iven oaa- On motion of the above that contract for relaying gutter on south aide ofTrimble 8t. , .. ..liven between 'per •' raot.to.., 16th 4 16th streets, be let to Bob Hale as ble,proposi0lon of July Slat filed ; rely ' gattere. .;.with this board, carried upon call of:ths.roll by S yeas. r.•` Cumber- on motion of the above, that the bill. of.the Oumberland.Telephone 11 Telegraph 00. ' r land Tel. V. ` d Teleg. _ against the CITY far attmohment rental of the Oity nlsotrie Light Plant for two years, . Coo-bill.+s` F from use 1, 3.916 to Deo. 1, 1918, in accordance with oontraot Of Dec. 1, 1916,. amounting. " f ; to X164.80, be allowed and Oharged to City Light Plant- carried upon can of the roll lt/ ati 6 yea@.. i S ' I.., ',4.•aNJL' • T ��1�5�','.a'.Vi'-'.fir: '�., XA 3 .Alli. N:.ywy' L'n1L'_.'�i.i �.'wichiZ..i N?i:l�tiwif .