HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 443, June 23, 1919,� ,
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Cornmissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah June 16th ' 191
On motion of Member Haselip, that the notion of the Board in dirsoting Jno: K.
Contagion .
Hendrick, City Solicitor. to Join W. A. Berry in the, institution of injunotion prooesdings?
the State. Boar& of Health, to ,prevent the olosing of the isolation hospital.
be now reeoinded- oarrisd_upon.oall of the roll by the following votes Yeae. Haselip.;..
Tally and Wooldridge, 3.1*Member. Gardner exonsed from voting.
On motion the Board adjourned upon sell of the roll by the following volet.Yeas.
Gardner..Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4.
uu e.r .MAYOR
June23d. 1919,
At i regular meeting.of the Board of Commieaionere held, in the.Comrs' Chamber of
the 01 Hall Paduosh $y. on June 28 1919,"upon call of the roll.the follow
City . . . P
t <,
answered their names:' Burne, Gardner, Harelip; Tully "d Wooldridge- 6.
On motion of Member Wooldridge, the minutes of the meeting of June 16, 1919 were
•adopted as read upon oall ofthe1'roll by6 yeas.
r Sewer extension
' ` .On motion of Member Gardner, .the petition signed by property owners st 1036;.1031.aafl.
Trimble. St....
1029.Trimble St. AliXing the privilege of extending the sewer from at interesotion.
of lith b Trimble E*'a dietanoe.of 100 ft.'on Trimble.8t. toward 10th 8t, and of son--
'was t
neoting same to their property, at their. -expense: res'd s filed, and said extension
and.00nneotiobs permitted upon oall.of the.roll by 6 yeas.
Brown 8t:
On motion.of the sbove., that proposition of 8d ,D. Hannan for .the ooaetruolYon
t:.water pipe.:
of 2260 ft. of water pipe for serving the people living on Brown St. now without water; :
the sum $830, be sooepted and ssid,water pipe be ordered laid. the:ooet of same to,'''
be charged to the'oaa►tifigent fund- lost upon oeli..of, the roll by the following voter Yeas;
Gardner and Wooldridge- 8. Bay, Burns,,Haselip and Tully- 3.
On motion of Member Wooldridge. that the petition of property owners to request the;s`
Petition for
Water on
Paduoah Water Co. to extend its mains on Adams St. from 19th to EleL St. and on tweoly�
., Adams A 01221e4
;h St.
first 8t. from Adams to the southwest ooruer of what ie.known as the Clinton Road, be.
reold & filed, and that a oopy of said petition be fvrniahed the Paducah Water Co. with:., '.�•,,
request that said'oxtension be mads- oarried upon oali of the roil by 6 yese.
On motion of Member Haselip; that the Com'r of Works be required to file with Qts
Board of.Commieeionere all petitions for oil by ottisens of Peduoah, and that'.no oil be
.spread until p.etition for same ,signed by good and responsible persona, ie preeInted Lo .:
;. 8treete.
file petitioner.
the Board of Comrs and filed with the Com'r of Pinanoe; and.that said requests or i
petitions for the spreading of -oil be taken up and said oil spread as petit Lone ars
filed. same,being taken up in rotation so that the first, eeoond, third, oto. poeitioae,
may be taken oars of as filed-•oarried,upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
.. `
On motion of Member Tully, the socounts &mounting to 88687.89, as perreport ofVI
*' 'i• .- l;
Com'.r of Binanoe herewith filed, were allowed A payment of same approved upon sell o2 the'
_ ..
roll by •6 yese.
On motion of the above, the payment of pay rolls from the Dept. of Public Works
for the wk ending June 21 1919 ae foliowei Streets $447.60 S eoial Sower $75.22.
Spsoial Bower $83.70..were approved upon„oall of the roil by 6 yese.
Contribution .'.
On motion.of Member Wooldridgi,:that the City of Paducah oontribute $100 to the i
to Mies. Valla
' Waterways
Mississippi Valley Waterwagf'Aaeociation. pursuant to request herewith filed from.D.B.G.Rose,... .
representing the Ohio River dletriet; said amount to be charged to the.00ntingent
carried upon call of the roll by.5 yeas.
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1 Commissioner's Proceedings; City of Paducah ' ff."a PXA
{ Nat'l Rivers &
Harbors Oongrese. On motion of Mayor Burps, the oommunications from S. A. 'Thompson, seat Y. of ,
Hatiopal.Rivere & Harbors Congress, asking a contribution toward thesupport of the
said, Congress- wAro reo'd & filed upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas.
International On motion of the above, that the International Shoe Co. be requested to furntsh .
Shoe Co. turn- r
ieh blue print,:, blue print showing fust what is required in the way of right of way to oxtend'ewitd►•I•
for spur traok.{;
�.. .of Ohio River.Sand & Gravel 06. over Jefferson St. - oarried upon oall ae.ths roll.
by S yens.
0n metiou.the Board adfourusA upon *all of the roll by the following vote:
{ Yeas, Burns. Gardner, Haselip. Pully and Wooldridge -'6.
b®de to--t't'9
JURS 30. 1919,
i { At a regular meeting of the Board of oommlesioners held in the Comra' Ohaob or of
. l
!; the City Hall, Padq*ah, Ky.. on June 60. 1919, upon oall Of the roll the following.
1 answered their names: Barns. Gardner, Haselip and Wooldridge- 4. ,
!ales 1 On motion of Mayor Barns, that the Com'r of Pinanoe be inetruotod & autharIsad to
VX.Rlrs.4ninoy R roosiva payment of taxes on real estate under name of Mr. & Mrs. Quinoy Wallaos and.
i. Wallace. g issue a separate reooipt for suoh payment- oarried upon oall of the roll by 4 yeas.
• + !! On motion of Member Wooldridge,.the minutes of the meeting.oi June 83d. 1919 wase ".
adopted as read upon oall of the roll by 4 yeas.
G On motion of Member Gardner. that the Oom'r of Works be instructed to purdbaes
Street evasper. from the Austin Western Road Maohinary Co. one street (8 speed sprinkler) owes per for
;i purobaso. e
$660 f.o.b. Chicago for the street department, to be plsoed on oar Wednesday- oarrlsdl.
.upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. f
I I -
X•. _ `A.O.Na•nnnym{ On motion of Mayor Burne, the olaim of. A. 0. Nanny for lose of a hares was re-
tarred to the City Solioitor for Investigation and reportupon oall of the, roll by 4
Condemnation p On motion of Member Gardner, that the City Solioitor be inetruoted to bring oon-'i
prooeedinge to
extend 19th 3%.� damnation proosedings for the extension of 19th street from Jefferson to Monroe Ste.
C along the west two lots of the Fountain Park Addition. as it will be neoeasary for
passage way & also for sanitary power dietriot #3- oarried upon oall of the roll.by
li 4 yeas.
d 'Q
Hewer a000unte �` On motion of the above, that the following soots. !or supplies used in oon-
allowed. G -?
1 etruotion of sewers on Harahan Bv. & 11th. St. bet. Clay & Trimble Ste., to-wiii J.A. I
' w f
Rudy & Sons $7.60. Barry & Hennebarger $6.40, Niok Yopp 90�. Blaokmer & Poet Pipe Oo.
$696.94, South Bend Foundry Co. $67.89, F.H.Jones & Co. $10.30, D. R. Wilson 20. b0 i
allowed and. ordered paid from the Spocial eager Fund- oarried upon oall of the roll,,
by 4 yeas.
' h On. motion of.the above. a oommuniostion from Com'r of Works together with
Petitions for 8
+ oil. .petitions for oilingt N. 7th St. bat. Monroe & Madison. S. 6th 8t; bot. Washington &
Clark, 8. 6th St. bet. Husbands & Bookman, and S. 4tb St. bet. Washington & Glut Sta '
were reoolved and filed upon oall of the roll by 4 yeas. ,
Cemetery deed �. On motion of Member Haselip, that deed of Mrs. Hattie Ostrander (noo Barbour), a
Mrs.Eattie t'
Ostrander to i widow,.to J. W. Lilley, to south one-fourth (rear half of south hal!) of lot 610 in
blook 34. in Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified as per request of first part, and that '
said transfer be reoorded in oemotery deed book- oarried upon oall of the ro11 by 4 ye} s.•' '