HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 442, June 16, 1919t. �,� _ _ s. -- -_ - �75'?si73i:'".M t .Ch titi�ti�%r�,�ngt+„•,:'•�' :vr-a.�'i�-rre•- j+iL..r�.. �h'K'J'CM' ti�°r""'�, "!•!,�
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. �. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah June 9th
r,. years 1916, 1917 and 1918, was received and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas,.
" Upon motion the Dowd adjourned upon pall of the roll by the following veto:',r"
Ir Yese, Burne, Gardner, Haselip, Tally and Wooldridge- 6.
• • � - � � * � �=/"'6 111E , dPp� APP
June 16,1919.
At a regular meeting of the Board of Co
mmieeionere hold in the Oomrs' Obsubsi of $
ire the City Hall, Paducah, lir. on June 16, 1919, upon coil of .the roll the fo11o01ng.
answeraUtheir names: Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4.
On motion of Member Gardner the minutes of the meeting of Jura 9th 1919 were
adopted as read upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
Report of Comr it
..On motion of the above, the report of Com'r of Works for the month af. MW 1919
of Works for May"
was received ib filed upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
Book pay to f
On motion of the above, that the men who worked on special repairs to brick street&
street employees.'
1,from Jan. 16th to March 12th, 1919, be allowed the eum of 020.80 for book pay an per•
,itemised bill hereto attached- carried upon call of.the.roll by 4 yeas.
Riverside On motion of Member Haselip, that the reoommen a of the Supt. of Rivereids
� 'j ;
Hospital- 11''
nurses' oalary. Hospital regarding graduated remuneration for nurse �i';' raining, be received, filed
and concurred in- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeae.
On motion of Member Tull the
q y, payment of pay rolls from Dept. of Werke for seek.
June 14, 1919, as follows: Streets e412.73, Special Sewere •0"131.06, was
;approved upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
contagionOn motion of Mayor pro tem 19ooldridge, the copy of oommunioetion.from J.
aBD tel.
McCormack, Director of State Board of Health,to Dr. H. P. Linn, regarding the Isolatim
hospital, was received and filed upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
011 Bway On motion of the above, that the request of Muecoo Burnett to have Bway from
20th to 210t.
20th to 21st street oiled, he agreeing to pay one half the cost thereof,,.be reo'd and':
filed, and that.eaid work be done as soon as the oil arrives- oerriod upon call of
the roll by 4 yeas.
Assignment 'of !f On motion of the above, that the communication of A. S. Nichols, Mgr. Paducah
A. S. Nichols
i:traotion Co.,together with copy of his assignment to Stone & Webster of the frm ohlos
adopted on April 29, 1919 to operate & maintain an electric street railway over
Stone & Webster.'
certain etroete of. the City of Paducah, be received & filed & said aeeigm=t eucead on the
minutes, carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, F.agolip. Tully
Viand Wooldridge- 3. Member Gardner excused from voting.
Said aesignment Is in the following words:
I' "VIHEREAS, on the 29th day of April, 1919, the 'Board of Commissioners of the
City of Paducah adopted an ordinance oreating a franchise to aoquire, construct,
operate and maintain an electric street railway over certain street: of the '
City'of Paducah; and,
VIAERkAB, pursuant to the
�• p provisions of said ordinance said .franobiao wse
` '!•'
+; offered for sale on the City Rall stops in the City of Paduoah, at 10 o'clock
A.M., on .June 6 1919; and,
I'IHMZLS, Alfred S. Iliohole, being the highest and' beet bidder, puroh® ed
said franchise and oompliod with the requirements of said ordinance noose® ry to
-vast him with all rights under said franohise• and
said Ilichols desires to'8011 ali his rights so acquired, and
Messrs. Stone & 'dobe tor of Boston !.!aaeaohueette, desire to purchase samet
110111 Therefore, this
agreement witnesseth:
That inconsideration of the eum Ono Dollar oath in band
of paid and other
�4bt to hie full Stone:
good and valuable consideration, received satisfaction, of said
"•� "='
& Webster, the undersigned_ Alfred S. lliohole, herebyBolls, aeeigns,.-transfere
T and sots over unto the said Stone k Vlabotor, all of hie right,' title and -
interest to the franchise hereinabovo mentioned.
k III TtSTILIONY VM&REOP, witnooe the hand of said Alfred S. 1!i0hole this:
June 6, 1919..
(Signed) A. S. Nichols. "
<glfi K..0
' u.
Proceedings, City of Paducah June 16th /9%j��
On motion of Member Haselip, that the action of the.Board in Aiieoting Jno: S..
Hendrick, City Solicitor, to join W. A. Berry in the institution of injunction prooes dings
against the State Board of Health, to.pwavent the closing of the isolation hospital,
be now rescinded- carried upon.oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Haselip,
Tally and Wooldridge, 3. Member, Gardner excused from voting*
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votat.Yeas.
Qardner,:aselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4.'
4 * f
cb ca.* MAYOR.
June 23d. 19196
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold. in tbs.Comrs' Chamber o!'
the City Hall, Pndnoeh. $y., on Jane E3, 1919; upon cell of the roll the following
answered their named: Burns, Gardner, Haseiip,'Tally end Wooldridge- 6.
On motion of Member Wooldridge, the minutes of the meeting of June 16, 1919 -were
adopted as read upon call of.the1'roll by 6 yeas.
r' Sewer extension
On motion of Member Gardner. tbs petition signed by property owners at 1036; 1031 slid
Trimble et....
1029.Trimble St. along the privilege of extending the bower from manhole at intersection
of 11th A Trimble a distance -of 100 ft. on Trimble. St. toward 10th St: and of son--?.
netting same'to'their property, at their expenee;'was rso'd b filed, and said extension
and.00nnootione permitted.upon oall of ths.roll by 6'yeas.
'i Brown 8t.
On motioa:oi the above., that.the proposition of 8d D. Hannan for .the construction
j water pipe.
of 2260 It. of water pipe for serving tbs people living on Brown St. now without water,
for the sum of $830, be eooepted and said'water.pipe be ordered laid. the.00st of same to,
be charged to the' oonLingant land- lost upon onil..ot.ths roll by the following vote: Yeas,
Gardner and Wooldridge- E. Nay, Burns,.Haselip and Tally- 3.
On motion of. Member Wooldridge. that the petition of property owners to request the
Petition fob
` Water on
Paducah Water Co. to extend its mains on Adams St. from 19th to 21st St. and on twaoty-
:,r Adams 6 on Blot
first'st. from Adams to the southwest corner of what is known as the Clinton Road, be :
r .•
rsold filed, and that a copy of said petition bs itanlshed the Paducah Water Co. with
request that said, extension be made- carried upon cell of the roll by B yeas.
On motion of Member Haselip, that the Oom'r of Works be required to file with the
A, 0111
ry ,
Board of.Commiseioners all peLitione for oil by oitiaens of Yadnoah, and that no oil b•
,spread until petition for same, signed by good and responsible persons, is presented to .
t Tile petitioned
the Board of Oomrs and filed with the Com'r of Finanoe; end. that. said requests or.
petitions for the spreading of all be taken up and said oil spread as petitions are
filed, same ,being taken up in rotation so that the first; second, tbird, 'eta. positions.,
may be taken care of so filed-•oarried.upon oall of the roll by 6.yese,
On motion of, Member Tally, the accounts amounting to $6687.89. as per report of
Com'r of Finenos herewith file d 11 d a t f d 11 th
. were a owe paymen o same approve upon oa •
roll .6 Yeas . I
z "i On motion of the above. the payment of pay rolls from the Dept. of Pnblio Works; M
1. -for the wk ending June 21. 1919 se foliowei Streets $447.60,.Speoial Sewer $76.EE,
Special Bower $83.70,.wers approved upon, *all of the roll by 6 yeas.
? Contribution.p. On motion.of Member Wooldridgs,.that the City of Paducah contribute $100 to the
to Mise. Valley
Waterways Mississippi Valley Waterway* Association, parsuent to request herewith filed from D.B.G.Ross... ,
representing the Ohio River district, said amount to be charged to th•.00ntingent inffi-
it-' oarilea upon can of tho roll by 6 yeas.
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